Throwing Your Weight Around (BFZ remix)
It seems like you have too many creatures with defender, but maybe that doesn't hold you back as much as I'm thinking it would. I like Triton Tactics and profaner of the Dead in this deck. I would love to see you fit in wall of frost somewhere.
June 14, 2015 9:56 a.m.
Dragonman39 says... #3
Cepitore, the defender creatures that I have are ones that serve a vital function in the deck. I cut all non-essential defender creatures early on.
Sylvan Caryatid - fixes mana problems and has hexproof.Hornet Nest - is my sacrificial lamb so to speak. I use him against my opponents big nasties like Polukranos, World Eater. If my opponent doesn't want to risk combat with it on the field, I use Dromoka's Command to get my deathtouch, flying army.Jeskai Barricade - my instant-speed bouncing rescue squad. I can block a creature, flash in Barricade, and return the blocking creature to my hand before damage. It can also return my Profaner of the Dead to my hand for another wipe.
Wall of Frost has been considered. I love it, but with the double blue in the casting cost and the fact that it's another creature with defender makes it not feasible for this deck.
Thanks for commenting on my deck!
June 14, 2015 4:22 p.m.
jpolanco06 says... #5
I like the deck build with some of the new BFZ cards. What about Reclaim with all og the removal going around since all the G/W decks running Dromokas Commands
Flakdragon says... #1
I'm always a fan of a deck using assault formation to make defenders quasi-viable. I would probably do something other than the Valorous Stance, maybe something like Glint, but that's mostly because i don't like removal with that high of a bar to hit, but removal's removal, and it works.
June 13, 2015 10:32 p.m.