They say hell hath no fury like Kolaghan's Storm

Commander / EDH The_Hunter


TheOtherDemko says... #1

Just FYI, Harper26, I don't think that Balefire Dragon and Burning Anger work together the way you seem to think they do. Balefire says you need to deal COMBAT damage to a player to trigger it's ability, and Burning Anger is not combat damage.

This DOES look like an awesome deck. I'm building a Kolaghan dash EDH deck, with a bunch of ETB and 'when X attacks' pumps for creatures (like In the Web of War and Ogre Battledriver, and then attack for a million with Warbringer and his friends, while Kolaghan flies overhead.

April 6, 2015 9:49 p.m.

Yoshi400x7 says... #2

What about Scourge of Valkas? If you storm out a few dragons but put him out on the battlefield first, his ability will trigger for each dragon that comes into play afterwards. Works wonders with Dragon Tempest!

June 23, 2015 12:24 a.m.

The_Hunter says... #3

I have actually been thinking about adding Scourge of Valkas and Scourge of the Throne for Thunderbreak Regent and Catacomb Dragon. I have been wining a lot of my commander games but these two dragons haven't really been showing there stuff.They have been decent but the Scourges might be a lot better.

June 23, 2015 12:49 a.m.

The_Hunter says... #4

I have also been thinking about adding Dragonlord Kolaghan for a tutor able hast enabler. It would have helped me tremendously in a recent game I played against a Daretti, Scrap Savant artifact combo deck. Before I was able to kill Daretti for the fourth time this game my opponent was able to reanimate the indestructible Platinum Angel I killed a few turns prior pass the turn to me. I had Pain Magnification out for a few turns so with my dragon attacks my opponent was left hell-bent and grasping for answers. I was able to Dragonstorm for two; pulling out Bladewing the Risen and Utvara Hellkite(this is where the Dragonlord could have been useful). With Bladewing's trigger I grabbed my Hellkite Tyrant from the grave then I attacked with the two dragons I had had out before the storm to get some blockers. Luckily my opponent top decked a land instead of one of his many wraths and I took the game, but I was afraid that because of the lack of hast I gave my opponent an unnecessary out to draw a wrath.

June 23, 2015 1:32 a.m.

CasualSax says... #5

Scourge of the Throne is so beast. Combo him with Scourge of Valkas + Utvara Hellkite with a haste enabler for some pretty stupid damage. If you can get enough dragons on the field consistently, Sarkhan the Mad will be a win con.

June 30, 2015 1:33 p.m.

Tots says... #6

Dragonmaster Outcast, Steel Hellkite, Tyrant's Familiar, Knollspine Dragon. All fantastic dragon cards I would consider adding. Most of them have a high CMC, but are all very much worth it.

February 21, 2016 10:48 p.m.

The_Hunter says... #7

I actually played Dragon master out cast and Knollspine dragon before in the deck and they seemed more under powered than cards I have in currently Knollspine was actually super bad in a lot more situations than I would have liked, and Out Cast got killed before it could be good and I would rather have better card in its spot. Steel Hellkite and Tyrant's Familiar are really good but I don;t know what they would be better than in the current deck. Goblin Dark-Dwellers, Kokusho, the Evening Star, Treasonous Ogre and Yawgmoth's Will are also cards I am desperately trying to find a place for and it is not easy I already cut all cards that are not useful in all situations based on my IRL play testing. If you have any suggestions on cut that would be greatly appreciated.

February 22, 2016 2:02 a.m.

Tots says... #8

I think the only real problem with this deck is that you rely so heavily on one card (being Dragonstorm), and you're letting it rule your deck. Its an amazing combo when it works, but I feel it will so seldom work, and you're going to run into trouble playing against a control deck. A simple Counterspell gets rid of the entire combo. But besides that, I would remove Fleshbag Marauder, Smash, Army Ants, Crucible of Worlds, Relic of Progenitus. Relic screws over your deck because it exiles your cards too, Army Ants simply isn't worth having over Kokusho, and Crucible of the Worlds is only there for Army Ants. Also, I'd recommend Crypt Ghast for more mana, and the combo with Urborg.

February 22, 2016 6 p.m.

The_Hunter says... #9

I see your point and I am aware of the risks for such a glass cannon like this. I have put some counter measures (pun intended) in place to help deal with the all powerful Island. Grand Arbiter Augustin IV is actually the only deck this deck has lost to (I would argue it was because of a turn zero Chancellor of the Annex and being manna screwed but a lose is a lose) over the year I have had it and I see where you see weakness in the cards I have in the deck some are pet cards and others bigger purpose than they appear to. Thank you for the suggestion I will probably make some cut soon.

February 22, 2016 9:41 p.m.

kpb1337 says... #10

No sneak attack?

February 23, 2016 8:40 a.m.

The_Hunter says... #11

Sneak Attack is expensive the card in the deck that are of the same price level were gotten when they were cheap. I also fell this card woks better in a Xenagos, God of Revels style deck.

February 24, 2016 9:08 p.m.

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