Are you ready to serve up some damage? If all goes well, the opponent will be out cold before the end of turn 4-5.
This deck utilizes the special abilities of Kiln Fiend, Wee Dragonauts, and Nivix Cyclops to deal increasing damage to the opponent.
Your creatures will be assisted chiefly by Distortion Strike, Artful Dodge, and Assault Strobe to amplify their damage output and ability to hit the opponent. Other spells that can help boost your creatures are Think Twice, Lightning Bolt, Vapor Snag, and lastly, Soul's Fire for some boosted direct damage. Cast Soul's Fire last if you can, to increase the damage dealt as much as possible.
Other then Vapor Snag or Lightning Bolt, I didn't put in too many spells to deal with the opponents creatures, mainly because you will be attempting to make your creatures unblockable and hitting as hard and fast as you can, aiming for an early turn defeat. As with all aggro/blitz decks, usually this is the prime weakness as well, since in the late game you will probably run out of gas after exhausting your hand. Think Twice and Isochron Scepter can hopefully alleviate this issue a little, but again, as with all blitz decks, if you are in the late game then it means you will usually be at a disadvantage anyway =/. I put in Turn Aside and Pyroclasm in the sideboard if the opponent is playing control or kill spells, and Snapcaster Mage to get some more bang for your buck.
Since this deck is still a work in progress, suggestions are definitely appreciated!