Ah, Mono-Black Hand Disruption. Truly the most kingly of Control decks. No need to counter or kill everything if you can just rip your opponent's hand apart! So much fun for everyone. :D
This deck is pretty straightforward: empty out your opponent's hand, then beat them to death as they sit there helpless. I have two main problems to solve with it, though:
First, what do I do with my discard spells once my opponent is empty-handed? I'd like to find a way to loot or rummage them away but Black doesn't get too much of that effect.
Second, is there a better, more resilient wincon than janky creature beats?
It is only natural. He cut off your arm, and you wanted revenge.
Forced Discard
Pauper has a pretty sweet suite of discard spells for us:
let us pick out key pieces while
Wrench Mind
is just extremely punishing. Once we've gotten their hand completely empty, we can
Funeral Charm
them on their draw step to really step on their neck. Finally singleton copies of
Psychic Miasma
Raven's Crime
let us keep the discard coming.
We also run
Liliana's Specter
for even more discard. The Specter is also one of our wincons as it can usually chip in for damage a few times.
I don’t care what universe you’re from, that’s got to hurt!
Our discard should help us deal with most threats before they hit the board, but we also want to shore up our gameplan with some true removal as well. To that end, we're running
as targeted removal and
Chainer's Edict
as a two-fer. Between those two, we shouldn't have too much trouble keeping most decks in check.
Funeral Charm
can also technically let us kill something small but we usually want to keep it for that draw-step discard.
Card draw
It's important to keep our own hand filled up!
Sign in Blood
should give us something to do when we have a spare moment, then
Thorn of the Black Rose
will let us draw to our heart's content once we have the board locked down.
There’s always a bigger fish
Our main wincon is currently
Gurmag Angler
. I'm not in love with it; a topdecked
Journey to Nowhere
can leave us without a great way to close out the game, but it's one of the most slot-efficient ways to kill someone so it's what I have so far. Other suggestions for removal-resistant win conditions would be appreciated.
That said, we do also have janky beats from
Liliana's Specter
, or we could finish them off with
Sign in Blood
. Finally, since we're running a bunch of swamps to support
, I figured we might as well toss in a copy of
as well.
Don’t try it, Anakin. I have the high ground!
The lands are very simple: a bunch of Swamps to support
and a couple
Barren Moor
s to hedge against flood. Easy peasy.
Love won’t save you, Padme. Only my new powers can do that.
We have a healthy sideboard plan against fast decks that drop their hand too quickly for our discard to madder:
Cuombajj Witches
helps us pick off little guys,
is for when we absolutely need to be able to sweep turn 2 on the draw, and
Crypt Rats
lets us sweep a bit bigger.
We're also a bit worried about Tron, so we have
Choking Sands
to shut down their mana advantage and
Nihil Spellbomb
to close their flicker loops.
Now this is pod racing!
Thank you for reading this far. I would love to hear any suggestions you might have, particularly with regards to those two issues I noted at the beginning.