Felixlives says... #2
What are you doing with all that mana? Just noticed you dont really have a mana dump you should consider Heliod, God of the Sun produce a load of mana from devotion put out enchantment creatures like crazy that strengthen your Ethereal Armor . Maybe try it as a 2 of.
January 4, 2014 10:49 p.m.
JamestheJoo says... #3
I've taken it back to the drawing board for a bit because I realized I was trying to do too many things with the deck, heroic, enchantments, tokens, devotion, bestow, aggro, control, and so I am trying to figure out what I like best and what I want to stick with as well as make it as competitive as possible. Being that the main enemy is Esper and Monoblue aggro; it's a tough choice on how I should go.
If I end up sticking to enchantments, Heliod will definitely be there, he is just too solid not to be.
January 4, 2014 11:09 p.m.
GofyTomcat1 says... #4
I tweaked your description for flavor LOL:
"Remember us." As simple an order as a Planeswalker can give. "Remember why we died." For she did not wish tribute or song. No monuments, no poems of war and valour.
Her wish was simple: "Remember us," she said to me. That was Elspeth's hope. Should any free soul come across that place, in all the countless centuries yet to be, may all our voices whisper to you from the ageless stones: Go tell great Theros, passer-by, that here, by Akroan law, we lie.
So Elspeth, my friend, died and my brothers died... Barely a year ago, long I pondered her cryptic talk of victory; time has proven her wise. For from Akros to Meletis to Setessa, the word was spread that the Sun's Champion and her brave 300, so far from home, laid down their lives, not just for Akros, but for all Theros and the promise this Plane holds. Now, here on this ragged patch of earth called Plataea, Xenagos' hordes face obliteration! Just there the barbarians huddle, sheer terror gripping tight their hearts with icy fingers, knowing full well what merciless horrors they suffered at the swords and spears of 300. Yet they stare now across the plain at 10,000 Akroans commanding 30,000 free men of Theros! Haroo!
The enemy outnumber us a paltry three to one; good odds for any warrior of Theros! This day we rescue a world from mysticism and tyranny, and usher in a future brighter than anything we could imagine.
Give thanks, men! To Elspeth Tirel, and the brave 300! To victory!
-Ajani, Steadfast
July 23, 2014 4:15 p.m.
SpiceAddict says... #6
Great stuff, I'm a big fan of this style of play. Check out my similar deck: Heroic Auras [Modern/Budget] Let me know if you have any suggestions there
pingpongball120 says... #1
Gods Willing for sure
January 4, 2014 10:11 p.m.