On the last day that this deck is in standard, I decided to take it for a last run at my local FNM. Ended up going 4-0 and walking away with a decent amount of cash, my first time winning all my matches at an FNM. A very good send off for this deck, as it is just about to rotate.
Deck was exactly as seen in the decklist above, no missing cards.
Match 1 - 2-0 Versus Selesnya Aggro
A lot of big creatures like Loxodon Smiter or smaller, faster creatures like Strangleroot Geist. It couldn't keep up with the amount of removal spells I had.
Match 2 - 2-0 Versus Orzhov Sublime Exalted
A powerful combo deck based around Sublime Archangel and token producers such as Lingering Souls. Unfortunately for him, Olivia Voldaren preys upon pitiful 1/1 creatures, making his life miserable. The one time he had a Sublime Archangel ready to swing, it was quickly hit with a Searing Spear.
Match 3 - 2-1 Versus Junk Archangel Thragtusk Lifegain
Game 1 - Dragged on for 35 minutes as I could not pull a fifth land for my active Olivia Voldaren. Several Archangel of Thune and Desecration Demon later, it was far too late, and I was at a massive time disadvantage.
Game 2 - Really picked up the pace here, destroyed him with a Stromkirk Noble protected by a ton of removal spells.
Game 3 - Bloodline Keeper
Flip took over the game when Olivia Voldaren was exiled. Had to mount a massive battle against his equally massive forces. In the end, I swung with a Blood Baron of Vizkopa for the win, as a 10/10 flying lifelink.
Match 4 - 2-1 Versus Selesnya Enchantments
Game 1 - Completely punted by casting spells during his turn when he had a Voice of Resurgence.
Game 2 - Stromkirk Captain, Bloodline Keeper
Flip and Sorin, Lord of Innistrad teamed up to make an absurdly powerful army of vampires. Connected for 40+ damage on the final swing.
Game 3 - Had an absolutely divine hand. Turn 2 Pillar of Flame his Voice of Resurgence, turn 3 Vampire Nighthawk, turn 4 Mizzium Mortars his Loxodon Smiter. This pattern continued, as I one-for-oned him so many times that he conceded out of sheer frustration, as I had a kill spell for literally every creature he played.
Overall, this feels like about as viable as vampires could have possibly been in this current standard environment. The sheer power of cards like Olivia Voldaren and Bloodline Keeper
Flip just destroyed anyone without immediate answers. Blood Baron of Vizkopa is so much more threatening when given power and toughness boosts plus first strike.
Best Card: Olivia Voldaren