..This Fortress of Tears [Zedruu EDH]
Commander / EDH*
Mandalorian says... #3
If you want Evil Zedruu then these are the cards you're looking for
Thought Lash. Do the same thin you do with Illusions of Grandeur by not paying he cumulative upkeep and then give it to someone else and they exile they're whole library.
Some other good Zedruu stuff
Personally I really like the Brand + Starfield of Nyx or Opalescence combo as another win condition. On end step you take back control of all the enchantments you've been handing out and then surprise attack on your turn after playing Starfield or Opalescence.
October 14, 2016 10:57 a.m.
Rediblackdragon says... #6
Hey, just a few suggestions as to adds and drops
- Drop -
Godo, Bandit Warlord: In this deck, it's just another search for your sole Equipment, Sunforger. Unnecessarily pricy and not worth it, overall.
Tormod's Crypt: Only reliably works once and isn't a good gift.
Dispeller's Capsule: See Tormod's Crypt
Vicious Shadows: Considering you'll be the only one with a hand large enough to really deal damage with this one, and the general high price, I'd count this as a big drop. This one is a little more dependent on meta though.
- Adds -
I can't really think of anything to add that isn't on your Maybeboard already. Just toss in what you feel is needed.
Also, really liking those basic land alters. Mind telling me where you got them?
October 31, 2016 4:01 p.m.
Hi there, I my self am building a Zedruu deck. I have a couple things to suggest. Crown of Doom & Jinxed Idol for people attacking them, and they pass it around. Akroan Horse, Psychosis Crawler, Vedalken Plotter some more creatures to help. Some enchantments Aurification, Copy Enchantment, Embargo, Island Sanctuary, Mana Flair, Mystic Barrier, Smoke, & Words of War. There are some that aren't exactly your play style but i should say that my Zedruu deck is more slightly group hug/chaos with only one or two win cons, also I almost always play with 3+ people for edh games.
November 9, 2016 3:34 p.m.
ZomBee_Hunt says... #25
Was looking at your deck and saw that you want to make it more competitive. Well the first thing I think you have too many board wipes. In a competitive environment you should be proactive rather than reactive. and the mana used to cast those board wipes is a lot which means you are doing less of your game plan.
What is your win condition, is it Laboratory Maniac?
Some cards I would take out are Transcendence, this card can be an instant win but you have to have less then 20 life to even cast it and you need to get rid of it right away.
Chromatic Lantern and Celestial Dawn are essentially the same card now with the rulings on mana. except that clestial dawn doesnt tap for mana. I would take both out and focus on a more consistent mana base or if you have to run one, then take out dawn.
Land Tax, Tithe, and Endless Horizons are all taking up space by cards that can help you win or control the board more efficiently. If they let you put the lands into play it would be better but as it is just filling up your hand with lands you need to have unlimited hand sized other size other wise you jsut discarding lands.
I would suggest working on your mana base so then you can cake out those cards. Once the mana base is goo, the consistency will come.
Temple Bell is a good card but you are helping out your opponent. If you want to run Mind Over Matter you can do an infinite combo and deck every one. Fevered Visions is another one blah card to me. It helps every draw more and the damage they take is small in comparison to their life total.
As a fellow zedruu player, I built my deck to it any meta I play in. I have many controlling aspects of my deck that are more proactive then board wipes and exiling creatures.
I do like the scroll rack though, you dont see that in a lot of builds and I think it works great with zedruu.
Once you start taking this to more competitive tournaments, let me know how it goes.
Shadow02 says... #1
How much are you willing to lock down the board?
because zedruu is capable of quite ridiculous things with both global effects to give away (Such as Blood Moon , Stasis , Winter Orb , Torpor Orb , Moat , Hushwing Gryff , Meekstone and others)
and spot lockdowns such as Steel Golem
you should take out some of the sorceries and instants, because hey do not work with zedruu, as well as godo since i dont really see him doing any work in your deck
October 14, 2016 10:27 a.m.