Ok. This is your run in the mill Ramp up and Blooodrush Aggro Deck.
The point is the save most of your Bloodrush card and Wolfruns ramp for Thrag or Wolfir if possible
Hellrider: is for its ability to do damage for each creature attacking
Arbor Elf and Zhur-Taa Druid: Are Mana Dork with Zhur doing some damage while you ramp up..not to meniton its nice to do end of opponnents turn to do 1 damage just to have him ready for your turn.
Thragtusk and Wolfir Silverheart are self explanatory. as they are the Big Hitters and Main focus of this deck.
Domri Rade: To draw cards and get rid of your Opponents weak creatures / mana dorks.
Burning-Tree Emissary
: Pretty self explanatory as well. a 2/2 to help summon another one or a creature with a CMC of 2 with either red or green. not to mention it helps stall your opponent and Hellrider's ability
Strangleroot Geist
: good for Speed and another creature for Hellrider and good for early game just like Burning-Tree.
Flinthoof Boar
a 2/2 that becomes a 3/3 just by controlling a Mountain for CMC 2 and potentially have Haste for Turn 3..Yes.
Firefist Striker
His Batallion Ability will keep your Opponents heavy hitters from blocking essentially letting you pick out which ones are allowed to block, kind of like a light version of Odric.
Suggestion for Side Board are Great and +1 if you like.