
[Retired] Spiritual Successor: The definition of insanity

When I set about building a wizard tribal deck, I did not expect it to be this absurd. Or this fun to play.

Initially I built the deck just to have an extremely janky, low powered deck to play against my son, who is just learning Magic. That idea didn't last for very long. I think I played it once in it's first itteration, before searching out bigger, better ideas for it.

It started off as a wizard tribal ETB deck, led by Adeliz, the Cinder Wind with help from Naban, Dean of Iteration . Like I said, it didn't last long that way. Looking for ways to have more fun with it, and better wizards and spells for the deck led me to completely change direction in a way. I found Riku of Two Reflections and Panharmonicon pretty quickly, and decided that ETB effect abuse and mass copy/cloning would be the direction to take.

Here's a brief rundown of how the deck runs. And how it gets to victory.

The deck wants, mostly to stall. Lets be honest, most decks with control colors do, right? We want to stall until Riku is on the board, and then use him in tandem with Extra Turn spells, to stall into a win-con. If all else fails, play solitaire? You'll find a win no problem if you're the only one playing...
Riku gives us access to traditional ramp spells, Cultivate Kodama's Reach and Growth Spiral are all excellent spells, and can also be copied through Riku if needed or desired.

Also run a few ramp-like enchantments, those being Cryptolith Rite and Zendikar Resurgent . And while not ramp in it's own right, Wilderness Reclaimation to have open mana on the rest of the table between turns.

And on the side of rocks, Sol Ring Gilded Lotus Simic Signet Gruul Signet and Izzet Signet

This deck started a hot mess disaster with only 2 win-cons, Laboratory Maniac and Biovisionary . In asking advice for it, I found a 3rd in Purphoros, God of the Forge . With upwards of 7 creatures at a time hitting the field and panharmonicon out, why not have 14 damage triggers hitting the table, right?

The indirect wins are in cloning Biovisionary or, using Azami, Lady of Scrolls and Arcanis the Omnipotent to draw the deck and drop a Laboratory Maniac for a win.

Riku allows us to copy, quite literally all the things. How does this translate into absurdity? We're in Green. How about... Parallel Lives and Doubling Season ? Also, we like ETB effects, Panharmonicon helps with that... Guess what else. Pamharmonicon, re-triggers Riku. How awesome is that? One creature, cloned twice through Riku, falling onto Lives and Season is 8 bodies. And, on top of that, nearly every creature in the deck has an ETB effect of it's own. 10 creatures hitting, causes 20 ETB triggers of their own. On top of that, Mirror Gallery allows you to abuse legendary creatures as well. Clone Riku, get 4 opportunities to make clones. Clone Arcanis to drain the library faster. Simple, easy stuff, yes?

Riku also likes copying spells. Not quite as well as he clones creatures, but well enough with a little support, right? How about this scenario? Bonus Round Copied through Riku. Double casts any other spell we cast that turn. Dualcaster Mage copies a spell as it ETB's. Wait... ETB-ing triggers Riku... Up to twice with the right pieces... And! Those clones also copy a spell on ETB... Up to twice. In a vacuum, that's potentially 19 copies of a spell. how about 19 copies of Expropriate Nexus of Fate or Beacon of Tomorrows ?

Some silly clone spells, I enjoy playing. Can turn the table if you're out-classed on the board and your opponents are dropping their bombs. Rite of Replication and Spitting Image can target, not only our own creatures but in a pinch, can give us access to enemy bombs. Someone dropped a Grave Titan or a Blightsteel Colossus Kicked Rite onto Lives and Season says 'I can do it better than you!' and play what I like to call boardstate go boom. What happens when 20 titans ETB hitting Season, Lives, and Panahrmonicon? 160. Zombos. Boardstate, go BOOM.

The deck runs a fair few combos, for everything from infinite mana to infinite turns. Here's a rundown.

Rings of Brighthearth Deserted Temple and Scorched Ruins is infinite mana. Likewise, Gilded Lotus or Cryptolith Rite with Isochron Scepter and Dramatic Reversal is also, infinite mana.

Magistrate's Scepter Doubling Season and Rings of Brighthearth is infinite turns.

Riku of Two Reflections Ral, Storm Conduit and any spell copying spell, right now, there's only Narset's Reversal for spell copying. Results in infinite pinging damage.

With the launch of War of the Spark and through extensive playtesting, the deck is shifting slightly away from full on wizard tribal to more of ETB effects in weaker areas, like Eternal Witness because I lack a bit of recursion for things other than instants or sorceries. I've also removed Cast Through Time as I've only used it a handful of times, and I feel Ral, Storm Conduit and Saheeli, Sublime Artificer are better fits for the deck than it.
The future of the deck looks awfully expensive, I need to finish the last 2 shock lands, I want the last temple to complete the set. Mana Vault to replace Gilded Lotus . Might get some more spell cloning if I feel I need it. Doublecast Fork Reverberate Things of the like. And of course, if there are any more absurd ETB effects that fit my playstyle in future sets...

06/18/2019: I've been testing a few, higher power builds. Looking for a way to be able to hold my own at a competitive table. It's going to take some doing. Going to need some serious tech, so it's going to be slow going. Force of Will and Pact of Negation . I have Karn, the Great Creator in a binder, witing on acquiring Mycosynth Lattice and Vandalblast . Shocks, and fetches. Lower CMC turn spells. I tried Crucible of Worlds to counteract land kill decks, it played little part in most games, adding things like Tribute Mage Trophy Mage and Spellseeker let me find combo piece artifacts. While trading Kodama's Reach and Cultivate for Crop Rotation and Sylvan Scrying to get needed lands. Working on trying to find a way to control to mid-game so I can get a chance to go off. Was thinking something stax oriented. Propaganda Raking Canopy or something to discourage trying to interact with me. Any ideas, anyone?


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Date added 6 years
Last updated 3 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

13 - 0 Mythic Rares

40 - 0 Rares

17 - 0 Uncommons

19 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.20
Tokens Beast 3/3 G, City's Blessing, Copy Clone, Servo 1/1 C
Folders Comander, Ha!, Example, Commander, Temur, Temur Inspiration
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