Thrax the Assassin

Commander / EDH outofnothing0


Zifier says... #1

Phyrexian Altar + Gravecrawler gives you infinite counters on you Thraximundar

Phyrexian Altar +Gravecrawler + Vengeful Dead = ur opponents lose unless they counter one of these. Infinite loss of life.

Hope that helps.

Please comment or rate my commander deck Rakdos: Multiplayer Commander

November 17, 2012 12:04 a.m.

outofnothing0 says... #2

thanks for the suggestion and sorry it took me so long to respond. Phyrexian Altar will probably go in and i'll consider Gravecrawler but i don't have too many zombies in the deck besides thrax and i didn't really want to go tribal with it. Might turn out that way anyways tho... A very dece rakdos deck btw! i gave you some suggestions on its page

December 4, 2012 1:19 a.m.

Zifier says... #3

I might suggest adding in some protection for your commander such as Swiftfoot Boots or a Whispersilk Cloak .

IMO I find Rakdos the Defiler very risky especially if you have multiple opponents. Since you are also being affected by the ability, an opponent could take advantage of that. I would put in Dread to replace him. Great creature for removal and he comes back.

Not sure I agree with card:Twilight's Call as you only have 22 creatures. I would tend to run it decks that have more creatures than that and who mill themselves. I would consider replacing it with No Mercy .

Also, why do you have Pestilence in your deck? I can't see where the synergy is...I think Phyrexian Reclamation would be a better fit.

These are just some suggestions. What is the main focus of the deck?

December 7, 2012 11:14 p.m.

outofnothing0 says... #4

Main focus of the deck is to make my opponents sacrifice a bunch of permanents which i can either take or exile from graveyards (both are handy cuz lots of other people abuse graveyards) I basically wait until someone has a low number of creatures then bring thrax out and start attacking till they're dead or until they have an answer. You're right card:Twilight's Call doesn't really serve much purpose so i'll take it out (probably Living Death too). Pestilence is a great way to widdle down opponent's lives slowly if i have extra mana (and seeing as i have lifegain with Loxodon Warhammer and Basilisk Collar i get my lost life back). It also gets rid of all those pesky creatures with low toughness. This is especially useful against token decks; which three people in my play group use semi-regularly (Ghave, Guru of Spores , Thromok the Insatiable + Rhys the Redeemed ). I really don't like Dread or No Mercy because i have to let them hit me first; i'd rather just play with more removal/board wipes to get more creatures in the graveyard for me to steal. I'll have a look and see what'll best suit the deck as far as protecting thrax goes. I completely forgot about Phyrexian Reclamation ! Thank you i'll add it as soon as i find one! Although you're right about the whole Rakdos the Defiler being risky i have the option to just use him as a blocker too. With him on the board it makes people real careful about what they do, also in a 1v1 game having him hit someone is crippling and if you can do it again it's pretty much an auto-win. I've had him out and swinging on turn 2 before... There's no coming back from that...

December 8, 2012 3:02 a.m.

Zifier says... #5

Diabolic Edict , card:Geth's Verdict, card:Chainer's Edict, Cruel Edict , Cruel Ultimatum to make opponents sacrifice creatures to power up Thrax.

Could use Bitterblossom as a token generator to power Thrax.

Miren, the Moaning Well to pump Thrax and gain life. Helps that you have recursion to bring back creatures.

Ashling, the Extinguisher if you can damage an opponent.

card:Barrin's Spite

Those are some more suggestions.

December 8, 2012 4:37 p.m.

outofnothing0 says... #6

As for the one shot sacrifice cards: they're good in 1v1 but I play multiplayer almost exclusively and I find that I usually will either want everyone to sack a creature or in particular a specific creature (hence the Terminate style cards) I'd actually like to have Diabolic Edict and card:Geth's Verdict back in there just in case but can't seem to find something to take out for them. Bitterblossom will b a great addition seeing as I'm also planning on running Contamination in there. Miren, the Moaning Well is perfect thanks! Ashling, the Extinguisher is too conditional for my liking but I'll consider card:Barrin's Spite. Once again thx for the ideas.

December 8, 2012 5:49 p.m.

Zifier says... #7

Rooftop Storm - I know that you are trying to avoid Zombie tribal...but I think you should consider because it will allow you to cast your commander for free every time.

I think Thrax works best with other Zombies because of the ability to get Zombies back to the field from graveyard over and over again...then using them to increase Thrax to have...wait for it...THRAXIMUM POWER!!! lol. It's just my opinion.

Take a look at my Zombie deck...maybe you can get some ideas from it. Comment or rate if you want to. Damia's Zombie Army

December 9, 2012 11:20 a.m.

outofnothing0 says... #8

had a Rooftop Storm in a previous version but due to the lack of other zombies i took it out. Might put it back in later not sure. My friend also has a thrax deck (tho i've had mine way longer) and he went the tribal zombie rout so i'm trying to keep my deck unique. Awesome pun btw haha! I'll have a look anyways.

December 9, 2012 8:39 p.m.

Zifier says... #9

How's the deck coming along?

December 16, 2012 12:54 p.m.

outofnothing0 says... #10

Great! Lol thx for checking up on me. Haha

January 7, 2013 2:47 p.m.

I'd swap out Malfegor for Attrition. Otherwise, you will be the only one without cards in your hand. And if someone wraths then you will be really screwed.You might want to add Unholy Grotto for thrax and the few zombies you have. Cabal Coffers combos with Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth. Pestilence will end up killing off all of your stuff that makes 0/1 or 1/1 tokens and some creatures with a toughness of 1. I'd try to avoid spells that you can use only once when you can have creatures that can do the same thing and bring back to do it again. You can Lightning Bolt someone or something for 3 damage or you can use Deathbringer Thoctar and sac a bunch of creatures and hit a bunch of stuff then do it all over again with recursion. Maze of Ith couldn't hurt unless you try to buy it. All my mazes are proxies. Sorin Markov and Liliana Vessare great planewalkers. Spin into Myth, Hinder and Spell Crumple are great for getting rid of annoying commanders and other cards. Other good cards to consider Sensei's Divining Top, Scroll Rack, Expedition Map Lim-Dul's Vault, Geth, Lord of the Vault, Capsize, Vampiric Tutor Beseech the Queen, Diabolic Revelation and Grave BetrayalYou could use some more card draw stuff like Consecrated Sphinx, Rhystic Study, Sphinx of Magosi and Phyrexian Arena Hope this helps.

March 10, 2013 5:14 a.m.

outofnothing0 says... #12

first of all i don't believe in proxies. second your advice is sound and i can tell u'r actually experienced in edh (unlike a bunch of people on here) so thanks for taking the time to review my deck. i actually have previously had a bunch of your suggestions in the deck but had to cut them for various reasons... tried it with Cabal Coffers but didn't have enough swamps to make it consistently worth it. Grave Betrayal was always sitting in my hand despite having enough mana to cast it (i always just had something better to play) so i took it out. Unholy Grotto was replaced by Volrath's Stronghold. i agree with the Malfegor swap for Attrition thanks! Pestilence is actually far to useful at the moment to take out because it deals direct damage to everyone and everything, sure i'll lose my creatures too but a lot of em come back anyways and i have lifelink to gain back my lost life. i'm trying to stay away from blue as much as i can as a theme (although i need more card draw so maybe i should throw in a Rhystic Study or Necropotence). Phyrexian Arena + Vampiric Tutor are on my list to obtain currently. i own 2 Maze of Iths but don't think it'll b worth it in this deck (if it can attack i can usually kill it or just don't care if i get hit). at first i thought Lightning Bolt had no place in edh either but i always find a use for it. also i can now get it back with Charmbreaker Devils. i have a spare Deathbringer Thoctar i might try and add later. might put Sorin Markov back in but Liliana Vess i usually find underwhelming. once again thanks for the input!

March 10, 2013 10:13 p.m.

With Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth and Cabal Coffers all your lands count as swamps so you can spends 2 colorless and get x black mana equal to the lands you have. So you will have plenty of swamps. Plus you can swampwalk with Sheoldred, Whispering One since everyone has swamps. Just in case she actually lives to your next turn but prolly not. I only use Liliana Vess as a tutor. Sometimes to get the lands listed above. Having the right card at the right time can win the game. Or at least keep you alive for another turn.

March 12, 2013 2:33 a.m.

outofnothing0 says... #14

almost every other black tutor is better than vess (although its funny combined with miracle cards) and i am well aware of the interactions between urborg and cabal coffers. i may throw the coffers back in at a later date but probably not because i often couldn't use it well or at all. i had to have urborg out first to make it effective and i shouldn't have to rely on a tutor to make my lands work right... thanks tho!

March 13, 2013 1:23 a.m.

I really love Grixis and Thraximundar +1

Also you should check out my Grixis deck for some ideas!

The Kingdom of Sedraxis

June 30, 2013 10:37 p.m.

voodoomaster says... #18

oh... well thats less fun lol

August 14, 2013 11:53 p.m.

are you on a budget?

January 8, 2014 6:53 p.m.

outofnothing0 says... #20

@ tlk_lone_knight. Why? Do you have some overly expensive ideas? I'd love to hear them regardless of whether i can currently afford them as i'll add em in the future!

January 8, 2014 8:21 p.m.

just one really expensive sac outlit lol.Diamond Valley

January 8, 2014 11:50 p.m.

outofnothing0 says... #22

hmm i'll consider that thanks. Though i think it'd fit my reanimator deck Kara-door To My Graveyard better :)

January 9, 2014 3:38 a.m.

Casey4321 says... #23

I actually looked at this well building mine. Many thanks and +1

January 17, 2014 9:18 p.m.

REAPERl says... #24

Very nice ! +1 from me

March 20, 2014 1:55 a.m.

D2Vincent says... #25

If you like stealing creatures from opponents, try Grave Betrayal . and to add some damage to the equation, try Warstorm Surge , which burns everytime a creature enters under your control. With these 2, it's a vicious cycle of stealing creatures, and killing more creatures. It's one of the main combos in my deck: The Sanctity of Sacrificing + Proliferating Power!

May 6, 2014 12:02 p.m.

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