Banisher Priest or Gift of Orzhova for Archetype of Courage maybe, depends on the importance of First Strike in the meta I guess, feels like one kind of evasion for another. But that spot is probably going to Brimaz, King of Oreskos when he gets in your hands. Just as long as you have the infinite life combo in mind, I love telling my opponents that his block just gave me one googolplex life.
January 26, 2014 2:11 a.m.
Hahaha. That is excellent. Thanks again for the suggestions. I'll play around with em!
January 26, 2014 2:43 a.m.
I have been playtesting Brimaz, King of Oreskos in my Selesnya Standard deck, and he kicks ass in that. If he does well in mine, he'll be GREAT for yours, so really do consider putting him in there... He's so much good!
January 29, 2014 12:23 a.m.
Thanks GamrMan11. He will be going in if I get him. I just don't have the money to throw around for him. I have to get lucky in packs or make some good trades.
January 29, 2014 7:40 a.m.
Nthnbnntt09 says... #7
This looks like an awesome deck. I would agree with notan88 about getting some more indestructibility effects. You might want to think about getting a cheap flier like Judge's Familiar to give you some defense from fliers. I playtested this against my Orzhov deck and managed to ramp out my Ashen Rider after stalling your deck out and there wasn't an answer. Of course, most people probably wouldn't use Ashen Rider , but things like Desecration Demon or Stormbreath Dragon can really ruin your day. Other than that, this is great. Had I not sided in Merciless Eviction in game 2, I would have lost to 2 giant Eidolon of Countless Battles .
January 30, 2014 8:04 a.m.
Thanks for the input Nthnbnntt09, and for the playtest! My hope against flyers will be sided in Celestial Flare s and Banisher Priest s. I ran Judge's Familiar in an earlier version of this deck. It never performed quite as I wanted. At this point of the deck, I don't want more 1 drops and I don't know if it's worthy of replacing the others. It may actually have a place instead of Soldier of the Pantheon . What would you suggest replacing for it?
January 30, 2014 10:48 p.m.
rastarracer says... #9
+1 vote from me! I was planning on making a deck simialar to this myself. What are your thoughts on running Hero of Iroas in here? He would make bestowing the Eidolon of Countless Battles Possible turn three, and it could probably synergize well with the rest of the deck.
January 31, 2014 3:17 a.m.
Nthnbnntt09 says... #10
I might actually say Hopeful Eidolon . One of the problems I saw was that your other creatures were getting killed off before you could ever use him as a bestow creature, so it was basically just a chump blocker. In this way, Judge's Familiar could also serve to counter some kill spells on your other creatures. That way, your creatures would have another way to survive in the early part of game 1.
January 31, 2014 3:33 a.m.
Nthnbnntt09: From my experience, Hopeful Eidolon at least has the potential of helping late-game. Soldier of the Pantheon offers the pro-multi color that is useful in certain scenarios, but he is usually my least likely creature to try to grow/enchant. I don't know. I definitely feel like Judge's Familiar deserves a spot, as both a potential beater and the possibility to counter. Testing must be done I reckon.
rastarracer: Hero of Iroas was certainly considered. I just think his use is fairly situational. Most of my stuff is cheap enough that I don't know if he'll speed it up THAT much. I almost sense another Phalanx Leader in him.
January 31, 2014 4:16 a.m.
wishdragon says... #12
I think it has the righ cards in the right spot. Brimaz, King of Oreskos is a good addition certainly... however Eidolon of Countless Battles does better the job in this case. My only suggestion is reffering the mana base. the amount of Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx is well balanced but i would substitute some plains for a playset of Temple of Triumph for two basic reasons. 1) The scry ability is relevant in cases the match takes longer of even to hit the right cards. 2) It gives you access to Boros Charm which would help a lot in control decks running Supreme Verdict , Anger the gods or overloaded Mizzium Mortars .
February 6, 2014 7:01 a.m.
Hmmmm...thank you very much for the input wishdragon. I've considered splashing each color in this deck, but I never thought of such a small splash. That really seems like a good idea. If I were to acquire the Temples, what would you suggest I replace with the Boros Charm s?
February 6, 2014 5:28 p.m.
wishdragon says... #14
I think I would take out the Ordeal of Heliod . It's just too slow and does not do too much to make you stand against the most powerful decks right now and once you sacrifice it, gain 10 life does not help too much if you are already losing due to a massive board presence. To help you splash red for Boros Charm i would consider also adding Sacred Foundry to the deck.No need for a playset... maybe just 2 of them because you don't wanto to get shocked too much.
February 7, 2014 6:46 a.m.
Splash red for Iroas, God of Victory , Ash Zealot , Madcap Skills , and Purphoros, God of the Forge ?
April 25, 2014 6:55 a.m.
I have most certainly considered splashing colors, but I want to keep this deck mono-white. Perhaps another color would make it stronger, but I suppose I just want a mono-white deck. Thanks for the suggestions, though. I also feel like mono-white has enough threats to maintain viability.
April 25, 2014 10:11 a.m.
Flareking99 says... #17
Personally, I'd run Nyxborn Shieldmate instead of Hopeful Eidolon because that extra toughness might save you. You can also bestow it one turn earlier, allowing you to smash you opponent's face in faster. I'd say add in two and just take out two eidolons because they both are one drops and you can bestow them one turn after another for a bigger creature. That's just my two cents though.
April 26, 2014 6:59 a.m.
Thanks Flareking99. That is a worthwhile suggestion. I had truly never considered Nyxborn Shieldmate . I really think the lifelink makes it worth that extra mana. When I bestow, I don't think the one extra toughness will make as much an impact as lifelink.
April 26, 2014 9:01 a.m.
Flareking99 says... #19
It only matters when they pull a Searing Blood and can't kill your creature anymore and then you win.
April 26, 2014 6:41 p.m.
Flareking99: We could play the "if" game all day. With multiple anthem effects, Ajani's +1, and Ethereal Armor , I think I have enough ways to get my creatures out of burn range. Thank you very much for arguing your suggestion..
tj70 says... #1
UggyD: Thanks for the suggestion. I've considered it before, but it just feels a little awkward and clunky.
notan88: Thanks to you as well for the suggestions. If I were to main Banisher Priest or Celestial Flare , what would you suggest removing? The reason I would choose to avoid them mainboard is I want this deck to race to victory as quick as possible. These cards would slow it down but help it perform better in certain match ups. As for the Infinite Life Indestructible Reckoner, it feels a bit too gimmicky and hard to get off consistently. With Rootborn Defenses sideboard, it becomes a possibility when sided in. I think adding pieces main to accomplish it would detract from the deck. Gift of Orzhova clogs the 3 CMC slot and Swift Justice has never seemed to do enough for me. Your thoughts?
January 26, 2014 1:37 a.m.