Think Fast! Bombs for Free

Commander / EDH* ameuser


alexsmith21 says... #1

I gotcha. If thats the case maybe something like Sorin Markov to help cripple your contol/combo oppents life total. Although there isn't really any easy way to cheat that out early game without being mono-black. What about flickering a Terastodon to completely wipe boards with Deadeye Navigator or something similar?

Braids, Conjurer Adept also might be a good way to get some more of your stuff in free because its more of a group hug card, and more often than not, combo/control players won't have a lot of creatures so they'll play an extra land or an artifact for mana. At least thats from my experience.

September 18, 2012 12:03 p.m.

BossLeiser says... #2

As expensive as this deck is to make ($1331.30!), I think its power is as, if not more, insane. I did a couple playtests, and now I never want to meet you in real life and play against it. Definitely +1

September 19, 2012 6:27 p.m.

ameuser says... #3

Much appreciated! Ya this represents most of of the best of about 15 years of collecting and trading, since I was around 10 haha. As far as I can tell, this is an original concoction. Before I made this, I hadn't seen any other aggro competitive deck, online or in my meta, with the theme of "cheat creatures into play and attack to win." but I think our play styles are similar: smash face! :-)

September 19, 2012 7:23 p.m.

Ohthenoises says... #4

Most Omnath, Locus of Mana decks run along that line, just don't have the access to the other colors.

September 19, 2012 7:24 p.m.

ameuser says... #5

Haha yes Omnath, Locus of Mana is a ramp stompy deck. I wouldn't say that deck cheats cards into play so much as it ramps into being able to cast big spells.

September 19, 2012 8:37 p.m.

Ohthenoises says... #6

The principal is the same though. Big creature smash face.

I am a bit worried though about all of the pain lands you are running. Don't get me wrong, I love the deck and a good mana base is important but the degree to which pain lands exist in a 5 color deck with all of the shocklands and all of the pain fetches adds up quickly (In my playtests at least). Now I'm not suggesting you remove said pain lands but maybe it might be in your best interest to include some things that can offset the pain you are taking while allowing your creatures to "get in" a little more effectively. Loxodon Warhammer , Behemoth Sledge , Batterskull , and Basilisk Collar all do that job. Now I know you have a bunch of flying/trampling creatures so on some it would be redundant but for those creatures who are evasion-less it would go a long way. An Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre with a Behemoth Sledge is just sickening. Also, no one likes getting their fliers chumped by decks with the capability.

Also, since you can almost always count on having the bigger creatures (except v.s. the aforementioned Omnath, Locus of Mana ) Triumph of Ferocity seems like it may be up your alley so you can have a hand after cheating the whole of it into play.

TL;DR add lifelink equipment to offset your pain from lands and Triumph of Ferocity is great card draw.

September 19, 2012 8:53 p.m.

ameuser says... #7

I guess big creatures stomp face in both decks (if your victory route is creatures, in edh it's pretty much either stompy or tokens), but within that concept are many different ways to get there, plus the choice of creatures is important in what you want the deck to do. Omnath can use kamhal the green dude, for example, to attack for infinite damage or destroy lots of lands. But that requires devoting a large portion of the deck to ramp and mana production. My deck uses minimal ramp to get overwhelming board presence out ASAP with cards like the blue praetor, ulamog, Blightsteel,terastodon, plus Realm Razer or Cataclysm .

Also, the deck's wiggle room is surprisingly narrow, as I really need I run many creatures and many means to put them into play early. I wish I could throw in a bunch of equipment, for sure, but then I'd make the deck less stompy/cheaty and more equipment-based. I also don't want to drop below 28 creatures so I can keep Lurking Predators viable, which is already better than anything else I could think about running in its place, to my knowledge. A trampling, lifelinking ulamog would be cool, but the goal isn't to deal damage with him so much as it is to totally erase a player's board with a hard-to-remove body.

As for the pain lands, I don't believe I run any; I do run fetches (a few) and I do run the 10 Ravnica shock lands. However, the deck plays such that I don't untap every one of the shocks and take 20 every game haha. They're there when I Hunting Wilds , Skyshroud Claim , card:Nature's Lore, fetch, etc. Lots of times they'll etb tapped since If possible I try to get them on turns when that's all I have to do--I usually have my original duals to get so I don't take damage during turns where I need mana untapped.

That said, having room for some nifty equipment would be cool :-)

And Triumph of Ferocity is severely underpowered in edh--if I want to draw cards, I want to sac ulamog to Greater Good , draw seven with jin gitaxias, core auger, or draw consistently with Rhystic Study or Consecrated Sphinx , or swap my hand with Scroll Rack and then shuffle. But you are correct in that I don't have as much draw/card advantage as I would like to have in this deck. I'm still trying to figure that out :-)

September 19, 2012 10:13 p.m.

ameuser says... #8

Also keep in mind the game should be over within 3-8 turns, usually.

September 19, 2012 10:15 p.m.

Ohthenoises says... #9

When I was playtesting it took me till turn 5-6 to see enough mana to play Eureka with Ulamog or similar in hand and I had to take 4-5 damage to ensure that I was able to cast it. (Almost all I got in most of my opening hands were pain fetches.) I assure you it wasn't just due to lack of knowing how to play the fetch game I was seriously trying to get the right mana (the GG). (playtested 3 times and got a hand full of fetches and a Ravnica dual) each time.)

This is what gave me cause for alarm as far as damage taken. I can see why the game would be over so quickly but the setup was painful.

September 19, 2012 10:48 p.m.

ameuser says... #10

I see, yeah I really take advantage of the partial Paris mulligan haha. Eureka shouldn't be the goal until you have a large hand or your opponents don't have as many in theirs. The goal is to have around three-four lands in opening hand with a means to get something out quick whatever it is (eureka is a little iffy early game though). About 90% of the time I have a solid hand within one mulligan.

I also don't have that many fetches so that's fairly unlikely to get a ton of my few fetches I have haha. I'd halk it up To random chance because it doesn't usually play like that. But good to know that it can, I'll keep that in mind. Thank you! :-). I'm sorry if I came off as sounding like I thought you didn't know what you were doing :-(.

September 20, 2012 1:18 a.m.

Ohthenoises says... #11

No you're good. Just wanted you to be aware that it can happen.

I generally try to include 3 parts to most/all of my EDH decks. Card draw, life gain, and (duh) removal. This comes from playing a Necropotence deck back in the day and having to balance between card draw and lifegain (or loss as the case may be).

September 20, 2012 6:46 a.m.

ameuser says... #12

Thanks :-). Yea, this deck has a few powerful card draw options, two dedicated removal spells (Decimate and Cataclysm ), and zero life gain. Card draw is always important. So is removal; even though I have little in the way of true removal, I put most of it on sticks (Terastodon , Woodfall Primus , Angel of Despair , jin gitaxias, core-auger, Realm Razer , Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre , Kozilek, Butcher of Truth , Phyrexian Metamorph , Sheoldred, Whispering One , etc. I personally don't consider life gain to be a necessary part of any deck unless it's a life-gain-based deck. In edh, what I find to be more devastating to anyone are infinite combos and losing all the cards you have in play, or destruction of board state. For this deck, the theory is that even if I lose 20 life, if my opponents either a) have zero life, or b) have no more permanents on board and/or cards in hand, then that was 20 life well spent. That's why cards like Sylvan Library are so good in edh--life is an additional resource to be used, much like land or mana rocks, etc. Being a Necropotence player, I know you're aware of that :-). Having space for life gain equipment would be cool, but if I took a card out it would probably be decimate, and would be replaced either by a creature or another Elvish Piper effect.

September 20, 2012 1:05 p.m.

SplodyCopter says... #13

this is so incredibly mean. just disgusting. well done, sir. the only suggestions i have are Stasis for idk what, and Harrow for Cultivate .

September 28, 2012 2:37 p.m.

ameuser says... #14

Stasis would probably get sacrificed the turn after I play it, and I'd want to sac a basic land with Harrow to get two other basic lands, except I only have three basics total in here so I'd be sacrificing a Tundra , for example, to get a plains and an island. Seems not too good here I think...but thanks for the ideas! Hadn't thought of Stasis before...maybe it could e good somehow here?

September 28, 2012 3:49 p.m.

SniperFrog says... #15

Just out of curiosity, Do you actually play this deck or is it just an idea. Cuz that 1400 bucks to build it is nuts... lol

+1. It looks way better than any of the EDH decks ive built.

September 29, 2012 2:42 p.m.

ameuser says... #16

First of all...The site didn't count your +1! Sad! Could you try again?Secondly, I collected the cards for my scion deck over the last seven or so years, and for this deck I traded some of my collection for the expensive creatures and enchantments. But mostly I've just been collecting for about 14 years, since I was around 10 haha. This deck is real, and it's really fun to play with.

September 29, 2012 9:13 p.m.

SniperFrog says... #17

Impressive my good man.

Ive only been collecting and playing 6 months.

And hopefully the site registers the +1 this time.

September 29, 2012 10:52 p.m.

gromly42 says... #18

i love the trick general, every ones like "oh shit silvers" then its boom free avacyn and gisela GG fool, love it plus 1

September 30, 2012 4:02 p.m.

liqo says... #19

Nice goodstuff, +1

September 30, 2012 9:14 p.m.

ameuser says... #20

Thanks guys! It has good stuff in it, but it's not like any average "goodstuff" deck I've seen--it has a lot more thought and strategy in it than the usual "goodstuff" decks, as far as I can tell.

October 6, 2012 5:55 p.m.

PMacDancedude says... #21

Overgrown Tomb is a definite need along with steam vents.

October 22, 2012 9:29 p.m.

PMacDancedude says... #22

and also try Evolving Wilds instead of Misty Rainforest

October 22, 2012 9:30 p.m.

Long_Con says... #23

Maybe a Farseek for shockland fetching plus mana ramp.

October 22, 2012 10:02 p.m.

do you own this deck?

October 24, 2012 12:29 a.m.

ameuser says... #25

I do own this deck, yes. It basically represents a significant portion of the best of my collection. I'm still short a few original duals but eventually I'll get there. The deck is meant to be aggro but specifically punishing to control decks early on.

@PMacDancedude: great ideas! In fact, both Overgrown Tomb and Steam Vents are currently in the decklist. Sadly, I run only three basics so Evolving Wilds is not quite as powerful, especially since I already run Cultivate , card:Kodama's Reach, and Sakura-Tribe Elder .

Greetings again Long_Con! Unfortunately, I'm not sure how effective Farseek would be here. It certainly is a strong dual fetch + ramp option, but I feel like card:Nature's Lore is superior because it gets me any forest dual and the land etb untapped.

Thanks for the discussion folks, really appreciate it!

October 26, 2012 1:18 a.m.

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