This is how you become Unstoppable

Modern* Zacoly


Royberto says... #1

yeah but Cathedral of War is only useful for that and that alone, you're a swarm aggro deck, yes it would pump up your champion to make it bigger but still, champions power shines when you swing with it, AND every other creature because it makes the rest of them unblockable! Yeah its decent for early swings with Strangleroot Geist or Flinthoof Boar , but thats about it. You can keep it in your deck if you want but they're pretty useless aside from that.

February 19, 2013 7:52 p.m.

Distorted says... #2

I guess everyone doesn't understand that Exalted is just a utility ability on a land. It's not like you have to play into it, and it DOES help on a turn three 3/2 or 4/3 Strangleroot Geist . I for one think it's fine in the deck. I don't see anything wrong with it.

As for Wild Beastmaster getting power smashed and decimating everything - that ruling still sounds like bullsht. If you look at the context layers it's ability would activate before you even have the opportunity Tragic Slip , Downsize , or Hydrosurge ... But I'm not a Judge, and for good reason.

I'd just flip the table at World, and be like "Yuuya wins. Don't talk sh*t, you know you were going to lose!"

February 19, 2013 9:14 p.m.

Royberto says... #3

Thats what makes Wild Beastmaster so great! and if you put in Sheltering Word or card:Ranger's Guile you can make it so they can't touch her either.

February 19, 2013 9:29 p.m.

Zacoly says... #4

Even if Wild Beastmaster does get kill carded sending in a Wasteland Viper with Revenge of the Hunted paves the road for everybody else.

@ Distorted

TY! Yes, I believe there was some confusion. Cathedral of War is NOT a "key" element in this deck. I get a few good uses out of it in a game, and rarely does it's text ever matter late game. But considering my other utility land options (and costs) I'm very happy with it.

As for Wild Beastmaster being Stupid powerful in the right conditions, Hell yea, I agree!! But there a few creatures like that.

Vexing Devil still pisses me off, and everybody has probably heard of the Boros Reckoner + Blasphemous Act combo by now... >.<

February 19, 2013 10:54 p.m.

Royberto says... #5

Boros Reckoner is just a cheaper better Stuffy Doll , only reason why its so popular

February 19, 2013 11:01 p.m.

Forced Adaptation seems like it would be the perfect add one mana to either give the champion an extra counter or the beastmaster some more bang

February 19, 2013 11:09 p.m.

JokerWx13 says... #7

there's also the infinite life combo you can do with Boros Reckoner and the fact that it's a 3/3 and can gain first strike

February 20, 2013 1:18 p.m.

Zacoly says... #8

@ JokerWx13

I've heard of the infinite life combo, but I haven't seen it. How does it work?

February 20, 2013 1:22 p.m.

JokerWx13 says... #9

give the Boros Reckoner lifelink and indestructible. then deal damage to it. he's indestructible so it won't die and then basically you choose to deal damage to him over and over again activating lifelink

February 20, 2013 1:24 p.m.

Distorted says... #10

Boros Reckoner with Boros Charm + Swift Justice on turn four is the most probable way to do this in standard if you ask me, but with Omniscience decks ALL over my LGS infinite life really kinda sorta doesn't matter at all so no one is playing this combo. Not to mention that Boros Reckoner happens to be retardedly high priced, and I'm not about to go trading Huntmaster of the Fells  Flip ', and Thundermaw Hellkite s for it. Reckoner is a fad.

February 20, 2013 9:32 p.m.

card:Rogue's Passage could work instead of Cathedral of War .

February 22, 2013 6:25 p.m.

JokerWx13 says... #12

4 mana to make 1 creature unblockable is pretty bad imo

February 22, 2013 10:23 p.m.

ljduh says... #13

I dont get what Wasteland Viper is doing in the deck, as Slaughterhorn is a better bloodrush card for your deck. Although deathtouch is fatal with any amount of damage, damage distribution doesn't work like that. You cannot assign damage to another creature until the first one has lethal damage applied. So, basically, if you have a 5/5 deathtouch creature being blocked by 5 different 4/4 creatures, you can't assign 1 damage to each creature, doing lethal damage. You first have to apply a full 4 damage to the first blocker of your choice, and then you can select another blocker to receive the additional one damage, which would be fatal to that one creature. Thew fact that one damage is enough to be fatal does not permit you to distribute damage in a way that would allow you do kill all of the 4/4 creatures. So I'd recommend replacing them with a more straightforward bloodrush creature for the versatility. Wasteland viper is good as a low drop creature with versatility, but its deathtouch ability seems extremely limited since your creatures should be large enough to kill opposition in the first place.As for the rule, this is why death touch doesn't work like that."510.1c A blocked creature assigns its combat damage to the creatures blocking it. If no creatures are currently blocking it (if, for example, they were destroyed or removed from combat), it assigns no combat damage. If exactly one creature is blocking it, it assigns all its combat damage to that creature. If two or more creatures are blocking it, it assigns its combat damage to those creatures according to the damage assignment order announced for it. This may allow the blocked creature to divide its combat damage. However, it can't assign combat damage to a creature that's blocking it unless, when combat damage assignments are complete, each creature that precedes that blocking creature in its order is assigned lethal damage. When checking for assigned lethal damage, take into account damage already marked on the creature and damage from other creatures that's being assigned during the same combat damage step, but not any abilities or effects that might change the amount of damage that's actually dealt. An amount of damage that's greater than a creature's lethal damage may be assigned to it."

February 24, 2013 9:45 p.m.

ljduh says... #14

I dont get what Wasteland Viper is doing in the deck, as Slaughterhorn is a better bloodrush card for your deck. Although deathtouch is fatal with any amount of damage, damage distribution doesn't work like that. You cannot assign damage to another creature until the first one has lethal damage applied. So, basically, if you have a 5/5 deathtouch creature being blocked by 5 different 4/4 creatures, you can't assign 1 damage to each creature, doing lethal damage. You first have to apply a full 4 damage to the first blocker of your choice, and then you can select another blocker to receive the additional one damage, which would be fatal to that one creature. Thew fact that one damage is enough to be fatal does not permit you to distribute damage in a way that would allow you do kill all of the 4/4 creatures. So I'd recommend replacing them with a more straightforward bloodrush creature for the versatility. Wasteland viper is good as a low drop creature with versatility, but its deathtouch ability seems extremely limited since your creatures should be large enough to kill opposition in the first place.As for the rule, this is why death touch doesn't work like that."510.1c A blocked creature assigns its combat damage to the creatures blocking it. If no creatures are currently blocking it (if, for example, they were destroyed or removed from combat), it assigns no combat damage. If exactly one creature is blocking it, it assigns all its combat damage to that creature. If two or more creatures are blocking it, it assigns its combat damage to those creatures according to the damage assignment order announced for it. This may allow the blocked creature to divide its combat damage. However, it can't assign combat damage to a creature that's blocking it unless, when combat damage assignments are complete, each creature that precedes that blocking creature in its order is assigned lethal damage. When checking for assigned lethal damage, take into account damage already marked on the creature and damage from other creatures that's being assigned during the same combat damage step, but not any abilities or effects that might change the amount of damage that's actually dealt. An amount of damage that's greater than a creature's lethal damage may be assigned to it."

February 24, 2013 9:45 p.m.

ljduh says... #15

Oops, sorry about the double post. TL:DR- Deathtouch doesn't work like that.Wasteland and Ambush viper are alright. Probably replace with mana weenies for a faster ramp or better pump.

February 24, 2013 9:51 p.m.

Maybe +1 Witchbane Orb it's a great budget deck though. you think I could get help with my decks?

February 24, 2013 10:33 p.m.

JokerWx13 says... #17


this article explains how deathtouch works. So in other words, you're actually wrong for the better cause

February 24, 2013 10:45 p.m.

Zacoly says... #18

Death touch says:

702.2b. Any nonzero amount of combat damage assigned to a creature by a source with deathtouch is considered to be lethal damage, regardless of that creatures toughness.

Trample says:

702.18b The controller of an attacking creature with trample first assigns damage to the creature(s) blocking it. Once all those blocking creatures are assigned lethal damage, any remaining damage is assigned as its controller chooses among those blocking creatures and the player or planeswalker the creature is attacking. When checking for assigned lethal damage, take into account damage already marked on the creature and damage from other creatures thats being assigned during the same combat damage step, but not any abilities or effects that might change the amount of damage thats actually dealt. The attacking creatures controller need not assign lethal damage to all those blocking creatures but in that case cant assign any damage to the player or planeswalker its attacking.

It's kind of a long read, but what I got from it is, YES, I can assign 1 damage to each blocker (because one is considered lethal), then trample to rest to the player or planeswalker.

February 24, 2013 11:43 p.m.

Zacoly says... #19

@ ljduh

I do like Slaughterhorn for it's bloodrush, but this deck has a real lack of early blockers. This deck has plenty of powerful 3 cost creatures and plenty of cheap buffs.

This deck only has 2 cheap blockers that can delay opponent's offense by threatening to kill off valuable attackers. Honestly Wasteland Viper is not a key part of this deck, that's why there's only two, it's more like fluff that I personally like to use.

You make a decent argument for Slaughterhorn and if you want to use it you certainly may. This deck is still a powerhouse budget deck either way.

I have considered Wild Defiance in place of Wasteland Viper , but it doesn't help the Very Early game, and it's another 3 cost spell... What do you guys think?

February 24, 2013 11:53 p.m.

Zacoly says... #20

@ ljduh

One other tid-bit that I did not address is that these creatures are not "big enough" to block well. They are either tapped after dealing hefty damage early-mid game or un-buffed 1/1's that I hate to sacrifice. After Wild Beastmaster swings the other creatures are only buffed till the end of the turn. My blockers in the deck are generally weak, with Garruk's Beasts being the only tough creatures that I expect this deck will be using to block. I hope you never have to wait long enough to use Garruk's ult, but... If you did Champion of Lambholt would become a very powerful champion indeed...

With otherwise poor blockers early game, I think Strangleroot Geist and Wasteland Viper earn their keep.

Although I did consider Experiment One as an early game blocker, they have decent synergy with Strangleroot Geist - would that be a better one drop? Or Young Wolf ?

February 25, 2013 12:13 a.m.

ljduh says... #21

user:2zacoly, note the text on the rule for trample, "take into account damage already marked on the creature and damage from other creatures thats being assigned during the same combat damage step, but not any abilities or effects that might change the amount of damage thats actually dealt." Deathtouch is an ability that alters damage to be lethal amounts, so it is not included in trample calculation. One of my friends built a deck around deathtouch before, and this problem sorta did the deck in. As for 1-drops, lacking in the lower drops, i would recommend card:Avacyn's Pilgrim. Yes, the white mana is mostly irrelevant, but it allows for even more mana ramping, and since your mono-colored the essentially colorless mana it gives you is perfectly fine for ramp. Meanwhile, it can chump, and is still a very dangerous body once the beastmaster starts pumping everything. A second mana chump will help you spend less time building up and more time smashing face.

February 25, 2013 9:20 a.m.

ljduh says... #22

user:2zacoly, after further review, I must apologize. Turns out there was a re-definition of trample damage as of M11 that changed its interaction functionality with deathtouch. All the same, I think you should focus on trying to apply lethal damage before they manage to muster up a real defense, especially since champion of lambholt allows you to juke blockers once you swing for lethal, anyways. Blocking is a little less relevant when you can swing for lethal in one fell swoop. I'd recommend bumping Revenge of the Hunted up to 4, because your lack of a draw engine means that it will always be miracled as long as your aren't so unfortunate as to draw it in your opening hand. This deck is going to have a hard time once targeted kill spells and board wipes enter the equation, so you should probably focus on trying to get the quickest kill possible, and anything slowing that down risks having the opponent reset the board.

February 25, 2013 9:33 a.m.

MinscAndBoo says... #23

+1 this is teh sex

February 25, 2013 12:25 p.m.

Zacoly says... #24

I just play-tested This is how you become Unstoppable. vs Death won't stop me!

Death is a boardwipe + bloodartist deck. It won every match that it played a board wipe by turn 4/5 even tough I usually was able to hit it for around half it's life by then.

Mono-Green is pretty lacking in response to boardwipes/excessive kill cards. The only counter I could come up with was Predator Ooze , so I sided 3 in. Along with the Strangleroot Geist I hope Rancor + buffs will still get the job done quickly.

Does Mono-Green have any other decent responses to boardwipes/kill cards?

February 25, 2013 1:37 p.m.

ljduh says... #25

If you are looking for opposition to kill cards, I think your best shot would be card:Ranger's Guile, as they are most likely going to be targeting your Wild Beastmaster as soon as you declare attackers, and as a result the instant reply coupled with a boost is great for these kinds of decks. As for board wipes, with the exception of Young Wolf and Strangleroot Geist , your best options usually come in the form of splashing colors for regenerators like Lotleth Troll , or your Predator Ooze . A good mono green creature in case of board wipes are Wolfir Avenger s because of their staying power, plus they can be flashed in as a bonus to make your opponent miscalculate.

February 25, 2013 2:32 p.m.

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