Flying gives you some evasion to get some of those +1+1 counters doing damage even if you don't have a Brave the Elements in hand and he effectively gives you a one turn ahead advantage in the early turns to buy yourself some time. The buddy finds the sacrifice ability being effectively used in more games than not, and at the very least it provides you with options.
October 7, 2013 8:09 p.m.
Sounds excellent. Thank you very much! I think I'm going to play around with it and Dryad Militant .
October 7, 2013 9:19 p.m.
You probably want as many copies of Brave the Elements
as you can get. It will save your weenies from red removal (Anger of the Gods
, Mizzium Mortars
) as well as win-con if you have enough weenies to give prot. from color and strike for lethal damage. Ordeal of Heliod
and Gift of Orzhova
won't do much for you anyway, especially due to the singleton inclusion so you can remove them safely.
You might also consider some lategame win con if the early rush fails. Either Archangel of Thune
or Elspeth, Sun's Champion
are good candidates to support your weenies.
Other than that awesome deck, I love the concept and I love white weenies in general. +1
November 11, 2013 4:46 a.m.
Thank you very much Tilwin. I had attempted to remove Gift of Orzhova , but I guess it didn't take, haha. Brave the Elements has often times been a dead card in my hand when I have multiple early, hence the low number. I will probably increase that, though. As for the lategame win cons, if I happen to come upon some Archangel of Thune , they will go in here. Until then, the Planeswalkers help keep some pressure on late. Thanks for the comments on +1!
November 11, 2013 7:47 a.m.
Peanut3965 says... #6
perhaps Heliod, God of the Sun ? he buffs Ethereal Armor for what its worth, give all your creatures vigilance, pretty much a 5/6 the moment he hits the board and provides a mana sink when you have nothing else to do. (provide creatures - to which continue to buff Ethereal Armor .?
November 12, 2013 4:47 a.m.
Yes, Heliod, God of the Sun would work pretty well I think. The only question is what he would go in for without slowing the deck down too much.
November 12, 2013 10:05 a.m.
You already have plenty of 1 drops. You will need to decide which do the better cut for you. Personally I would move Judge's Familiar
to sideboard - against control decks it can slow your opponents down a bit, but against aggro decks he is quite pointless and it would fit you better if you had more of those 2/1s in the deck. When facing controlling decks, you could replace either the Eidolons or Dryad Militant
s (which although great, are not as powerful as Soldier of the Pantheon
Now this having been said, you free 2 more spots for 2 copies of Heliod, God of the Sun
. It will not slow you down that much and should give you quite a good 4 drop in case the game drags - I don't expect you'll be able to finish this game in 3 turns anyway.
Problem: I don't see any spells targeting your Phalanx Leader
- except for perhaps your Ethereal Armor
. Although a fine 2 drop in the proper decks, I feel in your deck he is more of a dead 1/1 for the cost of 2. You'd do better if you replaced those with Boros Reckoner
for a much stronger and relevant body.
November 12, 2013 10:13 a.m.
Peanut3965 says... #9
im not saying remove him, but in regards to synergy's case, what are your thoughts on your gidion?
November 12, 2013 2:46 p.m.
Tilwin, you bring up some excellent points. Let me address a few. Phalanx Leader has been on the cusp of removal for some time now. My deck has been in the works, bouncing through various forms including different amounts of auras and targeting instants. I agree that the way it's looking, I will almost certainly remove him. As for replacing him with Boros Reckoner , it amounts to finding a trade for a few on this site. I live far from any LGS, and don't have the funds to order them, so TappedOut trades are how I acquire my singles. The same goes for throwing in Heliod, God of the Sun (unless I hit the "jackpot" in a booster pack). I enjoy Judge's Familiar for the evasion it offers as a 1 drop, plus the situational ability. I do agree with your opinion though, and if those Heliods are acquired, the change will be made. Thank you very much for the criticism!
Peanut3965, Gideon, Champion of Justice provides a good, growing body at a good price. Additionally, his combo with Ajani, Caller of the Pride is lethal and awesome when it goes off. What do you think of him?
November 13, 2013 8:58 p.m.
Peanut3965 says... #11
I think hes ok. But if ur trading or killing their creatures he may be growing at a pretty slow pace. There MIGHT be something better tho I cant say what. Plus tho I know u prob wouldnt use the ult it obv dosent help unless its in ur brst intrest to restart the match. Again I dont know enough about agressive decks to be able to make a diff sudgestion :S
November 13, 2013 9:38 p.m.
Peanut3965 says... #12
If ur lucky u could replace them with 1 elspeth then add another 1 of something elsr. She provides a means to kill. Addz creatures and if she gets big enough ends gamez with a deck like urs. Tho she may be a bit slow
November 13, 2013 9:43 p.m.
Peanut3965 says... #13
Soul tieth I think its spelt could also be an option for side board? Its got a wide target range and can put allot of stress on an opponent if u put it on a major win condition
November 13, 2013 9:46 p.m.
Dalektable says... #14
I like your deck, it's pretty similar to the one i'm currently running Heliod, God of the Weenies although with a few differences. I'd love some suggestions if you have any! As for you i'd most definitely recommend Fabled Hero as at least a 2 of. He has single handedly won me games, also Gift of Orzhova is a great enchantment to go with your life gain going on. I don't really feel Dryad Militant should be mainboard, it's a 2/1 for 1 which is great but so is Soldier of the Pantheon and he is much better. I would drop/sideboard those and replace them with a two of of each of he cards i mentioned, this could help round out your curve some too. Overall nice deck, +1!
November 13, 2013 9:57 p.m.
Dalektable says... #15
Although, you don't have many targeting spells so perhaps not.
November 13, 2013 10:01 p.m.
Ok, Peanut3965, thank you for the critiques. Let me try to address each. Soul Tithe seems like it could be good sideboard against control decks with a few win cons, probably not very efficient racing though. As for Elspeth vs. Gideon, I think Elspeth would be a little too slow. By the time she hits, I should either be close to winning or so far out of it that she wouldn't make enough of a difference. Gideon will be a 5/5 minimum indestructible the first turn he can attack. And if I have Spear of Heliod , Path of Bravery , or Ajani, Caller of the Pride out, he's going to be lethal quick.
Now, JakeSlytherclaw7, as to your suggestions: Both Fabled Hero and Gift of Orzhova were in previous versions of this deck. Neither have been doing quite what I want, so I don't think I'll be going that route. As for taking Dryad Militant out, I completely disagree. A 2/1 for 1 is exactly what this deck needs. I can almost guarantee having at least one with eight in my deck. Soldier of the Pantheon is better, but it is a situational better. Against certain matchups, the improvement is negligible. Thank you for your input and I will check out your deck!
November 14, 2013 2:27 a.m.
Quadsimotto says... #17
This is in my opinion a deck that is capable of top tier. Incredibly fast. Well done. I expect to see something like this showing up in top deck lists.
January 25, 2014 7:25 a.m.
Thank you very much Quadsimotto. I have been running this (without BNG) of course on the kitchen table, and my only problem has been the occasional lack of removal. I suppose a sideboard would do wonders for that, though.
January 25, 2014 8:50 a.m.
Quadsimotto says... #19
against my ankle biter deck it slaughtered me two zip. It was just insanely fast. The life gain and combo of Hopeful Eidolon and Ethereal Armor was too much to handle early game. Add the spear and a couple of captains to the mix and just wow!! Brimaz would be great in this deck.
January 25, 2014 10:05 a.m.
Dalektable says... #20
The deck looks nice, but you need help developing a sideboard. The deck is good on it's on but a sideboard will help you be good against the biggest variety of decks.
Celestial Flare Is good to side in against aggro match ups or for hard to remove creatures (Like Blood Baron of Vizkopa for mono white)
Spirit of the Labyrinth Is a new card from BNG that is going to be an instant sideboard cards for white weenies against control
Rootborn Defenses Is another card for control which will help you survive Supreme Verdict which absolutely decks decks like this
Banisher Priest works well for things like dealing with the gods and big creatures you can't deal with like in R/G monsters. Oh, also Master of Waves
Pithing Needle for any planeswalker or AEtherling needs
Renounce the Guilds / Glare of Heresy
Silence is pretty much always a good SB card for mono white
And for mainboard if you can get your hands on a couple i would try Brimaz, King of Oreskos because wow he's great
January 25, 2014 10:55 a.m.
Dalektable says... #21
Oh and another card for sideboard (or even mainboard) would be Blind Obedience / Imposing Sovereign
January 25, 2014 10:56 a.m.
Alright Dalektable. Thank you very much for the sideboard help. I suppose I hadn't made one yet because I haven't been able to take this to any FNM or anything. Could you let me know how that looks so far? Also, I don't have Brimaz, King of Oreskos in yet because since he such a high dollar card, he will probably be pretty difficult for me to get. Also, Quadsimotto, thanks for testing it and for the compliments!
January 25, 2014 12:32 p.m.
Dalektable says... #23
I can completely relate to the Brimaz situation, i'm in the same boat. And the sideboard looks pretty good and balanced, just tweak as your meta demands.
January 25, 2014 12:41 p.m.
Since the majority of your creatures are humans, Door of Destinies might be a worthwhile addition
January 26, 2014 1:21 a.m.
I would probaly main Banisher Priest and/or Celestial Flare for removal. Gift of Orzhova for Lifelink and evasion, great against aggro who can almost never compete with Lifelink.
If you give Boros Reckoner Lifelink with either Gift of Orzhova , Hopeful Eidolon or Swift Justice and make him Indestructible with either Rootborn Defenses , Frontline Medic or Indestructibility you get an infinite amount of life when he takes damage since you can target himself over and over. Just a fun thought and to have the possibility to do it you dont need to change much :)
tj70 says... #1
Hmm. Thank you WhiteRush. Does your buddy utilize its sacrifice ability or just a 1/1 flyer?
October 7, 2013 7:46 p.m.