Honestly, this deck looks cool. I do find it has mana issues, usually making me mulligan down to 6x. Temporal Mastery doesn't really pack that much of a punch. I did have one instance where I Temporal Mastery ed into a Thunderous Wrath with the next turn and attacked with a flipped Delver twice for a total of 11 damage. But that seems very rare.
Overall, I don't think it is broken. The consistency and mana base hurts it to where you can't do everything you want. It does seem like a fun addition to delver.
Btw, cut the Copperline Gorge s. They are not needed and only hurt the already shaky manabase.
April 10, 2012 11:10 a.m.
I know everyone is like "run 3 miracles, it wont be in opening hand!" Well that isn't exactly true. If Thunderous Wrath is your win con, then you most likely want 4. Ever thought of Merfolk Looter ? Also since miracle is first card this turn, maybe Think Twice ?
April 10, 2012 11:10 a.m.
@skyb0rg - Thunderous Wrath and Temporal Mastery are not win-cons. They are just very good support for a deck. Take Dark Confidant for example. Even though it isn't a win-con, pretty much every Modern deck that uses black plays Bob as a 4x of. I'm sure these "Miracle" cards will fill a similar role as you don't need them to win, but they are still too helpful not to include them.
April 10, 2012 11:14 a.m.
hmm thinking of turning 1 mana leak, and 1 Delver, into 2 birds, what do you think?
Also is there a Blue Green specialty land, like a copperline Gorge, like a Darkslick Shores, but for blue and green
I could replace the Copperline Gorges with Hinterland Harbors.
The trick to playing this deck, is all the dig, draw, stack, discard spells.
If you have 1 or 2 ponders and or 1 or 2 faithless looting, and or 1 or 2 noxious revivals, then you are usually set.
You play your ponder, then your looting, then you snapcaster, or revival the ponder, looting, which after all that usually gets you either another ponder, or looting, or another snapcaster, or a Phantasmal Image, which will let you dig some more, when you copy snapcaster. And then you can Vapor Snag Bounce Snapcaster or Image to dig flash cast dig even more
And if you ever accidently draw a miracle card, then you discard it with looting, which you should have by then. And then you use revival to put a miracle card on top of your library. then you draw, play it.
I playtested this deck like 20+ times, and I only had problems 2 to 4 times. And I only had to mulligan like 2 to 4 times. And most of the time the deck worked good, great.
It's hard to get more then 2 extra turns in a row. Perhaps if I could figure out a way to run 4 Increasing Vengeances, instead of 3, to copy the miracle cards, without messing up the deck, then maybe I could abuse Mastery more then.
And the Thunderous Wrath, is better then Mastery, because it isn't exiled. It's easy if you play the deck right, to hit your opponent with Thunderous Wrath over, and over, or copy it 1 or 2 times, for 10 to 20, 13 damage on average dealt to opponent per game from Thunderous Wrath.
The Temporal Mastery, control: Mana leaks, Vapor Snags, Delvers, Snapcasters, images, etc, help finish,win the game, while during Thunderous Wrath, is doing all that damage to your opponent.
Also keep in mind, that I am not the best at building or playing this kind of deck. And there are others who could build, play this deck, better then you or me, and would consistently win with this kind of deck.
I think the deck plays better then you think. But my good results, could just as easily be the result of short term good luck, as your bad results could just as easily be the result of bad luck.
April 10, 2012 11:53 a.m.
instant speed draw is better than ponder here, because you can then play a miracle cost on an opponent's turn.
Actually i might use both. Take out Phantasmal Image for Merfolk Looter
April 10, 2012 11:58 a.m.
OrgasmAndTea says... #8
You can't use Miracle with instant speed draw. Read it again, it only works on the first card you draw per turn. Fun deck though, but not quite broken.
April 10, 2012 12:03 p.m.
You might be right OrgasmAndTea, but if i draw on your turn, that is my first draw that turn. I would like to see the official ruling, but it just says first draw that turn, not your turn.
So Maybe not, but I think it does.
April 10, 2012 12:05 p.m.
OrgasmAndTea says... #10
Hmmmm actually now that I think about it I'm not so sure... I like your thinking though, really canny idea there xD
April 10, 2012 12:08 p.m.
Sky, Is Merfolk Looter standard legal? If so, I think it would be a great fit. and will find room for it somehow, because it allows to draw, discard a miracle card, and is a creature, that can use to chump block, attack,etc.
the miracle cards, are not support cards, or primary win cons.
They are alternative semi win con's. If they were just support, then could win without the miracle cards. But you can't depend on them as your primary win cons either.
Thunderous wrath tho, if you play the deck right, flat out win's you a lot of games, as it usually does about 12.5 damage to your opponent, on average per game, on average, most of the time.
Also 3 of each of the 2 miracle cards, is the right number because if you run 4 of each, you will get 1 or 2 of each in your opening hand, and if you run 2 of each, you won't draw them enough, even if all the draw help this deck gives.
3 of each is right because you probably won't get more then 1 miracle card in opening hand, about 40% of the time. So must of the time you either don't get a miracle card in opening hand, or you discard it from your hand, then noxious revival it to the top of your library.
Also don't need 4 of them because of Noxious Rivival, and the ways to cast, copy noxious revival over and over to keep on redrawing, recasting, copying Thunderous Wrath over and over.
April 10, 2012 12:14 p.m.
your right Squire, you can cast the miracle during your opponent's turn, if you can draw, cast the miracle card before your opponent gets to draw, during his turn.
The text says "when its the first card drawn "this" turn.It doesn't say whether that "this" turn is your turn or not. So according to that, "this turn", could just as easily be your opponents turns as your turn.
So with that in mind, all you would have to do, is be able to draw and play the miracle card, during your opponent's turn, BEFORE your opponent draws.
So with all that in mind, the question I have, is can you draw during your opponents turn, BEFORE he gets to draw during his turn?
If that's legally possible, and if this works like how I and squire think, that's pretty good.
April 10, 2012 12:32 p.m.
why before the opponent draws.
it says "if its the first card you drew this turn. " not the first card drawn. you can draw it whenever you want during an opponent's turn
April 10, 2012 12:52 p.m.
Your right again squire, I misread, or misunderstood.
So how does the deck look now? Is 3 mana leaks enough? Is 3 Delvers enough?
If not enough mana leaks or Delvers, should I turn 1 Image, into either 1 mana leak or 1 Delver?
I think the deck is almost there. just some small fine tuning.
last playtested game was just so sick. 3 extra turns taken by, on, after turn 3, and 3 Thunderous Wrath's.
Also any sideboard suggestions?
April 10, 2012 1:15 p.m.
It looks pretty good right now. I do want to see this thing in action.
And other than the snapcasters it is not that expensive to build
April 10, 2012 1:20 p.m.
I too want to see what it can do, just to see if what I think will happen, will happen or not.
I have now played tested the deck about 33 to 67 sample hands, games now.
And during that playtesting the deck worked very good.
But maybe that was just short term good luck.
So because of that, it would be nice to see it in action.
But I may not be able to do that, as I don't have most of the cards, in this list.
So because of that, I would probably have to pay $150, and or trade for most of these cards.
And I can't really afford to do that, because I spent about $350 on my Green, Red werewolf deck.
So because of that, if you or anybody else wants to build, play this deck, feel free to do so, if any of ya all want to.
But if any of ya all, do use this, or a very similar list, I would please ask, that you give me the credit for the deck, and or keep me informed on how the deck does.
Also anybody have any sideboard suggestions?
April 10, 2012 6:18 p.m.
I may proxy this up and play it at the tappedout tourney for fun. I can't enter anyway, I still think that it I'll fold to strong control. But will do very well against other combo and aggro.
April 10, 2012 6:24 p.m.
Awesome! I love this! I thought of the idea with b/c you have 26 instants and sorceries (pretty much the max for any deck). I'd give a +2 if I could: +1 for Noxious Revival and +1 for delver.
April 10, 2012 6:43 p.m.
I also think that super strong pure dedicated blue,black, blue white control will kill the deck.
I also think super fast tempered steel, and super fast Kuldotha Red, Rebirth, Goblin, will also kill this deck.
I also think 4 color reanimator frites, could give this deck problems.
Zombie's could also give the deck problems.
But that's only about 4,5 decks to be concerned about. Everything, anything else, this deck would kill anything else.
April 10, 2012 6:43 p.m.
The only thing I have to say is in playtest, you don't draw anything after you get the Thunderous Wrath + Noxious Revival combo out. I think that Silent Departure might help by returning Snapcaster Mage . Just a thought.
April 10, 2012 7:09 p.m.
What do you guys think about Desperate Ravings? Could use Noxious to set the miracle card on top then during upkeep before draw step, could then Desperate ravings, cast the miracle card, before draw step. Thus you would be able to draw 3 cards during your turn, play a miracle card. 2 cards from Desperate ravings, and 1 card drawn from your draw step.
The only problem with this is the random discard, which could make youeither accidentally discard the miracle card, or some other important card.
But then again, if the miracle card, or a important card was discarded, you could maybe noxious revival it back, if it was a intant, or sorcery card.
Also desperate ravings discards, 1 less card, but also cost 1 more mana at 2 cmc, instead of faithless lootings 1 cmc
So which would you run, and why, faithless looting, or desperate raving?
April 10, 2012 7:18 p.m.
That's what your SB is for, isn't it? I think your SB is good and can help you defeat decks you are weak to. Autumn's Veil could help against control. Also, maybe find a way to add Birds of Paradise so you can cast Slagstorm more often.
April 10, 2012 7:18 p.m.
@mikedh1 I don't believe you can cast instants before your draw step. So keep Faithless Looting . Also my previous post was directed at your second-to-last post about what decks you are weak to.
April 10, 2012 7:25 p.m.
Sky I think I will turn the Vapor Snags into silent departures, because it has flashback, for when I have the mana to pay the flash back cost, when I am not drawing a snapcaster mage. Also I can bounce snapcaster, flash cast something, then flash cast departure, bounce Snapcaster again, and then play snapcaster again and flash cast something again. I don't think the Vapor Snag's 1 damage to opponent is a big deal, inlight of what thunderous wrath can do.
Mistory I would like to add 2,3 birds of paradise, but I don't think there is room, and would thin the deck out to much.
Also I think that 2 dissipates while more expensive then the 1 cmc Autumn's veil, will help me deal with control, and removal, and counterspells better.
I also think I will changes the slagstorms, into ratchet Bombs, and then use counterspells to stop removal of ratchet bomb.
That way I wouldn't have to worry about the 1 colorless 2 red cost of slagstorm.
April 10, 2012 7:34 p.m.
Mistory, mafteechr, who is a judge and author of the miracle mechanic article, and others said that you can cast instants during your upkeep phase, before your draw step, unless I am misunderstanding what he and others said.
mikedh1 says... #1
Ok this deck has the makings of a pretty dam good borderline almost sick broken deck.
In playtesting 20 sample hand, games, it appears, seems to be pretty good.
The only problem that I can see it might having, is once in a great while having bad draws, and not enough creatures out, or not getting enough, or to many of certain cards, and either not enough or to many thunderous wraths, temporal mastery.
But that only happens once in a semi good while, not very often. And can mulligan, and cycle thru deck pretty good, to get what want, need.
And 3 Snapcaster Mage + 3 Phantasmal Image + 3 vapor Snags, lead to casting from your graveyard, a LOT.
And Mana leak, and Vapor Snags, Snapcaster, and Phantasmal Image, and sideboard, all combined together, will shut down opponents answers.
Now all the deck needs is some fine tuning and tweaking.
Since I am not that experienced, at building these types of decks, If any of ya all have any suggstions for fine tuning tweaking, ya all probably know better then me.
The miracle cards, thunderous wrath, and Temporal Mastery, are both more broken then people think or realize, and probably not as broken as me and others think.
But that said somewhere between some to most of the time, thunder, and mastery, are pretty dam good.
Good enough that I still think that the top decks are going to be running decks, color combo's, cards, like this deck, like Delver, like these cards, like this color combo URG, etc.
And that's why Thunderous Wrath, Temporal Mastery, are semi broken, semi too powerful cards, IF in the right decks, comboed with the right cards.
And I think that's bad for magic because of that.
Also any suggestions for sideboard?
April 10, 2012 9:32 a.m.