This is Modern...You Don't Need Friends (FNM 1st)
SCORE: 140 | 113 COMMENTS | 24137 VIEWS | IN 136 FOLDERS
Myogenesis says... #2
Invigorate isn't Modern legal, it was just part of a the commander set. I wish!
December 14, 2013 5:14 p.m.
ianbedingfield says... #4
I know it's chancy but I like Revenge of the Hunted in my Green pump deck. If you are lucky enough to draw one on turn two, plus use a Giant Growth with your other G gives you a 10/10 Glistener Elf and a win.
December 16, 2013 11:03 a.m.
Myogenesis says... #5
Actually for aggro being such a fast but unstable archetype (you either win gloriously or burn out), this deck is extremely consistent...don't think I'd want to risk a +6/+6 trample for G instead of the usual +4/+4~ for G guaranteed (or nearly guaranteed, such as Groundswell . No card in the deck can become a dead card in hand, and I wouldn't want to start that, but thank you for the suggestion. I remember using that last standard and it was quite fun haha
December 16, 2013 9:33 p.m.
Get rid of the Necropede and run more pump spells. You only need 12 infect creatures, since you really only need one to bash in. Also, Inkmoth Nexus is great.
December 16, 2013 9:33 p.m.
Myogenesis says... #7
Reduced it to 2x Necropede s - I think 14 will be a good balance between 16 and 12 creatures, I'll test it out. Because of the colour intensive costs of most things (ex/ kicking Vines of Vastwood , most of the pump spells being green, etc.) I'm just testing out 1x Inkmoth Nexus for now. In place of the two Necropede s I'm testing out another Livewire Lash and 1x more Might of Old Krosa
December 16, 2013 11:05 p.m.
Myogenesis says... #8
Could use some sideboard help...this is actually my first modern deck and I really don't own many non-standard cards, this is my entry into the format (a little scummy but it might be a blowout anyways, we'll see!) - any recommendations?
December 16, 2013 11:06 p.m.
ianbedingfield says... #9
I ran a similar deck at our local FNM on a Modern night and it worked out really well. Instead of infect I went down an undying/hexproof route but the principle should be the same, I think you'll do well.
December 19, 2013 9:46 a.m.
Myogenesis says... #10
Cheers ianbedingfield. I've just been borrowing decks for the last two I went to and figured it was time to actually 'enter the scene' cheap as possible of course haha. Good luck to you in the future
December 20, 2013 3:51 p.m.
Ok first off get rid of Phytoburst 2x Giant Growth do 6 damage and cost the same. Ik your trying to swing for t2 win but seriously Groundswell +Might of Old Krosa hey look 2 mana for 8 damage aww 2 mana for 5 Phytoburst bad
Second get rid of Blight Mamba you won't use his ability and he cost 2 mana u will use pumps instead of regenerate
Third add 2 Necropede need more infect. Also add 4 Llanowar Augur basicly giant growth with trample for a late game swing amazing! Make all your instants and enchantments 4x each one.
Fourth -2 Forest because 18 lands is already 32% of a 60 card deck your bound to draw one or two
Lastly get rid of Livewire Lash it is 4 mana to equip i can just use apostle's blessing which is only 1 mana not 2 if you don't equip
December 25, 2013 10:08 p.m.
Myogenesis says... #12
Interesting suggestions 40cal - I don't know too many non-standard cards so it's cool to find more options. I'll test out Llanowar Augur s, but the upkeep-only part might make it a bit slow...if you draw into it it has to wait an entire turn to be used.
Livewire Lash has worked surprisingly well, it delays a bit between playing and equipping it but if i get it on it's 95% good game (mostly because if they target it with their own spells, they get pinged for 2 infect). I don't even have to swing with the equipped creature most of the time, just spam it with 5 spells lol.
And I'll work with the land base, 18 lands does seem okay, but Groundswell adds a bit more pressure for land drops.
January 1, 2014 7:55 p.m.
Myogenesis says... #14
NateJH - I had it in here as a 1-of to begin with...still not sure. If you were to put it in the deck, what would you take out?
January 3, 2014 1:01 p.m.
I looked and I really see anything that should be taken out, I would maybe have one or to for sideboard.
January 3, 2014 1:41 p.m.
juliandusett says... #16
Cool deck! I posted a really similar one recently, except I used Blighted Agent to go the unblockable route. Anyways, I would say that instead of the Necropede s, add in some Plague Myr , which are just awesome in many ways. Also, I think 2 Inkmoth Nexus would be extremely useful. +1 from me
January 3, 2014 1:56 p.m.
timothy130130 says... #17
this seems like a really good deck, but putting all those spells on one creature, don;t you thing its a little risky? all that needs to happen is:
a. Doombladeb. Lightning Strike , Shock , Magma Jet . etc
also, none of the pumps give trample, save Rancor , and the Inkmoth Nexus deos have flying...but I think the deck is a little weak to removal/chumpblocking (the only way of preventing this is Apostle's Blessing , and you only have 4 of them, and they cost you life to use). Take this as an example:
turn 1: Forest + Glisterner elf turn 2: Forest + Giant Growth + Groundswell , both on the elf
in response, the oppoent says any of the aforementioned cards. they just took you out 3-for-1, and eliminated you only damage dealer. now, you may have another infecter, but that is still a 3-for-1.
That said, I'd be scared as s**t to fight this deck.
January 3, 2014 2:10 p.m.
Myogenesis says... #18
Vines of Vastwood gives hexproof
7 overall protection spells, and buffing a guy to a very higher power/toughness level such as 8/8 gets rid of most opportunities to burn him (yeah their removal can just be in response to my buffs - but you can keep a Mutagenic Growth or Giant Growth in hand until it all resolves)
January 3, 2014 2:21 p.m.
Myogenesis says... #19
also, Llanowar Augur when popped at the upkeep on the "balls-to-the-walls" turn (when you drop all your steroids) gives trample in addition to the +3/+3. Apostle's Blessing can also be used to give unblockability in a pseudo-fashion through protection if they have one colour that can be named.
January 3, 2014 2:22 p.m.
Myogenesis says... #20
juliandusett - I will think about the Plague Myr , still have a lot of playtesting to do with this deck. Although mana ramp works in most decks, this deck is so green-specific that the colourless mana is mostly useless, the -1/-1 counter is probably more valuable (considering their turn 1-3 creatures can maybe be removed by it). Inkmoth Nexus is a 'problem' in the same way, due to the dependence on green, but I will definitely consider throwing 1-2 in. For now however it is a budget deck that can beat very expensive decks for $5-10 :)
January 3, 2014 2:26 p.m.
juliandusett says... #21
I actually liked the idea of Necropede , so I threw him into my deck. Haha i just realized even the names of our decks are similar. Mine is named "Hey, Where'd All My Friends Go?" if you want to check it out. I tried to keep mine somewhat "budget-ey" as well, but I wanted to make it as efficient as possible. I really like your deck though, nice build
January 3, 2014 2:39 p.m.
BloodoftheBloodMoon says... #23
Wild Defiance wanna lightning bolt my Glistener Elf ? oh look, he's a 4/4 now :)
January 5, 2014 7:19 p.m.
Myogenesis says... #24
Turn 3 is normally the win turn, hell I often only operate on two land anyways. I might sideboard Wild Defiance , but for now popping a steroid or even giving protection/hexproof for removal is working.
rathalos3000 says... #1
I would suggest Invigorate ;)
December 14, 2013 5:12 p.m.