Everybody wants to be Eldrazi

Everybody wants the 3-cmc

But being odd-cost's the best

And you don't have to guess

EDH posse consists of three

And that's the magic number

Yennett, Cryptic Sovereign brings the value. She brings SO much value. And this Yennett deck is full of value - notably, in the form of odd-cost cards.

Between interacting with the exile zone of all things, this deck is designed to either beat down your opponents with frightening amounts of value with Yennett's trigger (nearly all the things we want to often be playing are odd-CMC cards and the average CMC of the deck is 3 - The Magic Number), or to win with one of many janky combos to win the game.

Before we tackle the absolutely weird combos in this deck however, let's cover our main Yennett "top-of-the-deck-matters" synergy package which mostly helps enable Yennett's ability more often. Rogue's Passage allows any huge Eldrazi we control easily get in for damage by making them unblockable. Isolated Watchtower lets you scry 1 and helps you ramp a bit. Seer's Lantern generates you mana and can scry 1. Crystal Ball scrys 2. Lastly, Whispersilk Cloak protects creatures you want to protect and makes them unblockable.

Next are our big Eldrazi creatures. Sire of Stagnation , Dread Defiler , Bane of Bala Ged , Ruin Processor , and Oblivion Sower are all good examples of huge dudes that help with our exile matters theme, and most of the creatures in the deck are odd-costed. Whenever you attack with Yennett, you could also totally be summoning a Void Winnower or a Darksteel Colossus right afterwards, for no effort at all!

We mentioned our exile matters theme, which can be very strong if your playgroup favors combo decks. This deck is almost like an anti-combo deck. With cards like Gonti, Lord of Luxury , Sadistic Sacrament , Praetor's Grasp , Ornate Kanzashi , Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver , Mindmelter , and the janky Ghastly Conscription , we can mess with our opponents' decks, hands, AND graveyards.

We have a package of neat creatures with the Ingest mechanic and ones with pseudo-Ingest effects, exiling cardsd off the top of an opponent's deck when we hit them. We can potentially exile-mill combo pieces and start messing with our opponents early using these. Benthic Infiltrator , Dominator Drone , Fathom Feeder , Kheru Mind-Eater , Mist Intruder , Nightveil Specter , Bane of Bala Ged , and Sire of Stagnation are among our exile-focused creatures.

There are a few spells that can be very helpful and reliable in this deck when you need them. The tutors in this deck such as Diabolic Tutor , Razaketh's Rite , Entomb and Unearth can help us get to where we need, whether that's getting anti-combo pieces or setting up cheeky little combos slowly but surely. Unearth is even useful outside of our combos, as it brings back 12 out of our 28 creatures straight back to the field! We also have Swords to Plowshares , The Eldest Reborn , the second half of Consecrate / Consume , Vraska's Contempt , Titan's Presence for creature removal, All Is Dust and Dimensional Breach for board wipe, and Paraselene for enchantments. We even have Coax from the Blind Eternities to return a big Eldrazi from exile.

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sigh Okay. Time for the combos. Keep in mind they can be hard to get going without Sire of Stagnation or Oblivion Sower to help ramp or draw. But if you can get the combos right, they are so, SO satisfying. First we'll start with the easiest combo to understand, the creature Wall of Blood used with either Rite of Consumption , Repay in Kind , or both:

Play the Wall of Blood . Pay a metric crapton of life into it. Wall of Blood gets huge and you cast either Rite of Consumption , sacrificing your Wall of Blood and nuking a single player for however big your Wall is, and also gaining back all the life you spent, OR drain yourself down to 1 life with the Wall of Blood and cast Repay in Kind , bringing everyone down to 1 too. The combo works especially better with Phyrexian Unlife or Platinum Angel , because you pay your life and bring everyone down to 0, while surviving yourself. This is also very effective with our commander, as we can get a free-cast Repay in Kind or Platinum Angel due to them being odd-cost.

We have a generic massive life-loss win condition in Near-Death Experience and cards to assist, like the classic Phyrexian Unlife and Solemnity / Platinum Angel combo, and cards that can get us down to that amount of life at instant speed and safely. Wall of Blood was mentioned, but this deck also features Blood Celebrant . This creature helps us in non-combo ways too, specifically filtering black mana for either white or blue for an additional 1-life cost. This is also a combo piece in the same way as Wall of Blood . Blood Celebrant can even be used for the Repay in Kind combo mentioned earlier, with help from Phyrexian Unlife even being able to Repay in Kind everyone to 0! And a little hexproof for any permanents we need for these combos from Curator's Ward is nice as well, protecting valuable pieces and even drawing you cards if put on a card like our commander.

Alright, so now we reach one of our really hard to pull off but gratifying combos. This may need a little explaining...It involves four to five cards needing to be cast in a turn, at a total of 8 to 9 mana (primarily generic and black). The cards involved are - depending on the version of the combo you cast - as follows:

These cards must be in your hand: Buried Alive (), Tormod's Crypt (), Victimize (), Brainstorm (), and optionally Unearth ().

These must be in your deck: Reassembling Skeleton (), Inverter of Truth (), and Laboratory Maniac ().

Total cost: or ; or total.

_Step 1: Use Tormod's Crypt to clear your graveyard before the combo. Step 2: Cast Buried Alive putting Reassembling Skeleton , Inverter of Truth and Laboratory Maniac in your graveyard. Step 3: Bring back Reassembling Skeleton with either its ability or for 1 less mana, use Unearth instead. Step 4: Now cast Victimize sacrificing Reassembling Skeleton and returning Inverter of Truth and Laboratory Maniac . Step 5: Inverter of Truth exiles our whole library and puts the contents of our graveyard (in other words, just Reassembling Skeleton ) back into our library. Step 6: Reassembling Skeleton is now the only card in our library. Step 7: Now cast Brainstorm to draw Reassembling Skeleton and two more cards from your empty deck, triggering Laboratory Maniac and winning the game. Yes, I assure you this is a thing someone decided should exist, yes it does for all intents and purpose win the game with Reassembling Skeleton , and yes it costs from 8 to 9 mana. I illustrated the combo in a super simple and dumb way here: https://i.imgur.com/a8Vof7L.png

Okay, got that? Here's the same combo but costing 8 mana every time. This one, instead of using the Skeleton, uses another of Magic's undead - Cyclopean Mummy . This normally awful card makes this combo a lot more straightforward and consistent. This is how it goes:

Step 1: Like before, use Tormod's Crypt to clear your graveyard before the combo. Step 2: Cast Buried Alive this time putting Cyclopean Mummy , Inverter of Truth and Laboratory Maniac in your graveyard. Step 3: Bring back Cyclopean Mummy back to the field with Unearth . Step 4: Now cast Victimize sacrificing Cyclopean Mummy and returning Inverter of Truth and Laboratory Maniac . Step 5: Inverter of Truth exiles our whole library and puts the contents of our graveyard (in other words, just Cyclopean Mummy ) back into our library. Except there won't be anything in our graveyard. Step 6: Cyclopean Mummy , the only card that would be in our graveyard after Victimize , gets exiled on death as soon as Victimize resolves and never actually hits the graveyard. Step 7: Now cast Brainstorm to draw from your empty deck. This combo costs a total of or total.

...that's essentially the main ways this deck wins. This was a very long one to write and I found interactions I didn't even think were possible when first building it as a Dimir Eldrazi mill deck. Who would've thought Inverter of Truth could be a dang win condition? Probably only people who play Laboratory Maniac , and even then, there's better ones. But it was really fun to put this deck together!

Respond to the cast but don't do the Cancel

Force, Pact, Dispel to my Magic Number

Now you may try to counter it

But it just won't go to the grave

Three times one?

(What is it?) (1, 2, 3!) And that's the magic number


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95% Casual


Date added 6 years
Last updated 5 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

10 - 0 Mythic Rares

26 - 0 Rares

28 - 0 Uncommons

18 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.95
Tokens Manifest 2/2 C
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