This bant be happening...

Modern Upward-SaGa


kengiczar says... #1

O mg this is so sick. I've been playing Esper control in standard for 3-4 weeks and this is making me queasy. Bant Charm is to modern what Sultai Charm is to standard. Except better!

April 23, 2015 12:55 a.m.

kengiczar says... #2

This is the first time I thought about it in a modern perspective, but thank god they made it so Ojutai's Command only gets back CMC 2 or less. It would be so rude to get back Geist of Saint Traft with it.

April 23, 2015 12:57 a.m.

kengiczar says... #3

sorry for all these double posts. So excited. I just noticed that Stirring Wildwood blocks Delver of Secrets  Flip and Raging Ravine like a boss. So awesome!

April 23, 2015 12:58 a.m.

Upward-SaGa says... #4

Thanks! :) No problem, i appreciate the feedback. What's really fun is Ojutai's Command into Snapcaster into a flashbacked Remand or Serum Visions with narset's -2 on Command. We just netted 5 cards in two turns counting our draw for the turn. It's so fun.

April 23, 2015 1:14 a.m.

Upward-SaGa says... #5

Bant charm also can tuck man lands. ;)

April 23, 2015 1:15 a.m.

kengiczar says... #6

!! Bant Charm is best charm..

I'm not going to play any control in modern except bant from now on. Luckily I have all the fetch/shocks huzzah!

April 23, 2015 1:55 a.m.

Upward-SaGa says... #7

:D glad to hear it!

April 23, 2015 2:36 a.m.

kameenook says... #8

I love the hell out of Voidslime and Bant Charm, but I'd love to hear your justification for the green splash.

April 30, 2015 6:15 p.m.

Femme_Fatale says... #9

Best bant combo ever: Sylvan Caryatid + Worship.

Either that or Kira, Great Glass-Spinner + Worship.

Oh hey! You have Geist of Saint Traft! Make it Geist of Saint Traft + Worship.

April 30, 2015 6:19 p.m.

Upward-SaGa says... #10

The splash is mainly here for the versatile sideboard. Plus, the maindecked Voidslime and Bant Charm do so much against the current meta that it was difficult not to put him in there. I had also originally put Tarmogoyf in the deck, but Monastery Mentor was a much better beater/finisher for the deck. Azorius man lands are also just not fast enough and cost way too much to activate.

So, in summary, for the lands, versatile sideboard, and gross cards like Voidslime and Bant Charm. :)

April 30, 2015 6:23 p.m.

Upward-SaGa says... #11

Femme_Fatale that is so broken and i love it. I'll definitely add it to the maybeboard and test it later! Thanks so much! :)

April 30, 2015 6:25 p.m.

kameenook says... #12

I agree with the splash, but I'd personally add in the justification a more versatile sideboard. Also, Celestial Colonnade is not too slow, it's exactly what a control deck wants, an evasive beater.

April 30, 2015 6:28 p.m.

Upward-SaGa says... #13

Yes, but i have much better things for 5 mana to combo with. Stirring Wildwood blocks fliers very efficiently, and is still a good beater for 2 less mana (which we can use for a counterspell, removal, or draw)Thrun, the Last Troll is very difficult to deal with when you have counter spells mixed with it. Sigarda, Host of Herons is also very difficult to deal with. She almost shuts down one of the cards the most popular deck in the format relies on: Liliana of the Veil. Nature's Claim is a stronger card than Disenchant to me, and in the bant vs UW control matchup, bant has a pretty hard advantage.

April 30, 2015 6:39 p.m.

Mooer says... #14

Instead of Voidslime, why not just run Beast Within? It destroys literally any permanent and you have wraths mainboard and enough spells to not to care about the 3/3.

May 5, 2015 8:44 a.m.

Upward-SaGa says... #15

Because there are some things we just don't want to hit the field. For example, planes walkers like lily, karn, ugin, ashiok, etc. As soon as they hit the field and we try to destroy it they can respond with an ability activation. Why switch out a cancel that stops almost anything for a spot removal that also gives them a creature?

May 5, 2015 11:12 a.m.

Also the ability to destroy fetches is nice.

May 8, 2015 10:09 a.m.

OverLord377 says... #17

This deck looks amazing. I'm in the process of a building my first modern deck with this as a template. Have you been able to test this at any tournaments, and if so what were your results?

May 13, 2015 10:21 a.m.

Upward-SaGa says... #19

@ OverLord377 I have been slowly trying to trade for the cards for this deck. I have not been able to test in an actual tournament or FNM, however i playtest it against T1 decks quite often. It does very well, and it plays a lot like a Jeskai control deck. However, we're more focused on creature damage rather than burn. We're also more heavy on counterspells than removal. I have been completing my first Modern deck (Junk), so i haven't finished this one. I also replaced Monastery Mentor as i have acquired Tarmogoyf. He's an absolute beast in this deck, and he protects himself from my red and blue meta. At the moment all I am missing is the Celestial Colonnades, Snapcaster Mages, Misty Rainforests, and the Serum Visions.

@kameenook After a month or so of heavily playtesting this deck i realized how good Celestial Colonnade was for this deck, and you were right. The Jeskai matchup had a huge advantage with colonnade against my Stirring Wildwood. (sorry for a late response)

June 15, 2015 2:02 a.m. Edited.

Saljen says... #20

Hooting Mandrills is a pretty solid card for Bant right now. Voidslime is probably best left in the sideboard. Most games it will just be a 3 CMC Cancel which is really not worth running.

June 15, 2015 12:11 p.m.

Upward-SaGa says... #21

Thank you for the suggestion! :)Hooting Mandrills would be nice as i often have a massive graveyard, however it does not protect itself very well. A control deck is very picky about its creatures. Voidslime is often just a 3 CMC cancel, however i find myself saving it for emergency situations. I use my other cancels like Mana Leak, Remand, and Cryptic Command to stop their shenanigans. However, no one expects a Voidslime on their PW ability, or their fetch being 'stifled'. After one is played it messes with their play style a lot, and they often play slower trying to work around it.

June 15, 2015 12:18 p.m. Edited.

So, there are a lot of things going on here that I love! Here's a few tips though:

I want to start by mentioning that Voidslime is a VERY good card. I am impressed that you thought of it -- I'm going to try to slot one into my build. Not sure about the second one tho.

I don't like the planeswalkers here -- Jace doesn't do much for four mana, and Narset doesn't fit thematically. Her +1 is ok, but I'd much rather just run a couple Think Twice. Her -2 doesn't have good targets here other than Serum Visions and maybe Path.

I don't like Geist of Saint Traft here -- to play him, you need to run support. Control isn't a great shell for a 3-mana 2/2, and your few ways of removing creatures leave Geist dead in the water. It gets blocked all day long by random creatures, and is therefore not a reliable wincon in a removal-scarce build. Also, it makes your Wrath effects quite awkward to cast. I suggest Thrun mainboard, or maybe Sigarda, and more manlands in general.

I really want Detention Sphere to be good, but Abrupt Decay is a thing. Also, random sideboard cards happen to bust it: Golgari Charm, Celestial Purge, Wear / Tear, etc. Unfortunately, they'd just be better as the 4th Snapcaster Mage and 4th Path.

Alchemist's Refuge in interesting, but considering that the only things that you give flash are Geist, Goyf, D-Sphere, and the planeswalkers (most of which I don't like in this deck); it doesn't do much more than mess with your mana-base. Also, six mana wraths (even at instant speed) aren't where you want to be.

Finally, number tweaking:
- Only 23 lands? Seems low to me.
- Only two manlands? I mean, Celestial Colonnade and Stirring Wildwood are wincons and mana fixers without taking up deck slots...
- The fourth Path is almost mandatory since we have so little good removal.
- Again, the fourth Snappy is the same. if not JUST to rebuy Path.
- I like your sideboard, except the Supreme Verdict. Why not another Wrath of God?

June 16, 2015 12:37 a.m.

Upward-SaGa says... #23

Thank you so much for the feedback! You've pointed out a few holes in the deck that You're completely right on. Voidslime was actually the inspiration for this deck! :)

Geist of Saint Traft has been a little awkward in this build as he often can't swing in because of the lack of removal. I would like to keep him and possibly up the spot removal in the deck as he is a great win-con, and i probably need more spot removal, anyway.

My justification on the Planeswalkers were to slow down agro decks and win some wars of attrition. I mainly have Narset Transcendent here for her -9 ability as i can usually protect her for 4 turns. My only justification for Jace, Architect of Thought is his +1. It stops Twin, and it slows down agro decks. I'm not too attached to either of them, however Narset Transcendent does win games.

I will probably drop Detention Sphere as you have a point. There's way too many answers for it in Modern.

lol honestly Alchemist's Refuge was an experiment.. I wanted to see the look on people's faces when i instant speed board wiped, but it does cost way too much. i'll probably add another Celestial Colonnade or a Stirring Wildwood. I do need more man lands in the deck, however the land is justifiable. As for more lands i'm unsure..Serum Visions does so well for me that i NEVER miss a land drop as a control deck with it. I can afford to drop the Refuge, and probably a Breeding Pool for another man land. i often find myself with too much green.

For the Sideboard my justification for the Supreme Verdict over the Wrath of God is because i actually had wrath in the board and two verdict in the main. There's a lot of control and red in my meta. Hardly any regenerate. There's a few Thrun in the boards, but he's beginning to die in SB as he's not as hard of an impact against control decks anymore.

June 16, 2015 2:11 a.m.

Upward-SaGa says... #24


Since i don't have burn, i was thinking bounce/tuck. Probably up the count of Bant Charm to 2 in the main at max, and maybe some Vapor Snag as i have a lot of counterspells. Maybe even a third sweeper in the main.

June 16, 2015 2:18 a.m.

This list looks really nice!

I think that the second Snag should be a 4th Cryptic Command. If your opponent has a threat on the field, you can hold up cryptic to counter a spell and bounce their threat or just to counter-draw if necessary, and then if they don't do anything just bounce their threat and draw for some tempo advantage.

You could also cut the 3rd Hallowed Fountain for the second Wildwood if you wanted. You have plenty of fetchable targets, and the Wildwood is great at pressuring your opponent while having mana up for interaction. Also, Wildwood blocks V-Cliques, Pestermites, Restoration Angel, and soul tokens all day long. People usually forget that it has reach.

June 16, 2015 3 p.m.

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