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Thomas, the Exalted Engine

Pauper* Aggro GWU (Bant) Vehicle





Disclaimer: this is an idea in fieri, so it's purely hypothetical and I haven't built the deck yet


The deck focuses around the exalted mechanic. We therefore want to develop an exalted board presence to strike with the right "hard-hitter" creatures.

Main advantage of this strategy is that we keep our win conditions separate and diluted, forcing the opponent to remove either one in many exalted creature, or the very replaceable hard-hitter.

This general strategy could be achieved with only, so I added a good presence to get card advantage.

A splash of also enables using Qasali Pridemage, which I really like.

CREATURES (and trains):

First things first, se have to introduce our train enthusiasts, the exalted creatures:

Here are the creatures that gain better advantage from the exalted buff to attack alone (so-called hard-hitters):


We are not playing alone! Here are some spells to avoid intrusions from our pesky opponents:


The remaining spells are there to provide card advantage: Thoughtcast, Of One Mind.

The last one is usable because we have 8 humans in the deck, and 12 non-humans (trains count too when crewed!), while the first gets advantage from the many artifacts of the deck.

We also have Lorien Revealed as, like, every blue deck nowadays, which can be useful for mana fixing (to get the one copy of Idyllic Beachfront, or Tangled Islet if we Feel Francy).


Ancient Den, Seat of the Synod and Razortide Bridge are there to help with Thoughtcast.

The one copy of Idyllic Beachfront helps fixing the manabase with Lorien Revealed, which can also be used with Tangled Islet to get our splash colour.

Survivors' Encampment helps with all mana colors, given the fact that we generally have at most 2 tapped creatures.

That's all, I think. As I said it's only an idea but I'm interested in all opinions, ad ways to upgrade it. Hope you liked it, cheers!


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