"This'll be a night you never forget!"

Commander / EDH* DrkNinja


bushido_man96 says... #1

I think you could use more card draw. Phyrexian Arena would be a good choice, and so would Arguel's Blood Fast  Flip. Greed is another option. I think you could also use some more mass board wipes, and in black you could pull off In Garruk's Wake and Plague Wind, or Kindred Dominance. Those are three board wipes that allow you to keep your board state, which is so great with a token strategy. Nim Deathmantle might be better than Whip of Erebos. I also think that Olivia Voldaren is better than Olivia, Mobilized for War, unless you have some synergistic stuff going on with her.

I think I would pull New Blood. Nice flavor, but I don't think its worth it. Since you're running Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth, you should run Filth, too. And if you want a backup to Urborg, Blanket of Night is good. I think I'd dump Rakdos Charm, too. Usually good against token strategies, but you are running a bit of one yourself.

Maybe take out Debt to the Deathless and Feast of Blood and add in Boros Signet, Rakdos Signet, and Orzhov Signet, which ever you feel the need for more. Swords to Plowshares over Go for the Throat.

How does Well of Lost Dreams work for you? You have lots of life loss effects going on, so if it works well, then stick with it. If you find yourself tapped out most of the time that you would want to use it, then a more straightforward card draw engine or another mana rock might work out better.

Have you thought about the Exquisite Blood and Sanguine Bond combo? You're running half of it...

I hope that helps some. I love the vampire tribal theme, so I hope you get it working for you.

October 17, 2017 4:24 a.m.

Have you considered Cathars' Crusade and Falkenrath Gorger?

I tend to think that Blood Baron of Vizkopa doesn't fit well in this deck (depending how you play obviously). I prefer to be a little more aggressive with Edgar as I want to put the counters on my creatures and Baron has the protection from white meaning he won't get the benefit of those counters. Unless that is incorrect, then it's a different story. I should probably ask a judge as this is the second time it has come up for me.

Also, unless you are running Sorin Markov I feel like getting an opponent down to 10 could take some time so you are not getting the benefit of 6/6 and flying right away. That second ability is a really nice one in group play. Very political move and could get you some allies and at the very minimum keep people off your back.

I think more board wipes are beneficial but doesn't have to be a problem. My go to is Day of Judgment just for low cost removal. Path to Exile for quick removal at the benefit of a land for the opponent.

October 17, 2017 10:23 a.m.

Chandrian says... #3

I think Edgar Markov really shines in a deck with lots of vampires. According to some sources to have a critical mass of a certain creature type = having around 30 of that type in the deck, this seems to be true for Modern, but also for Commander (as 1/3 of your deck will be of the right tribe).

As you mentionned you have the precon, may I suggest to keep Drana, Kalastria Bloodchief into the deck? She is very good at removing opposing creatures and allows for huge swings. She also doesn't need to tap to use her ability, which is a nice bonus. Another card you could use is Sanctum Seeker as it triggers for every vampire that attacks !

In find that to win games in Commander having both mana and cards is important, so maybe you need some extra draw engines. Phyrexian Arena has been mentionned, but with all the lifegain, you might also be interested in Greed.

I would suggest taking out Anointed Procession as you will not be making super much tokens (they're a nice bonus, but not the main focus of the deck).

October 17, 2017 1:16 p.m.

Bxbx says... #4


my strategy for making your deck faster is:

  1. putting in more cheap vampires as this synergises with your commander more: Insolent Neonate, Kheru Mind-Eater, Guul Draz Assassin, Viscera Seer, Bloodthrone Vampire, Blood Bairn, Vampire Aristocrat, Bloodflow Connoisseur, Malakir Cullblade. This way you can swarm the board early while en passant generating tokens, then attack with Edgar Markov on turn 6.

  2. putting in some ultra aggressive cards. Alongside tokens Mercadia's Downfall can be devastating, for example. Another one would be Mirror Entity. Note that this one is also a vampire and that the +1/+1-counters stay on the creatures when you change their base power and toughness.

  3. cutting some of the more expenise and non-aggressive cards: Campaign of Vengeance, Stensia Masquerade and maybe you should reduce your lifegain/-loss subtheme if you want to go the faster route. Also Vanquisher's Banner is cool tech, but at 5 mana it may be too expensive

By the way: a card that can go absolutely crazy in token tribal decks is Mana Echoes. Unfortunately it is no budget card.

bushido_man96 mentioned some mass removals. Their asymetrical effect is nice but they also cost a lot of mana. Some other really good asymmetrical mass removals for token decks would be Austere Command, Fell the Mighty, Retribution of the Meek and Dusk.

That's all for now. Let me know what you think of my faster game plan.

October 17, 2017 1:54 p.m.

DrkNinja says... #5

@bushido_man96 well I'm actually using erebos as a substitute for greed because he basically does the same thing except it also prevents Life gain and it's just a big 5/7 indestructible creature that just does its thing. That's a relatively new addition to the deck so I'm not really sure how that works out I think that'll help. I don't like the really expensive board wipes because they again take up spaces and are really expensive to cast. I'm not a huge fan of nim deathmantle I understand that it's good I just don't like it because it doesn't really push forward my goal of aggro and I usually don't have a lot of free manna on opponents turns. I've been having the debate on which Olivia to play the reason mobilize for war is in the deck is just because it's cheaper and it's pretty good beat stick it also can give certain creatures haste right out the gate till like when a game right then and there. As far as new blood is concerned I play against a lot of tribal decks including elves and so it's always really fun to New Blood at in Elvish archdruid and then just be like hey I get a bunch of Mana for the amounts of vampires I control so that's why I kept it in the deck. I don't like filth because we play a lot of graveyard hate because most of our decks all run off of graveyards that's why there's the inclusion of rakdos charm it's a play group thing; also I believe cover of Darkness pretty much does the same thing that feels does to little bit differently. Blanket of night actually looks like a really good card though and I'm definitely going to try to find a spot for that as well as the urborg. The signets were in the deck but I actually took them out just because I'm not a fan of what signets do I don't like paying into it to get more Mana in return unless it's like a nykthos or something like that. I don't know about well of Lost Dreams honestly that's probably the card I'm going to end up cutting it doesn't seem to work out well granted I don't ever have it at an opportune time like I never tend to have it when I have free Manna I'm not struggling to get aboard presents so that's probably going to because I honestly. As far as the blood-bond combo I purposely didn't put it in the deck because my friends hates the combo and they hate the infinites combo stuff; I figure if I am going to put combos in it I'm going to make them combos that don't require only 2 cards because with blood and bonds you only need those two cards and you Win automatically so when I do include infinite combos I try to make them very Interactive.

@brandonsperry25 cathars Crusade is definitely something I should look into and the gorger just doesn't have any synergy in the deck Noble is just a better one drop. As far as the baron is concerned I when I first saw that card I hated it and I thought it was dumb it was too situational and then after I played it in the deck a couple of times I realized why it was good it's a 4/4 with LifeLink and protection from white and black for 5 that's stupid Mana efficient, the +6/+6 and flying is entirely irrelevant. Also Pro black and pro white just prevent from targeting the card if you read Edgar, Edgar specifically says to all vampires he does not Target therefore his ability does work on Baron as well as drana's.

@Chandrian I have roughly 26 vampires in the deck I'm going to be adding a couple more but for the most part I have a third of the deck is vampires so it does work. I took drawn out because she's really expensive and I wanted to get a lot of vampires on the table quick to get a lot of tokens on the table quick to be able to go is a grow as possible as soon as possible and I get that her abilities really good but again I don't usually have a lot of mana at open. I'm thinking the takeout campaign of Vengeance in place of sanctum Seeker because I really like that ability and that would be another vampire to trigger Edgar. My only issue with phyrexian arena is I have no enchant removal so if at some point in time I'm too low and I need to not be losing that one life every turn I have no way to get rid of it really. And as mentioned earlier greed is cool but I believe erebos is just a better version of greed because it's indestructible and it's a 5/7 body. Also anointed procession is really good in my deck I have Legions Landing, Soren, Edgar, Westvale Abbey, Kindred charge, and mavren Fein producing tokens for the deck.

October 18, 2017 12:54 p.m.

Nietzsky says... #6

You know, I've resisted the urge to play all token decks as long as Cyclonic Rift remains legal, but this Markov list looks like a blast. Can you find yourself pumping out tokens quick enough with Markov to justify an Ashnod's Altar to combo with Exsanguinate or Debt to the Deathless? It also would make Blood Artist pull much more weight. Is the CMC too high on Butcher of Malakir to perhaps include it with Ashnod's or a similar sac outlet, to combo with

March 3, 2018 2:36 a.m.

Have you considered the new Bloodtracker? It will work well with your minor +1/+1 strategy, is a vampire, and also draws cards.

On that note, I think you might want a bit more card draw and ramp. Yes your are aggro, but being able to cast spells and having cards in hand are important. Painful Truths, Twilight Prophet (on theme too!), Moonlight Bargain, Greed, and Read the Bones all would work here.

Commander's Sphere gives both ramp and card draw. I'd strongly suggest running a least two of the on color signets: Boros Signet, Orzhov Signet, and Rakdos Signet

I always suggest Crackling Doom for Mardu decks. It is such a fun/good card!

Good luck deck building!

November 24, 2018 2:11 p.m.

DrkNinja says... #8

Twilight profit is supposed to be in here, I have the actual card in the deck.

I'll play test the blood tracker, I'm trying to keep my CMC down and he's a little expensive.

Originally I had to signets but I cut one for chromatic lantern instead, I'll see how it does with the changes first. Lantern might solve my issues.

November 25, 2018 10:15 a.m.

Alexev says... #9

how is Kindred Charge work for you?

November 25, 2018 2:47 p.m.

DrkNinja says... #10

@Alexev it ends the game 90% of the time, the other 10% I take out 2 to 3 players. I play in a 5 to 6 man pod

November 25, 2018 2:55 p.m.

Alexev says... #11


Souns great, Ill give it a try. I am looking for a way to consistently T6 lethal to 3 players and Kindred Charge seems like a good asset.

Your vampires have a lot of cmc, how does it doing in your meta?

November 25, 2018 3:34 p.m.

DrkNinja says... #12

Alexev & Last_Laugh What are you guys' thoughts on Experimental Frenzy here? It's kinda draw power...

November 27, 2018 noon

Alexev says... #13

Mmmm, it maybe wotrh to try.. or not...

Let me share my thoughts

  1. Imagine you have no hand, the board have been wiped, this enchant will let you play cards from the top while you have mana enough to spend, so it is a life saver

  2. You cannot play cards from your hand, so you cannot hold answers for things, you cannot select a strategy, you are just topdecking and playing, it may work, or not

  3. AFter playing this, every other card draw spell is worthless, you can draw cards, but cannot use them so, mmmm

  4. The only reason I would play it if I also add some top manipulation tool, such as the Sensei's Divining Top and Scroll Rack, etc.

Even with those cards, I am remain unconvinced about how good it can be in this deck

November 27, 2018 12:08 p.m.

Unless you are running green for extra land plays or running storm, Experimental Frenzy will probably hurt you more than it helps. Consistent card draw is what you want, but if you want a card in a similar vein as Experimental Frenzy then you should consider Outpost Siege, Sunbird's Invocation, Vance's Blasting Cannons  Flip, or Necropotence. Otherwise the tried and true card draw methods that I previously mentioned will do great work for you.

Also, I just noticed that you are running 102 cards in this list, so you'll need to make a couple cuts.

November 27, 2018 12:49 p.m.

Also, also, in discussion about running Chromatic Lantern over the signets. My response is: run all of them. My suggestion wasn't based on the quality of the ramp, it was based on the quantity that you are running. You have 3 true ramp cards. Even cEDH Markov lists run more than that. Now I don't tend to play aggro in EDH, so take this with a grain of salt, but I never have less than 10 ways to ramp in my decks. That may seem like a lot, but it is really important to have enough ramp in order to keep pace with your opponents. Since you are trying to be quick and low to the ground, 10 may be a bit much, but 5-6 seems like a good number. The 2 cmc ramp spells are budget friendly and shouldn't hurt your aggro strategy: the Signets, Fellwar Stone, Talisman of Indulgence. It's just something to consider.

Sorry about the double post!

November 27, 2018 1:05 p.m.

DrkNinja says... #16

Well I've seen Frenzy in a lot of Standard Aggro decks and it seems to work really well. I just wondered if it could be adapted to EDH.

November 28, 2018 2:21 p.m.

Alexev says... #17

I have seen a couple videos of some guy playing a very aggressive deck, I may try those ideas, he plays Winter Orb, Armageddon and Ravages of War.

It is very 'easy' for Markov to put in a couple of turns 30+ power in the table, but to keep it is another thing, I saw him play the orb, he had 5 or 6 vampires, people tapped out, he drop the orb and a huge buffer and was GG, the next 3 turns he did whatever he wanted with his victims

November 28, 2018 4:52 p.m.

Chaining together a bunch of cheap vampires alongside Markov could be pretty explosive (and cool!), and I have honestly yet to see anyone try out Experimental Frenzy in a game of commander so who knows, it could but busted. If you do end up trying the card out I'd be interested to hear how it performs! I would think you might want to also include a couple of haste enablers though, otherwise your opponents might just respond with a board wipe.

November 29, 2018 12:18 a.m.

hkhssweiss says... #19

Looks like a fairly solid build! Don't forget to add in Smothering Tithe in the next set!

January 15, 2019 4:03 p.m.

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