'Genius is always allowed some leeway, once the hammer has been pried from its hands and the blood has been cleaned up' - Terry Pratchett.
The design behind this deck is a simple one, pull lands out of the deck and put em in play, both basic lands and non-basic searches are required for dropping important utility lands as well as general ramping.
This deck is designed for use in large multiplayer free-for-alls.
Hand Refill:
1x Wheel of Fortune
1x Wall of Blossoms
1x Horn of Greed
1x Harmonize
1x Sylvan Library
1x Tranquil Thicket, 1x Forgotten Cave and 1xLife from the Loam
Card draw is important for our deck, drawing more lands to discard with borbo being the primary aim. It also allows us to survive when drawing mostly useless late game ramp. Horn of Greed and Wheel of Fortune are great here, because we burn through our hand quicker and ramp into more lands than other decks.
The last three cards are part of an awesome combo, pay RG discard both lands, draw one card and dredge 3 to return Life from the Loam to your hand, pay 1G to put both cycling lands plus one more into your hand. Repeat until you are out of mana. You'll have drawn 1 card and 1 land for every 4 mana spent! With doubling cube out, you could easily fill your hand back up to max.
Ramp / Digging:
1x Ancient Stirrings
1x Armillary Sphere
1x Azusa, Lost but Seeking
1x Boundless Realms
1x Crop Rotation
1x Cultivate
1x Doubling Cube
1x Expedition Map
1x Exploration
1x Explore
1x Explosive Vegetation
1x Far Wanderings
1x Harrow
1x Hollow Trees
1x Dwarven Hold
1x Frenzied Tilling
Gaea's Touch
1x Garruk Wildspeaker
1x Veteran Explorer
1x Journey of Discovery
1x Koth of the Hammer
1x Life from the Loam
1x Omnath, Locus of Mana
1x Oracle of Mul Daya
1x Peregrination
1x Kodama's Reach
1x Sylvan Scrying
Sylvan Ranger
1x Yavimaya Elder
Seek the Horizon
1x Sol Ring
1x Sprouting Vines
1x Reap and Sow
Woohee, that's a long list of ramp.
Ramp out the bazoo.
Get lands and hope no one kills you.
Board Manipulation:
1x Lignify
1x Cloudstone Curio
1x Frenzied Tilling
1x Terastodon
1x Thoughts of Ruin
1x Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle
1x Reap and Sow
1x Basilisk Collar
1x Obliterate
Our ability to manipulate the board is preciously few but significant. We can add even more Lightning Bolt triggers than with our commander alone with Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle using landfall to hose the field.
Landfall triggers become even more potent with Cloudstone Curio, especially if we have an Exploration type effect in play. The curio can also usurp an opponent's Lignify by returning borbo to our hand/command zone.
Reap and Sow and Frenzied Tilling allow us to both ramp and destroy an opponent's ultra special land. Booyaa. Thoughts of Ruin is very effective in this deck considering our deck plays lands faster and more often than our opponents who now have no lands.
With our commander in play Basilisk Collar is frankly ridiculous.
Or literally watch the world burn when you cast Obliterate
Chump for days:
1x Colossus of Akros
1x Rampaging Baloths
1x Avenger of Zendikar
1x Ant Queen
Dragonlair Spider
1x Garruk Wildspeaker
Seed the Land
1x Hammer of Purphoros
1x Primeval Bounty
1x Zuran Orb
I feel it's important to note our creatures primary function is to stop our mean opponents from beating the shit out of me. These creatures / token creators allow for a lot of re-usable chumps to block with should our opponents get unfair by attacking our peaceful empire of land and ramp.
Zuran Orb may look out of place here due to not being able to nor make any chump blockers, but it acts as emergency life gain for the same purpose. The fun that can be had with this and any landfall enabler plus Crucible of Worlds also makes it a vital utility for our deck. In addition it works wonders with
Countryside Crusher
Go for the throat:
1x Colossus of Akros
1x Rampaging Baloths
1x Avenger of Zendikar
1x Omnath, Locus of Mana
1x Koth of the Hammer
1x Kessig Wolf Run
1x Hammer of Purphoros
1x Garruk Wildspeaker
Countryside Crusher
Of course sometime's it nice for a little pay back, these dudes and land allow us to put out some mighty amounts of damage when it's time to go on the offensive.
1x Life from the Loam
1x Groundskeeper
1x Creeping Renaissance
1x Crucible of Worlds
1x Praetor's Counsel
Now we aren't a one trick pony, all that land sitting in the graveyard doesn't look so pitiful now does it! And Praetor's Counsel can allow us to return everything, everything killed by mean scum, everything milled by that oaf Borborygmos Enraged. Very awesome.