This is a junk gift

Modern scare983


scare983 says... #1

Hello everybody! I have been playing 4c gifts for awhile now but felt like the deck was inconsistent unless I bought Iona, snapcasters, and Elesh Norn so I want to expand my horizon.Mainly I just want ya'lls opinion. I am still waiting on a few of the cards, so I have not been able to play test with the deck a whole ton so I am open to a lot of ideas. Right now I am worried about the creatures main boarded and the amount of creatures main boarded.

Questions that concern me:

Should I take out thragtusk for another siege rhino?

Should I take out Wurmcoil engine for Grave titan?

Are these the best creatures I should use?

Please refrain from suggesting expensive cards such as tarmogoyf, dark confidence, liliana, and other cards of that price range. I am changing to this deck to avoid spending a shit ton of $$$. (The deck is already expensive, enough and I decided to buy elesh norn because it is pseudo board wipe/pumps my spirits)

I am aware of the fact that Blood moon will destroy me and I am OK with that. Fetchlands aren't changing until I can get a playset of polluted deltas.THANKS YA YOU BEAUTIFUL GUYS/GALS!!!!

April 5, 2015 9:16 p.m.

L0stinExile says... #2

I love it. I tried playing gifts myself for the longest time, but could never manage to get a list that I could stick with. This definitely shows me what the problem I was facing was; not playing 4 color.

My only gripe is that you only have two "boardwipes" in the mainboard. I don't know where you should make the cuts but I feel like you should try a combination of Wrath of God, Damnation, and/or Supreme Verdict just so you can be guaranteed a wipe off of gifts should it be necessary.

Anyway, have another +1. I will probably follow this list for a while and see what advancements you make to it.

February 11, 2016 1:17 p.m.

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