Thopter Foundry (Origins ready)

Standard* jericko101


Changes for the better —July 18, 2015

I removed the Chief Engineers completely because they had no value on the boards aside from pumping your thopters. It basically was 2/3 for 3. I also removed Pia and Kiran Nalaar because double red was sometimes inconsistent on turn 4 and 7 mana to deal 2 damage to a creature or player was to mana taxing. Although, I have to say, they are very good in board stalls against another aggro deck. They might go to the sideboard if the meta calls for them.

These are the following changes:

-2 Pia and Kiran Nalaar -3 Chief of the Foundry -1 Hangarback Walker -1 Ghostfire Blade

+4 Lightning Strike +2 Monastery Siege +1 Thopter Engineer

I really like the addition of a set of Lightning Strike. Makes the deck more versatile, at the same time giving it more reach. Adding Monastery Siege for me was genius for this deck. In a grindy match, a deck needs to dig through his deck much quicker than his opponents. The first ability, "Khans", does that. Although it may not be card advantage since you are discarding a card at the same time, it is still card filtering and 2 cards a turn builds up very fast. Now the second ability, "Dragons" is interesting. There will be times when you make a 5/5 artifact and you want to protect it but dont have stubborn denial in hand. This ability taxes your opponents mana by 2 whenever he targets a permanent you control or you. This means he has to pay 2 more than the usual mana cost to remove one of your permanents or whenever he tries to make you sacrifice or discard. Very important if you're trying to protect a very vital piece to winning on the board. Lastly, I added a forth Thopter Engineer for that extra consistency.

DarkMagician says... #1

You forgot a potential turn four kill:


July 4, 2015 11:50 p.m.

apolloviper03 says... #2

I like the idea, let us know how it goes. I am curious to know how Whirler Rouge does, as I was considering it as well. I put a list together, so please check mine out for additional ideas. I will say that I think Scuttling Doom Engine is preferable to Hangerback Walker, as the Doom Engine is more efficient and evasive, and though it doesn't make tokens, it does smack for 6 when it dies.


July 5, 2015 12:36 a.m.

jericko101 says... #3

DarkMagician nice turn 4 win. Totally didn't see that. Makes this deck even more consistent winning on T4 with all the possible ways. Thanks for pointing that out man!

July 5, 2015 9:07 a.m.

jericko101 says... #4

apolloviper03, thanks man. I really like whireler rouge for giving my dudes evasion. And activating her ability multiple times is super easy in this deck. I'm not a fan of Scuttling Doom Engine in this deck though. I realize the potential damage it can do to my opponent by sacrificing it to Shrapnel Blast but my mana base cannot support a 6cmc creature in the deck. And if you ever reach with 6 mana in this deck, you are probably losing. This deck aims to win fast. Go broke or go home. The reason why I chose Hangarback Walker over Doom Engine is because I can cast it much earlier than the latter. And when I have a lot of unused mana, I can cast it for much bigger. This allows me to use my mana more efficiently. And in most cases, it will be at least a 2 for 1. Resilient to board wipes as well. I think he has potential. Thanks for your suggestions though. I'll be sure to check up on your deck too.

July 5, 2015 9:16 a.m.

apolloviper03 says... #5

I just noticed how awesome Seismic Rupture would be against red decks. I am putting that on my sideboard for sure :)

July 5, 2015 9:54 a.m.

jericko101 says... #6

Yeah dude! It kills their side of the board and only two cards in our deck die to this. It's 3 mana and super easy to splash. A one sided board wipe in most situations. Super value!

July 5, 2015 11:02 a.m.

Kala says... #7

I made a version of this. Check out mine please. Link wont work, so find it from profile

July 5, 2015 6:46 p.m.

exalted_k1d says... #8

Thopter Foundry isnt standard :P

July 11, 2015 5:46 a.m.

Kala says... #9

exalted_k1d check out the description

July 12, 2015 5:15 p.m.

jericko101 says... #10

exalted_k1d, please check the description :P

July 13, 2015 8:38 a.m.