Standard* jermtube


Cool deck, I am in no way an experienced mtg player but Akroan Crusader has only 6 heroic initiators. Maybe add Akroan Hoplite instead? I don't know quite how this plays and maybe you do pull of the heroic but I feel more Brimaz, King of Oreskos would also be good.

February 4, 2014 12:05 p.m.

jermtube says... #2

GiantSpaceHamster i got Brimaz, King of Oreskos in there because of the tokens he produces, and that's also why i chose to include Akroan Crusader . the theme of the deck is about producing tokens but also triggering effects for when they come into play, like with Purphoros, God of the Forge , Elspeth, Sun's Champion , and to a lesser degree: Ogre Battledriver , Assemble the Legion and the Battalion mechanic.

February 4, 2014 12:10 p.m.

I know, and I was saying add more of Brimaz, King of Oreskos , but the crusader has to few heroic triggers meaning he wont be producing them early in the game where R/W dominate. You either need more heroic initiators and heroic creatures or cut heroic because currently it is dead weight in the deck.

February 4, 2014 12:17 p.m.

jermtube says... #4

i can definitely give the Akroan Hoplite s a shot because its ability is pretty relevant. if only Krenko's Command was still in standard hah

February 4, 2014 12:21 p.m.

Pr37z31 says... #5

As much as I do love that big 'ol wooden horse, maybe running Ogre Battledriver in its place would be better. I like it though, and the colors of Boros! +1

Also here is my Boros "hit em fast" deck if you want to check it out for inspiration/ideas: Boros Super Trooper

February 5, 2014 11:53 a.m.

jermtube says... #6

Pr37z31 i agree with you there... i originally had Ogre Battledriver in there but just switched it out to see how easily i get tokens with the Akroan Horse . i'll take a look at your deck list and see how they compete!

February 5, 2014 11:57 a.m.

What a fun deck! Thanks for linking it in my deck. +1 of course

February 5, 2014 5:12 p.m.

-2 Akroan Skyguard, -1 Mountain, -4 Battlewise Valor, -4 Dauntless Onslaught +1 Elspeth, SC, +1 Plains, +4 Swift Justice , +1 Boros Reckoner, +4 Boros Charm , Sideboard 3x Favored Hoplite , I'd say switch out 1x Akroan Crusader and 2x Akroan Skyguard when you bring him in.

If you want to ever draw a card, have more than one of it. You can't rely on Elspeth if you have a 1/53 chance of topdecking her. I understand she costs six, but if she's worth it she's worth it, nuff said.

Akroan Skyguard, while useful, is not so useful you need a playset. Keep him cause he's flying and gets bigger, but your big threats like Elspeth and Reckoner are more important (especially, if Elspeth works out, her ult makes the skyguard irrelevant).

As for the land, you have more white than red in your deck, but more red than white in your manabase. Making it even instead of matching it perfectly is fine, but a discrepancy like that has no reason to exist, especially since you currently only have one more double-red than double-white.

Battlewise Valor v. Swift Justice is just a matter of playstyle, really, I prefer more attack-oriented play so I value Swift Justice's 1-cost and first strike aspects over the fact that battlewise gives more P/T. (I know Coordinated Assault is in there, I recommend running both. You could also go 2 and 2 and that would work, I just like a playset of Swift Justice more.

Not sure what to get rid of, but I recommend at least sideboarding Assemble the Legion and Magma Jet . The former is high cost, but it produces so much. By your comments it looks like you had some in before, not sure why you took them out if not the cost issue. The latter is good early-game creature removal and scry, a mechanic you seem to be using a decent amount of in this deck.

Dauntless Onslaught in the end is either to A: save your creatures, or B: deal 4 more damage, both of which Boros Charm does for 1 less. Again, you could just as well go 2 and 2, I just personally like a playset of Boros Charm more than any amount of the Onslaught. I will give Onslaught that it does wonders for Heroic.

Overall, I love this deck. I have a huge soft spot for Boros and love seeing a fresh take on it. +1 for sure.

February 5, 2014 11:06 p.m.

jermtube says... #9

great breakdown Disgraceful_Duckling - thanks for the time you put into that! i just recently cut Elspeth down to 1x just because this sort of deck doesn't want to wait around to cast something, and while she's worth it, i wanted to see how well i could fare without her. i had a little more red mana than white just because all my 1 drops are red creatures (Akroan Crusader and Legion Loyalist ) so i wanted to be sure i did something on turn 1. i'll give all your suggestions a shot sometime soon.

February 6, 2014 12:04 a.m.

Blaze Commando only has six triggers in the whole deck.

Also something to look at is Archetype of Courage .

February 6, 2014 9:43 p.m.

jermtube says... #11

if anything i'd probably have Archetype of Aggression to boost Purphoros and to get that extra push.

February 6, 2014 9:55 p.m.

That works, forgot Purphoros was in there. Still, could benefit from the first strike, and you're not really gonna get trampled by anything.

February 6, 2014 11:38 p.m.

No Warleader's Helix ? Soldier of the Pantheon ? idk, never been a big fan of heroic bc it seems inconsistent bc if you get no creatures on the field your spells are worthless....

March 2, 2014 8:40 p.m.

TehCoopeh says... #14

Why not Spear of Heliod instead of Legion's Initiative ? All your guys will get the full +1/+1 boost, you'll have removal if you need it, and it won't wipe out your entire board/reset Favored Hoplite if you activate it's ability.

March 15, 2014 1:38 p.m.

jermtube says... #15

TehCoopeh that's a good counter to Legion's Initiative . I guess I just didn't want something that's 1WW because it doesn't help Purphoros, God of the Forge to get on the battlefield.

March 15, 2014 2:47 p.m.

Since you are planning to last well into mid game, (else why even run Elspeth, ya know?) I'd suggest a little more land and Hammer of Purphoros . The hammer will help protect you against stalling out; feed Purphoros, God of the Forge creatures; and help with devotion.

I, too, am working on a deck which loves on Purphoros. He's a complete beast, but only when you have enough devotion to keep him from only being an enchantment. I share your reluctance to run Spear of Heliod .

Another creature you might consider: Ember Swallower . Imagine your evil opponent's expression when you play Assemble the Legion into Elspeth, Sun's Champion into Ember Swallower 's monstrosity!

April 2, 2014 9:07 p.m.

Oh, and +1!

April 2, 2014 9:09 p.m.

Awesome deck! +1 of course.

You should submit this for the Tapped Out Duel 4....the next duel is standard, and this is standard! :)

It's at TapDown Duels FOURTH Duel ! Submit Here !...this would be awesome to see in action! Great deck!

April 2, 2014 9:15 p.m.

jermtube says... #19

j_cofer thanks for your suggestions! What do you think you'd remove for the Hammer of Purphoros ?

April 3, 2014 10:55 a.m.

@jermtube I'd replace 2x Akroan Horse with 2x Hammer of Purphoros were this my deck.

April 3, 2014 6:24 p.m.

Queima says... #21

+1 just for the name

April 11, 2014 10:59 a.m.

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