This is What Glory Looks Like: a Savage Beating
Commander / EDH
SCORE: 229 | 140 COMMENTS | 20751 VIEWS | IN 100 FOLDERS
VietMoneys says... #2
Damn, buddy. This is a spicy meatball all right!
I've never played against a deck remotely like this, so kudos! Seems super fun.
You're gonna need a Judge Promo Lightning Bolt for this one though ;)
July 21, 2017 10:19 a.m.
FenIsABasicSwamp says... #3
I think that's what my lightning bolt is actually. Isn't that the full art foil one? I typically only put decks on here after I've finished the first draft in paper so all these cards are the actual cards in the deck. The only exceptions are the foil Mountains because tapped out doesn't have the right arts. All the mountains are actually distinct.
July 21, 2017 10:28 a.m.
FenIsABasicSwamp says... #5
Ooh wow. Gorgeous and OG Rush. Probably even more expensive than the full art one.
July 21, 2017 1:41 p.m.
ChubyCryBaby says... #6
Why do I feel like this deck is one card away from being perfect? I can't put my finger on it though and it is making me sad. Grim Lavamancer maybe? I can't think of the card but it's in my head.
July 21, 2017 6:28 p.m.
ChubyCryBaby says... #7
I was thinking of Hidetsugu's Second Rite, sucks I can't edit the last post.
July 21, 2017 6:29 p.m.
FenIsABasicSwamp says... #8
Lol thanks for the upvote and suggestion ChubyCryBaby. I actually did consider it along with Soul's Fire. The thing is, it's so situational. Like the player I'm targeting can ping themself with a City of Brass and go to 9 life and then Hidetsugu's Second Rite does nothing. It's cute and would be awesome to pull off but I'm already doing similar shenangians with Triskadekaphobia in my other deck Alesha Infernal Enchantress: Sheathing the Sword.
July 21, 2017 7:06 p.m.
FenIsABasicSwamp says... #9
Also Grim Lavamancer is super nostalgic for me too, but it just wouldn't cut it damage-wise in here. I really want to fit in Crucible of Worlds + Seismic Assault since I already have the deserts and land destruction theme sort of with Wildfire. And the creature I want to fit in most now is Guttersnipe because he's a 6 damage dude for every instant and sorcery, which should be legit.
July 21, 2017 7:09 p.m.
Grantley91 says... #10
Dictate of the Twin Gods would essentially quadruple the damage dealt by your Bolt, and Curse of Bloodletting would also double the damage dealt to your opponents. Reverberate would let you target another player if you were in a multiplayer game.
Love the gratuity to that Bolt scenario. Tis a shame Gratuitous Violence only works on damage dealt by creatures...
July 22, 2017 12:17 a.m.
FenIsABasicSwamp says... #11
Yeah if I was going to add another doubler it would be Gratuitous violence, or actually Quest for Pure Flame first, because all the symmetric doubling effects is too dangerous. Curse of bloodletting only gets one opponent but it's a decent idea for some decks. There's just no more room for enchantments in this deck. I'm trying to fit in a bunch more instants, Guttersnipe, and a couple artifacts first. Thanks for the comment and upvote! Hope you liked the deck and got some good ideas if you're designing one yourself.
July 22, 2017 12:30 a.m.
I absolutely love this deck, and this is the way I had hoped most people would choose to build Neheb, though I never considered making him a bit Voltron too. What is your opinion on mana doublers such as Doubling Cube (which should be in here regardless, can double the mana from Neheb) and Extraplanar Lens? Also, what about some more X spells? You can produce a lot of mana, but it looks like it's possible to quickly burn through a hand and have so much mana left over. X spells could also help with infinite life gain decks, as well as something like Leyline of Punishment. Again, amazing deck!
July 22, 2017 10:53 a.m.
FenIsABasicSwamp says... #13
Thanks for the kind words Podma101! Mana doublers are great, but what I've discovered so far is that they're totally unnecessary wasted card slots in this deck. As you've noted yourself, Neheb can already generate such incredible amounts of mana that you can end up running out of cards to play. In that case, the mana doublers will serve no further purpose other than letting you reliably recast Neheb. Hopefully the deck will run smooth enough that that won't be a problem, but we'll see how it evolves with more testing. There's a good amount of card draw/advantage in here specifically because you can burn through your hand really quickly. And the only other X spell I want to include is Molten Disaster. I'm generally not a fan of X spells as they feel fairly boring and unsatisfying to win with. I'd rather play Coalhauler Swine+Stuffy Doll+Fortune Thief+Eldrazi Monument+Furnace of Rath into Blasphemous Act and watch all my opponents explode for 1 haha
Also, I love Leyline of Punishment and tried to run it, but I realized quickly that it nixed my protection from red coming from Akroma's Memorial and the two Swords of X and Y, which are key pieces to keeping my limited creatures from getting wiped out by my own symmetrical burn smells.
July 22, 2017 11:25 a.m.
BullettTime says... #14
Dang, last week I had Wheel of Fate in hand with Wildfire Eternal doing it's thing but didn't know if it was legal so I didn't do it! Thanks for all the great advice/inspiration here!
July 22, 2017 6:06 p.m.
I understand all of that completely! My only other suggestion would be Mizzix's Mastery you don't seem to have any real way to get back your spells, and being able to use the ones in your graveyard a'll at once could end it. It's essentially Past in Flames, but in one card rather than casting each on separately.
July 22, 2017 6:09 p.m.
FenIsABasicSwamp says... #16
@BullettTime you're totally welcome! I'm glad you were able to get something helpful out of this! Wildfire Eternal's ability is just like As Foretold: you can cast things with no mana cost or 0 CMC for free.
@Podma101 I've considered Mizzix's Mastery but honestly it's sort of a less flexible, winmore past in flames. Since past in flames has flashback, I can use it at multiple stages of the game, or even discard it to a wheel effect and still use it. The mana I've been generating in my games so far has been so nuts that I was only unable to cast one spell in 5 games that I wanted to cast. Also, Mizzixs Mastery is really only worth it for the overload which sort of implies that you have already cast a ton of spells by the time you cast the mastery, in which case, why haven't you won? Thanks for the suggestion and discussion again, it's only by hearing new ideas and perspectives that we can truly understand the justification for our own choices.
July 22, 2017 6:52 p.m.
FenIsABasicSwamp says... #18
Thorbogl thats a great suggestion actually. Didn't know about him. Coalhauler swine essentially does that even though it hits me too. The mana cost difference is generally irrelevant in this Deck as I have so much mana. Thanks for the upvote!
July 22, 2017 11:02 p.m.
EternalJewmaster says... #19
Boy you should see me after some of those jalapeno poppers, volcano wings, and drunken noodles they have down at the track! About eight or twelve hours after, well let me just say that's what Johnny Cash was talking about with 'Ring of Fire'! That man liked him some spiiiiiiicy food and spicy women too! They both can give you a burning sensation, if you know what I mean.
July 22, 2017 11:33 p.m.
FenIsABasicSwamp says... #21
VietMoneys I finally looked it up and that bolt is $200+! That's crazy man!
July 23, 2017 8:16 a.m.
Lol, I appreciate that my suggestions became part of the description as to why they don't exist
July 23, 2017 9:07 a.m.
FenIsABasicSwamp says... #23
Haha yeah it really helped me clarify my thoughts. You made some valid points that I had to address to justify excluding them.
July 23, 2017 9:23 a.m.
Another suggestion wich might work out quite well: Fire Servant
July 23, 2017 11:36 a.m.
FenIsABasicSwamp says... #25
Yeah I considered him actually but I hate the art and art matters to me :/ thanks for the suggestion though.
FenIsABasicSwamp says... #1
Thanks for the upvote VietMoneys. What're your thoughts? Lilbrudder I did a thing and it's beautiful. You should come up and play again sometime.
July 21, 2017 10:02 a.m.