Paradox Scepter Storm: cEDH Primer

Commander / EDH* Lilbrudder

SCORE: 107 | 225 COMMENTS | 44306 VIEWS | IN 52 FOLDERS

enpc says... #1

Looks really solid. A few cards you could consider if you wanted to add some redundancy:

But I really like the concept. And I think red is the right call over white here.

December 30, 2016 8:56 p.m.

Lilbrudder says... #2

Thanks bud :-) I like both of those cards a great deal and will test them out Guttersnipe in particular feels great. So far I am pretty thrilled with what red has offered to BUG. Wheel of fortune, winds of change, and gamble are simply fantastic. For my purposes pyroblast is a big upgrade over cards like spell pierce. Vandalblast. Its like a red cyclonic rift in that it is simply great without any drawback.

I lose bomberman but its kind of a headache to be honest. Its a breya combo unless it can be cheated into play. Swords becomes reality shift, which can end the game with isochron scepter and paradox engine. Anguished unmaking becomes beast within. Second sunrise and open the vaults becomes yawgwin. Eggs become mana dorks and cheap instant cantrips like remand and impulse. I am very excited about this build. I dont see many weaknesses that my interaction cannot remedy. How do you feel about Chaos Warp or Winter Orb?

December 30, 2016 10:58 p.m.

enpc says... #3

Chaos Warp is solid, especially in a spell heavy meta. I don't think I like Winter Orb though. Ultimately your control comes from wheeling with Leo or thief in play. And considering your opponents are probably going to be running a high rock count, I think either Etherium Sculptor, Goblin Electromancer or Helm of Awakening seems like the better play. You are basically playing storm after all.

December 31, 2016 12:04 a.m.

Lilbrudder says... #4

Excellent points! I will avoid winter orb. I love goblin electromancer and may add him and guttersnipe alongside Chord of Calling, which can one shot opponents randomly with vial smasher. Because why not have one spell that actually synergizes with my backup general? Also random killing is a cool asf way eliminate someone. Cheating Leo or yidris into play on my opponents end step feels worth it as well. I feel like paradox engine produces so much mana on its own that the other mana reducers are a bit overkill and sometimes counterproductive

December 31, 2016 10:33 a.m.

Megalomania says... #5

Very interesting thing you have here. Not sure what I can possibly suggest to improve it but some cards you might be able to do away with are Copy Artifact, the Candelabra and Yidris.

Have you done used this in actual multiplayer games? I have always seen the scepter + dramatic reversal combo as clunky. How has it faired for you? Maybe adding Transmute Artifact and/or Reshape might add a tad more consistency?

I love your ideas. Now I wanna build a deck like this too, damn it!

January 1, 2017 10:19 p.m.

Lilbrudder says... #6

Haha! This is a good thing my friend. See I tempted you to build a Leo deck and you ended up selling your kidney for the ABUR duals. This is only a little more of an investment. Just a few human test subject experiments and you can play a deck that easily storms off without going infinite. You can even keep Leo and 80% of your current deck in the 98 :-)

Seriously though this deck has not gone on its maiden voyage yet, but I am testing it often and your suggested cuts are on my radar. Yidris is pretty much gg when he connects but he is a pain to set up and probably overkill. I will also cut copy artifact for either transmute artifact or muddle the mixture. Candlabra has been suprisingly decent as a colorfixer for my paradox storm but its not essential. As for dramatic scepter, it can be clunky, but that has not been the case for this build, since I have so many good ramp sources it truly finctions like a 2 card combo most games. Also paradox engine is just insane and functions like a one card win condition at times.

January 1, 2017 11:38 p.m.

SecondDeath777 says... #7

Villainous Riches. Add it, my man.

January 2, 2017 10:47 a.m.

Lilbrudder says... #8

Do you mean Villainous Wealth or is there a new card that was just spoiled? With Thrasios I do not need any X cards because infinite mana just wins the game with my commander. I agree its a fun card

January 2, 2017 11:11 a.m.

SecondDeath777 says... #9

Yeah, I meant Villainous Wealth. And it's more because this deck runs diverse enough colors, and there are few things more fun than playing your opponent's deck on them.

January 2, 2017 1:04 p.m.

Daedalus19876 says... #10

Dayum. This deck is something else. As always, your decks impress.

I don't have much to add, but take my +1 with no reservations.

I'm also tinkering with a build to abuse Paradox Engine, but I feel like the biggest problem here will be finding and protecting it reliably. This leads to 2 questions: 1) Where are your Force of Will and Pact of Negation, and 2) Do you have enough ways to find your two combo pieces (Isochron Scepter and Paradox Engine)?

My decklist will be around Arcum Dagsson: hard control and artifact combos. Mind helping me with it a bit when I finally upload it?

(Also, I hope the non-masterpiece of Paradox Engine has better art, bleh.)

January 3, 2017 1:22 a.m.

Lilbrudder says... #11

Daedalus19876 Thank you for your kind words and vote of confidence :-) Force of will and pact of negation will probably find there way into the list soon. I have a few clunky mechanisms I am trying to work out of the deck, which requires that I run a skeleton crew of interaction. Once I am able to seperate the chaff from the wheat, then I can bring those cards back into the fold. I feel pretty good with my tutor density and dig spells right now. Lastly I would be more than happy to help with your arcum deck. Mono blue has gotten some ridiculous support in the few last sets. That blue chord of calling is pretty sick

January 3, 2017 6:17 a.m.

Regoober says... #12

Whoo! What a meta!

I'd totally copy your idea if I could afford the fixing.

Two things:a) Is Magus of the Candelabra just too slow? It seems like a good way to get fixing, but creatures in EDH combo decks are meh.b) I came across Zhur-Taa Druid the other day and it seems like it could find a home (and offer an additional damage win con) for your deck.

Good luck and continue your epic builds!

January 3, 2017 2:05 p.m.

Lilbrudder says... #13

Regoober: Thank you! As of now candelabra of tawnos is probably the most likely card to get cut in the deck as it Just provides color fixing and I am leaning towards another signet to fill that role. As such I probably wont include the magus.

Good call on Zhur-Taa Druid! Being both win condition and combo facilitator is simply great. I will definitely test it out.

As for the exorbitant cost of the deck, a budget version would likely still be very good as most the cost is tied into a handful of great, but non essential cards. A cheap version, may be a turn or two slower on average, but would still be strong in most metas.

January 3, 2017 2:35 p.m. Edited.

Megalomania says... #14

Zhur-Taa Druid + rocks + Man-o'-War + Paradox Engine? Lol

January 3, 2017 4:01 p.m.

Lilbrudder says... #15

Its certainly a possibility :-) I have fond memories of kitchen table magic with Man-o'-War, but its fairly limited here. Are there any cheaper self bouncing creatures?

As for how I envisioned zhur-taa, I was thinking it would replace guttersnipe as a way to win once I went infinite with dramatic scepter. It feels too janky (on its own) to build around in any meaningful way.

January 3, 2017 5:47 p.m.

enpc says... #16

I run Zhur-Taa Druid in a casual Yidris deck that runs dramatic shelter and I really like it as a backup win con. The only issue is that you can't play it all in one turn to combo out as summoning sickness is a thing.

January 3, 2017 6:25 p.m.

Daedalus19876 says... #17

Shrieking Drake is the cheapest self-bounce creature.

January 3, 2017 6:35 p.m.
January 3, 2017 6:42 p.m.

Lilbrudder says... #19

enpc: Yes that is my concern as well. I love cards like this though. Being able check multiple boxes makes it too good to not at the very least test. I guess since it is a backup win condition I am less concerned about it not being usuable the turn I get it since I can also mass exile libraries with Reality Shift or Mana Drain lock the table with scepter to buy the time for druid to come online.

Daedalus19876: Thank you for the information :-)

DarksteelBadger: That is a great suggestion. Thank you

January 3, 2017 8:04 p.m. Edited.

Megalomania says... #20

Arbor Elf might help you with the "nonland permanent that taps for blue, black and red". You could swap it in for Elvish Mystic.

January 4, 2017 4:54 p.m.

Lilbrudder says... #21

I like that very much. Done

January 4, 2017 5:06 p.m.

iamyoona says... #22

I don't like Zhur-Taa Druid at all, especially without a haste enabler. You give opponent's so much time to answer one of your only win conditions.Winds of Change also seems like it might underperform as it's a very limited use case. Mystic Remora doesn't seem all that great when you have Thrasios, Triton Hero and are looking for a faster game. I still recommend Dark Confidant and Toxic Deluge/Fire Covenant.

Overall, I think this list feels very much like your Leovold, Emissary of Trest + red which isn't bad at all. It's interesting. I was wondering if you play on Cockatrice at all? I really want to see how you pilot a list like this (or your Leovold list) through stax as it seems like both fall to a early Trinisphere or Nether Void or Aven Mindcensor.

January 5, 2017 12:28 p.m.

Lilbrudder says... #23

iamyoona: Thank you for the feedback. Honestly Guttersnipe is a much cleaner victory but druid has been very good in testing. Keep in mind its my plan c win condition. If it becomes an issue I will likely go back to guttersnipe. I play against alot of blue spellslinger decks so Mystic Remora will usually draw me multiple cards in a single turn cycle. In this way it often functions like an Ancestral Recall with upside. In another meta I agree it can be slow, but for mine its 5x faster than Dark Confidant. I rarely pay the upkeep unless people hold off playing spells, which is fine with me as well. Winds of Change is beyond broken. It is the primary reason I am playing red. It all but wins the game for 4-5 mana most games and is also great with ad naus and other wheels. It can also dock over stax deck by disrupting thier good opening hands.

I cut Toxic Deluge because it hurts me just as much as my opponents since I run alot of dorks. Fire Covenant is really great and will help against hatebears a great deal. Thank you. I dont fear trinisphere much. The tax effect it provides is hardly backbreaking. Other stax effects are more problematic, but then again stax is the rock to my sizzors.

I do not have cockatrice, but I have been tempted to try it out. If I ever do I will definitely hit you up.

January 5, 2017 1:39 p.m.

Lilbrudder says... #24

One other thing. In my experience very few well constructed decks fold to a single card. For instance people often say stuff like reanimator folds to Rest in Peace. Having played alot of reanimator, that is clearly false. These effects, while strong, are rarely permanent and can often be broken out of given enough time. My decks are usually efficient enough to survive a stax piece or two and I often can counter or remove some before they become oppressive. Where this deck starts to falter is if someone has both null rod linvala and an effect like trinosphere or aven mindcensor. If stuff like that happens I gladly say gg and try to get them the next game. Just my 2 cents on the stax problem.

January 5, 2017 1:50 p.m.

iamyoona says... #25

Those are good points. I agree you list probably doesn't fold to a single stax piece but I was being a bit hyperbolic. Sorry. Most stax lists run quite a few and if they only run the powerful ones then it only takes a couple to become oppressive.

Also have you considered Gemstone Caverns, I think the card is amazing for a combo list.

I can see the argument for Winds of Change actually. Would Liliana of the Veil be too midrangey for this list?

How has Waste Not performed for you?

January 5, 2017 7:37 p.m.

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