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This Deck is a Blast! (Infinite damage/mill)

Modern* Competitive Control Infinite Combo Mill



Enchantment (3)

Sorcery (2)

This is just a little infinite combo deck idea that I came up with. Enjoy. Well, it's not really my idea. There was a deck back in the day called Fruity Pebbles that utilized Enduring Renewal with Goblin Bombardment, but bombardment isn't legal, so substitutes had to be found.

Combo 1: Enduring Renewal + Grinding Station + Ornithopter , or Blasting Station. Actually, any creature in this deck is a viable option to combo out with.

Turn 1: Plains, Springleaf Drum , Ornithopter or Memnite, or both :)

Turn 2: Plains, Grinding Station , Myr Moonvessel , or another Springleaf Drum for mana.

Turn 3: Plains, Enduring Renewal , and may the infinite milling begin!

So basically, Myr Moonvessel is important here because of its on-death ability. If I sacrifice it to Grinding Station on turn 3 then I can get an extra mana, which, if I already have 3 plains out or a Springleaf Drum with an Ornithopter, will allow me to play an Enduring Renewal on turn 3, allowing me to complete the combo on turn 3 an essentially win. Keep in mind that to win this way, you should keep an ornithopter or memnite in hand to play so that you can untap Grinding Station and execute the combo. If you know you won't be able to execute the combo on turn 3 and you'll only be able to play Enduring Renewal, then don't play the renewal. The opponent will be able to see your hand and might destroy the renewal. So make smart plays! It's also smart to keep your 0 CMC creatures in hand to prevent them from being destroyed. Don't let the CMC trick you!Anyways, I've added in some removal in the form of Banishing Light and Oblivion Ring. Idyllic Tutor helps find these cards including Enduring Renewal . The Steel Wall s are for early game aggro defense. (Description really outdated)

This deck performs very well against decks that play large creatures, tron, any pod decks, scapeshift, aggro, control, and even burn. When playing against control and burn decks, make sure to be conservative of your cards and wait for just the right moment to play everything. Playing your 0 mana creatures turn one against burn is foolish. Playing renewal against a not tapped-out blue counter/control deck is foolish. Be wise with when you play your stuff.

This deck consistently gets turn 3-5 wins against a lot of current modern meta game decks.

Man, I would love some Leyline of Sanctity. Protection from pesky Thoughtseize and other cards of the sort, especially burn spells, would be very nice. But the price of sanctity isn't very nice. :(

Also, there are a lot of different options as far as combo pieces go. You could use Golem Foundry for infinite 3/3 golems, or Krark-Clan Ironworks for infinite mana. The reason I'm not using them is because the just cost extra mana and extra turns to cast.

I could splash in some black for some hand removal like thoughtsieze or inquisition, or just stick to white control cards.

Anyways, thanks for reading and I hope you like this idea.

Please leave comments/suggestions/opinions/recommendations in the comments! I want to hear what you have to say! Thanks!


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Current description is out of date.


Date added 10 years
Last updated 9 years
Key combos

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

20 - 7 Rares

23 - 3 Uncommons

2 - 5 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.97
Folders Cool Decks, artifact control, 3 turn bullshit, cool!, Decks AW YEAH, lolz, Cool ideas, fun decks, interesting, Deck 1
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