This is why we can't have the Power 9
SCORE: 119 | 74 COMMENTS | 48931 VIEWS | IN 26 FOLDERS
@ Rhadamanthus What your saying definitely makes a lot of sense. However, there is something overlooked on the business side. Everyone that plays magic wants these cards, but it will cost an arm, a leg, and your first born child to get them lol. If wizards of the Coast was really smart, they would use that to there advantage.
Now your probably thinking to yourself, hey wait a second you can't reprint cards like these in a set!! It would just make everything totally unfair!! Which you would would be 100% correct. BUT!!!
If they reprinted all of the power 9 cards, and anything else ridiculous (ie Jace the Mind Sculptor) in a box 100% SEPARATE and INDEPENDENT of any set out or coming out (the set symbols would be the original symbols), they could make a lot of money!!! I mean really who wouldn't want a box like that?!?! Lol I'd by 5!!
(Also, you have to keep in mind they don't make money off of the sale and trade of individual cards. They only make money off of booster packs, box's and cases.)
September 11, 2011 4:59 p.m.
mechanistorange says... #4
Just thought of it: replace Juzam Djinn with 3x Tinker 1x Blightsteel Colossus
September 11, 2011 8:27 p.m.
This deck isn't all that overpowered! It took me 10 turns to pull off a win in play testing! . . . wait, those were all my 10 turns, the opponent never got to have a turn while i time walked and timetwistered my way into enough moxes and lotuses to just fireball for 20 because some how every time I missed channel XD
This is a great example of why the power 9 are just impossible in today's game and should stay out of it. I can't believe anyone would argue otherwise in the first place.
September 11, 2011 10:15 p.m.
MrJacobobobobobo says... #6
You realize he could just hard cast Blightsteel turn one, right?
September 11, 2011 10:42 p.m.
Rhadamanthus says... #7
@Bman2386 - I agree with you that there is a lot of cash to be made in a special "From the Vault: Unfair" box set, but the bad will Wizards will create by doing so wouldn't be worth the money. Such a set will offend both of the two major subgroups of the base: Collectors and Players. Collectors will be offended because of the damage done to the secondary market value of the originals, and Players will have to experience the unfun and ridiculous (in a bad way) gameplay introduced into their casual groups by people who buy 5 sets of these.
My point about Players not wanting to deal with the nonsense was the entire purpose for composing and posting the deck. Even with suboptimal win conditions (consider all the suggestions for "improvements" on this page), you have something that completely shuts one player out of the game, turning it into a totally non-interactive experience, which isn't even really a "game" anymore.
September 12, 2011 9:42 a.m.
bluemaster says... #9
well i agree with you. but.... you see way back in 2000 here in azores we played magic against the military on the american base in terceira's island. i faced a deck very close to this one. the big diference was the fact of copy restrictions. and to be honest i just loose the match for a very stupid mistake . loose to 2-1 i was using a turbo stasis then. we azoreans had starting playing magic since aliances. so our big gun was force of will. and i used missdirection too. the deck that whin the litle tournament was a oath of druids of a fryend of mine. power nine is very powerfull deck but even now in standart we can have side board against it. chanel fireball? gut shot and you die before i could put a land on table. try to win with zuzan? this is tricky but tempered steel decks would dispatch him. force of will and missdirecton do wonders against this sample power nine you posted. and a lot more cards we can put in sideboard agaisnt it. i could probably give you more examples but i had a 8 year vacation from magic. and only coming back this year. so there isin't a perfect deck you cant assume this deck allways whin. because in a enviroment that use a lot this deck obvious will be allways deck tha can handle this. but then we will ending up with only power nine deck and his nemesys on tournaments and the cards probably will be banned. in this i agree with you. i'm just pointing out that for more powerfull a deck is all we really need is get beaten then use our gray mass and come out wit a nice sideboard. the problem isin't umbalanced cards the problem is they're just too feew. like when i came back to magic a got surprised tha brain storm was no more. oh come on we allways used that card she does what she was intended to do. jace tha mind sculptor was just a a brain storm re-usable for four mana. to be honest the planeswalker that should be banned is the gideon jura. at least in here i allways see people using it just to bye a turn or as a soldier. but in thrut you just only make a deck not very well planed and he allways get to be ataked leaving you safe and geting bigger eatch time.
September 12, 2011 6:59 p.m.
Rhadamanthus says... #10
I understand that there are counter-strategies to every strategy, but in this extreme case you end up with an arms race situation where there are 3 viable decks at most (in the classic rock-paper-scissors configuration), and the environment is such that the "early game" is the coin flip, the "mid game" is mulligans, and "late game" is turns 1-2. In my mind, that just makes for a really miserable experience for everyone involved.
Again, the point is that even in this suboptimal configuration, we have a deck that destroys the fun component of the game, with the reason for that being the inclusion of extremely unbalanced cards.
September 12, 2011 11:42 p.m.
Os i have a UBW deck im working on and i would really appreaciate any help i can have on it plz help! The link is.
September 13, 2011 7:50 a.m.
kingboo3000 says... #12
All that, for the low, low price of $11,300.16!!
September 13, 2011 1:48 p.m.
@ Rhadamanthus your right making a "From the Vault Unfair" box would greatly depreciate the value of these crazy cards, making a lot of people angry. But when you think about it, how many people can really afford power 9's as it is? The reason I ask is because only the people that already owned 1 or more power 9's would be offended.
Also, Wizards already worked out what needs to be banned/ restricted for each set. For example, if you showed up to a tournament with this deck you'd be DISQUALIFIED; almost all of these cards are restricted to 1 in vintage, and its the only set you can play them in!!
Lastly, the quantity and price can be DIFFERENT from when a new set comes out. They could charge $500.00 and only offer a total of 5 packs, (with a bunch of corny cards mixed in). Doing so most certainly cushions the blow to the trading market.
In other words, what I'm trying to say is 1st something like this COULD be possible, second that this move would allow for people who haven't been playing since the 1st set to feel included in the EXPENSIVE world of magic, and Wizards would make a butt load of money in the process.
September 13, 2011 3:20 p.m.
Rhadamanthus says... #14
There isn't any question about the possibility of reprinting them - they can't be reprinted, because of the Reserved List. To address the repeated complaints I've heard regarding this, I'm trying to illuminate the many reasons why it ultimately shouldn't be done.
When I talk about the health of the game with respect to these cards, I'm not talking about tournament play at all. They're only legal in Vintage, which has been dead or dying for almost a decade. Reprinting these in any notable quantity risks damaging the health of casual Magic, and if the casual game dies, the whole tournament structure will probably come crashing down with it anyway.
How does selling reprints at an exorbitant price point solve the "problem"? The grand majority of players will still be just as locked out of the Expensive side of the game as they were to begin with.
September 13, 2011 3:57 p.m.
Vintage is a dead format anyway.
Most people can spend $500 to $1000 on something if they really want it that bad, The cards are not inaccessible. The reason people view them as such, is because having these cards really isn't important enough to possibly justify spending a thousand dollars on.
I also noticed that there are some bugs with the pricing of these cards. This deck would cost a lot more than $11,300
September 13, 2011 5:54 p.m.
Yeah...power nine is awful. where im from i actually heard of a dude that used to mob to the local card store with his proxy power nine and just school people like a douche.
in my opinion, every magic player needs to proxy a power nine at least once in their lives so they know why theyll never, and should never, print it again.
December 6, 2011 10:56 p.m.
aloehart199 says... #17
if this kind of deck was even close too legal in any format it would be the only deck played in the entire format. If you mull into blue mana with this deck its basically auto-win. Playtesting put me at consistent turn 2 wins.
If you want to make it outrageous drop the balance cards, the game never lasts long enough for it to be useful. Replace with the new card temporal mastery.
Basically winning with this deck is simple, as longa s you have a saphire and any other mox in the opener, its time walk and time twister repeatedly. twister floods you with mox mana and walk lets you reuse it. mulligan correctly and its turn 2 at latest for any victory
April 9, 2012 10:12 p.m.
Rhadamanthus says... #18
Yeah, Balance is here because I wanted to add a white card to justify Mox Pearl, so I chose the dirtiest one I can find. The deck purposefully isn't optimized, because part of what's ridiculous is that it can just be the Power 9 plus a pile of random crap and still be nearly unbeatable.
April 9, 2012 10:25 p.m.
aloehart199 says... #19
actually drop balance and chanel for temporal mastery and snapcaster mage and this deck will probably be unstoppable turn 1 victory on the play.
April 9, 2012 10:26 p.m.
cooknathan says... #20
I realise that you are only demonstrating why not to play them but I still have to mention Tolarian Academy just because no one else has.
September 26, 2012 8:37 a.m.
Rhadamanthus says... #21
I didn't even think about lands because I thought it would be funnier not having any, but holy crap you're right.
September 26, 2012 9:13 a.m.
Overlord844 says... #22
Wow this is good, and i completly undterstand all of the reasons for these cards, but why Balance ?
November 26, 2012 10:42 p.m.
Rhadamanthus says... #23
Because I wanted to put in a White card and Balance is the dirtiest, most vicious one I could think of.
November 26, 2012 10:55 p.m.
Overlord844 says... #24
yeah its good and viscous. White is lacking overpowered cards though, its more strong on good removal. Also Balance would be one of the weaker cards, u can tell since its been reprinted it probably isn't on the reserve list thingy
November 27, 2012 2:43 a.m.
Rhadamanthus says... #25
The reserved list doesn't really have anything to do with power (Farmstead , Elephant Graveyard , Mold Demon , many others). It was first put in place after the negative response from collectors to the Chronicles set, and the system for which cards ended up on the list was applied very inconsistently over the years. Wizards stopped Reserving cards after Urza's Destiny.
Balance is a combination of Armageddon , Mind Twist , and Wrath of God , all for just 2 mana. It's astonishingly powerful.
Sam_I_am says... #1
I think some people could benefit from using the playtest feature on this deck just so that they can understand what the power 9 means.
September 10, 2011 12:37 p.m.