This is How I Play Yu-Gi-Oh (Landless, Mana-Less)
SCORE: 112 | 63 COMMENTS | 18140 VIEWS | IN 64 FOLDERS
pedrogsena says... #2
Dude, +1. Love this deck, and wow, Salvage Titan as win con? Fantastic! I got two - one foil -, and it's nice to see a commonly labelled "junk rare" being the star of a deck. (And cool, a budget brew!)
August 3, 2013 10:21 p.m.
darkmatter32x says... #3
I play tested this deck using proxy paper deck and my opponents went nuts!
They got mind blown by this entirely new deck concept...
This deck has a category on its own...
Simply amazing.
August 4, 2013 9:16 a.m.
tried it out on cockatrice, but added in 4x Darksteel Citadel , 1-2x Disciple of the Vault and 2x Mox Opal and it caught my opponents off guard. However, I played an exalted deck that sideboarded in Path to Exile and was running Qasali Pridemage which made it difficult to make a comeback. Still tons of fun to play. I just wish there were more ways to protect salvage. +1!
August 4, 2013 1:50 p.m.
Svedishgypsy says... #5
pedrogsena, haha, thanks, I'm glad you like it! It's probably one of my favorite cards now.
darkmatter32x that's hilarious! I'm glad you liked it!
dali oh god now I want to add the Opal. And yeah, I usually pray to god they aren't running white, Path to Exile just stops me dead. But the Disciple of the Vault is a really good idea, if I do make a new version of this deck, he's going in.
August 4, 2013 2:35 p.m.
nedwards850 says... #8
Out of curiosity, is that a GIF video of you or just something you found?
August 6, 2013 5:49 p.m.
In Yu-Gi-Oh, you can only play one monster a turn...
What about this deck?
August 6, 2013 9:06 p.m.
Scale of Chiss-Goria seems bad, I like the idea as well as the next guy and playing on here is super fun. But you need protection of some sort I feel. maybe a way to play a counterspell effect??? and Your card draw needs a little help too in order to be playable. again I love the concept but I like the idea of it.
August 9, 2013 4:20 p.m.
darkmatter32x says... #15
All we need now is a mana less raigeki or dark hole.
August 9, 2013 11:11 p.m.
Svedishgypsy says... #16
steeltrapp, thanks!
JN1K5, the scale helps protect Salvage Titan , make my chump blockers survive, and generally acts as affinity count. And the card draw is about as good as it can get, and as for counterspells, all I've really got is Mindbreak Trap .
darkmatter32x hahahahaha!
August 10, 2013 2:59 a.m.
I get the idea of not paying mana for anything, but Gut Shot is the definition of 2-for-1ing yourself.
I am concerned that you deal too much damage to yourself between the Street Wraith , Gitaxian Probe , Gut Shot , Mutagenic Growth and Noxious Revival .
August 11, 2013 6:09 p.m.
Kerc_Kersa says... #19
Very nicely done deck. +1
Very original sir :)
On to the suggestion. You already have most all of the cards that can be played for no mana, but there is one that you seem to have missed. Not of This World can be used on your Salvage Titan after you use Mutagenic Growth . This could save your Salvage Titan and promote victory.
I just might make a deck with Salvage Titan now lol.
August 11, 2013 11:45 p.m.
Svedishgypsy says... #20
1245783, I would absolutely include Sunscour if I had more white in the deck, but unfortunately, I do not...
EvenDryke, since I plan to win by turn 3, or 4 at the latest, I need to pump out as much as I can, despite how much I hurt myself. Having them chump block a Salvage Titan with their x/1 can be really annoying.
Tsanim, that is such a good idea! I wish I'd thought of that! I'll start it off in the sideboard, but with the amount of Path to Exile s the titan attracts, that could be really useful! Thanks!
August 12, 2013 3:32 p.m.
krysto2012 says... #21
This deck is simply beautiful - such a fun concept.
I find that the deck runs low on draws too quickly, though and loses steam if it can't get out its fatties fast enough for a proper beat down.
I only have one suggestion, possibly for the sideboard:
This serves as both a disco-defense if your opponent is forcing you to discard out your Golems and such, it can also bring back the Wraith for a free draw, but the problem is forcing yourself to discard it, which is why it's likely a SB card. At it's absolute worst, it can be dumped onto a shoal for -1/-1.
August 13, 2013 4:39 p.m.
323Dimitri says... #23
+1 and I love you. I've been looking for a deck like this since I started playing a year ago. I'm going to build another version and maybe some different choices I make can help you. I'll post a link when I'm done.
August 17, 2013 3:34 p.m.
Svedishgypsy says... #25
krysto2012, I've very well considered it.
If I were running a Legacy landless deck, it would be a maybe.But I have literally no way to discard it, and it wouldn't really help considering it can only target Salvage Titan which already can return to my hand, and Street Wraith , both of which I have Noxious Revival for anyways.
Thanks for the suggestions, though!
thadx, thanks, it' really appreciated!
323Dimitri, I'm glad you like it!I'll make sure to drop a comment on your deck.
Svedishgypsy says... #1
Thanks, RussischerZar!
July 31, 2013 3:17 p.m.