They'll devour it all, dead or alive

Standard Sizzlr694


evil_monkey says... #1

The best thing you can do is improve your consistency by playin with more full sets and figuring out a streamlined game plan. You are a little heavy in your mid game drops, so I would do is start determining what your most important 4 mana spells are, play sets of those and work backwards to figure out what your early game plan is. Judging by looking I would hazard guessing that Deadbridge Goliath is your preferred 4 drop. I would then play with 4 of him total and have a 3 or 2 set of Jarad as your support/backup. Hope that helps! If I wasn't at work I'd go a little more in depth.

January 8, 2013 7:13 p.m.

xephslayer says... #2

Why not Murder instead of Dismember ?

January 10, 2013 10:30 p.m.

Sizzlr694 says... #3

I like the option of being able to use life instead of land if I don't have enough available.

January 11, 2013 6:31 p.m.

jokersam98 says... #4

just in case you didn't notice Dismember isn't standard anymore like a few others in there. evil_monkey is right by the way, if you don't have at least 2 of a card in a deck you will never see it

January 13, 2013 4:48 a.m.

Sizzlr694 says... #5

Update 01/15/13 Remove- Diabolic Tutors, Dismembers and Doom Blades. 2x Golgari Guildgate 1x Bloodgift Demon 4x Stabwounds 1x Undying Evil

Addition- 3x Overgrown Tombs 1x Death's Presence 1x Murder 1x Ultimate Price 1x Liliana of the Dark Realms

This is still by no means complete, they were just extras I took from a mate.

January 14, 2013 4:44 p.m.

jokersam98 says... #6

Maybe get rid of Necropolis Regent and some others to throw in more Strangleroot Geist s, they are for winners

January 14, 2013 10:05 p.m.

Spaydanz says... #7

Hey Buddy!!!!

I is stalking your deck!

Got another Deathrite Shaman if you want it

January 18, 2013 3:13 a.m.

Sizzlr694 says... #8

Thanks for the comment guys, my main issue is my depth of cards, I don't really have too many more and searching for single cards is not proving too good at the moment. In reply to Evil_Monkey's comment, I agree in terms of the mana curve, I am fairly heavy in the 4 drops, however after going thru the deck a number of times, I am really struggling to find spells to cut. I am kinda realizing that the theme of the deck, by coincidence revolves around spells with a cost of 4. I guess if it really came to it desecration demon] and [jarad, golgari lich lord] would have to be the ones to go

January 21, 2013 8:50 a.m.

Sizzlr694 says... #9

Damn, can't edit comments

January 21, 2013 8:51 a.m.

Sizzlr694 says... #10

Can anyone tell me why the gatecrash cards are illegal in this deck?

February 4, 2013 5:53 p.m.

NobodyEpic says... #11

February 10, 2013 1:37 a.m.

vejiita says... #12

you have a lot of creatures with unbalanced color mana cost (i.e. 3g or 3b) - what I am sure will be painful in early stages. Seems to be very fragile and depending on your lands in hand - you CMC is too spreaded IMHO

February 10, 2013 2:05 a.m.

I built a deck similar to this one when I first got back into playing MTG recently. While I can see you have the right idea this deck definitely needs some trimming to play effectively. How much do you know about a mana curve? You've probably seen the bar graphs on these pages.. Ideally your deck should have a peak somewhere between 1-3 CMC depending on the deck and slope gradually down from there. Yours peaks at one, which means it can start out fast which is good, but after that it kinda goes all over the place. Try adding some more 2 mana creatures and/or spells while cutting out some of your 4 costers. And having more than a couple 5+ mana cards with no ramp or way to 'cheat' them out is a no-no. Hope this helps. :)

February 10, 2013 7:55 a.m.

Two things I would cut right off the bat would be card:Death's Presence and Grave Betrayal . They are just going to be dead cards 80% of the time because they cost too much.

February 10, 2013 8:06 a.m.

Also, if you cut your deck to around 60 cards (Yes, I know it's hard to cut all the wonderful things you want to make room for!), and stick to between 22-24 land, the deck will be so much better.

February 10, 2013 8:11 a.m.

Sizzlr694 says... #16

Vejiita, thankyou for your advice, I have removed a few cards that have lowered the CMC quite a bit.

PreistessKikyo1, excellent help thankyou.The main piece of advice I have received that once you pick a theme of a deck, no matter how cool the card is, if it doesn't help the theme it should be cut. I don't really have any 2 cost creatures that help with the undying/ counters theme.I appreciate the assistance for the cuts as well. Your right, both those cards are awesome and I guess once they came out I would be stoked, and thats why they were in there.In terms of cutting 4 costs, thats where I really struggle because the bulk of the decks theme seems to cost 4. Any further hints?I have also dropped a couple of land and a planeswalker, though if I manage to get hold of Garruck, he will be put in. This drops the cards to 63, so hopefully I am on the right track.

February 10, 2013 3:33 p.m.

vejiita says... #17

For me, your mana costs are still to various. Try to write 'the best' draw types and how would you put your creatures. Although creatures like Deadbridge Goliath Vampire Nighthawk are powerful, look at they cost - 2 black vs 2 greens. It put you in a situation when you really have to manage your lands - like it forces you to have only one scheme - turn 3 (2x swamp 1x forest) - Vampire, turn 4 (add forest) and put Goliath.The other thing I would change >>personally<< - throwing most singles (like Necropolis Regent ) and putting more, for example Dreg Mangler - if you want to put pressure earlier. On the other hand if you rather would like to stick to more powerful creatures, like Vorapede - you cannot rely on your draws - it means more Farseek or even card:Ranger's Path - but it is totally not worth as your CMC of the cards are mostly 1/3/4. For ideas take a look at my aggro deck

February 10, 2013 11:52 p.m.

Sizzlr694 says... #18

Thanks for that, I took a look at your deck, that is pretty much the idea I have in my mind. I guess I like having a couple of bigger creatures, but Vorapede could go. I have it there because of the trample and the counters. What I really need is a couple more Hydras. I guess I rely on the lands that can produce either mana type. I didn't think of that when I removed the Golgari Guildgate , I might put 4 of them in and remove a couple of swamps and forests?

February 11, 2013 1:01 a.m.

If you can afford it, up your Woodland Cemetery to 4- Guildgate's are helpful, but if you have 4 Golgari Guildgate and 4 Overgrown Tomb that's a lot of lands coming in tapped. As far as 2 drops, I use Deadly Recluse . He's an excellent flier blocker and overall 'are-you-SURE-you-want-to-attack-me-and-lose-that-creature' deterrent. A lot of people use Strangleroot Geist , though I see you had him before and took him out. And yes, Primordial Hydra is definetly a staple in this type of deck, so your absolutely right to get more. I would get rid of at least 2 Deadbridge Goliath to make room, to lower your amount of 4 costers, especially since his Scavenge is a whopping six mana. I know it's hard to give up the 5/5 body with the possibility of getting 10 (or more) counters on a creature, but once you make these changes and play the deck I'm sure your going to be much more satisfied with the speed and efficiency of the deck compared to now.

February 11, 2013 7:46 a.m.

Of course, you could choose to cut Increasing Savagery and Liliana of the Dark Realms if you want to keep all 4 Deadbridge Goliath .. I dunno, if I were faced with same decision I might try dropping the Increasing Savagery and one Deadbridge Goliath and try keeping Liliana.

February 11, 2013 8:05 a.m.

Sizzlr694 says... #21

Thanks for that guys,cutting the Deadbridge Goliath from the deck is a very big ask, as is the increasing savagery. I was maybe thinking Necropolis Regent and Vorapede and Liliana of the Dark Realms . Deadly Recluse is a great idea, do you have any suggestions for black two cost creatures, just trying to keep the colors balanced a little

February 11, 2013 5:22 p.m.

Man, since I commented on your deck I went to take a look at my own deck again and make some changes. Your so right that the 4 cost spot is a huge problem!! I've got my Corpsejack Menace that absolutely has to be there, along with Deadbridge Goliath . At the same time I really want to try out adding some Crowned Ceratok to give all my guys trample, because I've found that if the opponent has lots of chump blockers it just slows things up a lot. What a pain! :/

February 12, 2013 8:18 a.m.

Sizzlr694 says... #23

Crowned Ceratok I haven't come across that one yet, I really want to try them too.

But it just seems that all the really cool green cards are 4 cost doesn't it?

February 12, 2013 1:38 p.m.

Sizzlr694 says... #24

I don't suppose you have a link to your green deck? I would be very interested in seeing it.

February 12, 2013 1:50 p.m.

expmky says... #25

look into Bioshift corpsejack will double the counters moved this way.... just a thought, i don't know how useful it can be... i played around with it myself and it can make things out of hand fast.... especially when you swing in with multiple creatures... if one is not blocked... you can shift a ton of counters onto it... or you can shift a ton of counters onto your trampler... versitile in its lethality.


February 20, 2013 12:08 a.m.

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