Thunderous Miraculous Mastery

Standard* mikedh1

SCORE: 9 | 153 COMMENTS | 6610 VIEWS

if you want sb hate for wolf run, ManabarbsMTG Card: Manabarbs works infinitely better than the ingus and hits control hard. Moreover, if you find burn and mill being a pain, Witchbane OrbMTG Card: Witchbane Orb is great for the Side, that card alone has won many plenty of games. I did a little playtesting, I feel you can drop 2 lands if needed and lose 1 more card to get to 60, I found myself land flooded a lot not able to dig for anything. You can probably live with a 2-of looters and 2-of departures in place of dropping down count and going up a delver. I think you can drop the Ghost QuarterMTG Card: Ghost Quarter as one of your lands, I understand it is good right now, but you need a solid mana base.

April 17, 2012 7:13 a.m.

mistory says... #2

Merfolk LooterMTG Card: Merfolk Looter is amazing. Not only is it instant-speed draw that lets you cast cards for their miracle cost on your opponent's turn, it lets you discard miracle cards in your hand so you can Noxious Revival MTG Card: Noxious Revival them back on top.

April 17, 2012 8:15 a.m.

mikedh1 says... #3

Dawn I really appreciate the good intent you have on helping me and my deck and the other IZZET REBORN deck that is VERY similar to this.

That said, I think you have to ask yourself WHY almost EVERYBODY, except 1 or 2 people, think the Merfolk looters are awesome in this deck.

Also manabarbs would be better then Tunnel Ignus IF I could figure out a way to not take the damage from tapping lands also. There are times when Wolf Run will be taking chunks out of me. Last thing I need to do is help it along by doing damage to myself from manabarbs. Yes Manabarbs will win games, but they will also lose games, its a double edged gamble sword.

About the 60 card thing. My deck at 63 cards, has either just barely EQUAL to just barely slightly better card draw odds, then a 60 card deck with little to no card draw in it. That's why my deck doesn't have to be 60 cards to CONSISTENTLY win. Also if the deck was at 60 cards, the miracle cards would end up in opening hand more often.

Also if take the deck down to 60 cards, there would only be 2 and 3 of's of CORE cards, instead of 3,4 of's of CORE cards. The PURPOSE of running no more then 60 cards, is to help CONSISTENCY, and CARD DRAW ODDS, be better. By making the deck no more then 60 cards, the 2,3 of's of CORE cards, instead of 3,4 of's of CORE cards, LOWERS the CONSISTENCY, and CARD DRAW ODDS so that it's LESS CONSISTENT.

So making the deck no more then 60 cards, defeats the purpose of making the deck more consistent, by actually making the deck LESS CONSISTENT.

And if cut ANY Core card completely. Then the DECK WOULD NOT WORK. So if going to make the deck either NOT work, or be less consistent, by either cutting CORE cards, or only running 2,3 of CORE cards, instead of 3,4 of CORE cards, then might as damn well scrap the entire deck, and not build it or play it, because that's how BAD the deck will be if make the deck no more then 60 cards.

Also Silent DepartureMTG Card: Silent Departure, is a absolute 3 of. If you only run 2 of, then would NOT be able to draw them often enough, and not be able to bounce opponents creatures, and not be able to bounce Snapcaster MageMTG Card: Snapcaster Mage. And not being able to do those things, and would lose games.

The Witchbane OrbMTG Card: Witchbane Orb is a good addition to the maybeboard. And if I were to to take out 1 land, it would be Ghost quarter. But the 63 cards, 22 lands, land, mana ratio is fine at .365% compared to 60 cards, 22 land's .366% land, mana ratio.

April 17, 2012 10:03 a.m.

mikedh1 says... #4

The ONLY REAL possible cut I could make, would be to maybe cut 1x Phyrexian Metamorph, and either 1 ghost quarter, or 1x Desolate Lighthouse, to go down to 61 cards, 22 lands, .3606% land mana ratio.

The problem with cutting Metamorph, is then I wouldn't be able to draw Metamorph enough to copy Snapcaster, or Vexing Devil, or a flipped Delver, or more importantly copy opponent's nasty creature threats.

And I can't cut the Icreasing Vengeace, because need them to copy stuff. Can't cut Ponder, or Noxious revival(should be obvious why)

Can't cut think twice, because wouldn't be able to draw as good. Can't cut Merfolk looter, because draws miracle cards during opponents turns, and discards miracle cards from hands to be noxious revival put on top of libary to be drawn and played.

Can't cut Mana leak or Silent Departure, as that is my removal.

Can't cut snap caster mage, because that's how I re use cards

Can't cut Delver, or Vexing Devil as that would hurt my creature base, and would hurt ability to do enough damage to win.

Can't cut any miracle cards, because they wouldn't come out enough, and they are extremely useful, and win games, and help support to help win games, and they are the point of the theme concept of the deck.

Thats why the deck is very good right now. the mana base is not as shaky as DAWN and others might think. It was just bad short term bad luck that he got mana flooded.

If I take it down to 62 cards, 22 lands, by taking out the Ghost quarter, then the deck would probably get screwed at .3548% land,mana ratio, and probably would have to mulligan more due to having no land, or 1 land, or 2 colorless lands, more often.

In my experience(And I have been playing since 96,97) 61 cards, 22 lands, .3606% land, mana ratio, and 63 cards, 23 lands, .365% land, mana ratio, comparable, better then the .366% land, mana ratio, of 60 cards, 22 lands, for decks like delverish like decks, that are either semi aggro to semi mid rane, to semi control, that has a low to semi low cmc ave.

now that's just talking about land mana ratio's, and which land,mana ratio's are better, and not the number of cards.

So according to that experience. The .365% land mana ratio, of this deck. WORKS GREAT,AWESOME,JUST FINE,OK,ETC

IF you play test the mana ratio base 1000 sample hands, games, the deck would only have to mulligan about 155 times out of 1000.

April 17, 2012 10:51 a.m.

mikedh1 says... #5

I just finished play testing 500 opening sample hands, where the only thing I was checking to see was how many times did I have to mulligan.

I only mulliganned, if I had only 1 land, or no land, or 5,6 land, or only 1,2 colorless lands, or 1,2 mountains, all blue cards, no red cards, or 1,2 island, all red cards, and no blue cards.

With those kind of mulligan parameters in mind I only had to mulligan 16 times the first 100 block of sample opening hands, out of 500.

Then I only had to mulligan 15 times, the next 100 opening hands.

Then only had to mulligan 15 times the next 100 opening hands.

Then only had to mulligan 21 times the next 100 opening hands.

Then only had to mulligan 20 times the next 100 opening hands.

So according to those results, I am only going to have to mulligan about 16 times per 100 opening hands.

That's why you have to do a BIG, LARGE ENOUGH sample play test size.

There was some weird stretches where I had to mulligan many times in a row, and other LONG stretches where I didn't have to mulligan 1 time.

If you only do a SMALL,SHORT sample size, say 10 sample opening hands, you might either get no mulligans, or 6 mulligans, and come to the WRONG conclusion that there are either 1 or no mulligans, or to many mulligans.

that's why you have to do HUGE sample sizes to try and eliminate short term good luck, and bad luck, and find the true mulligan percentage.

You have to mulligan sometimes in magic, no matter how good or bad your mana base is. A good Mulligan % is about 9 to 17 mulligans, per every 100 opening hands.

Since play testing has shown that the deck only has to mulligan about 13 to 17 times on average, per every 100 opening hands, then the mana base IS JUST FINE, DECENT,OK, GOOD,ETC .

And I shouldn't have to explain, show this, prove this. This kind of thing happens every time a make a deck. People think the mana base doesn't work, because they play test a whopping 7 sample opening hands, and have to mulligan 5 times, and then I have to go PROVE them WRONG, which takes time.

Would be nice if people would either play test a HUGE sample size or trust me.

April 17, 2012 12:24 p.m.

mikedh1 says... #6

just play tested 200 more opening hands, and only had to mulligan 27 times out of 200 opening hands.

April 17, 2012 12:47 p.m.

Haha, yeah I tested 3 times, I had fine opening hands, I just kept getting more mana than I cared to get in a delver based deck. If the looter works, it works, I merely suggested you could afford to lose one since you have 4 light houses, I was also saying if you felt you needed to drop 3 cards to reach 60, you can afford the 1 loss of looter, the quarter, and a basic to reach 60 and the typical delver 21 lands: 49 spells. But I see your point, staying at 63 does slightly decrease the probability of having one or more miracle spells in your opening hand; which is not terrible if you have the looter or lighthouse and a revival.

Upon further thought, Mana Barbs would hurt a bit more than help, aggo red and r/g can get away with it because they typically have a presence already when they play it turn 4-6.

It should also be noted I did 3 playtests, taking it up to turn 10 and seeing what I would play and draw. All 3 of those occasions I drew a few too many lands, 6 on the field is all this deck needs to run effectively and going beyond that is somewhat annoying. However, if you are keeping it at 63, do not drop any lands, I believe (again a priori) It will screw the odds of getting lands rather bad. I understand this is using a small sample space, so I will take your word on it. Also, I understand Silent DepartureMTG Card: Silent Departure's role in this deck, I might just look at a slightly more versatile alternative, Vapor SnagMTG Card: Vapor Snag hurts you, but it can be used to bounce problem cards your opponent has. My only quarrel with the departure is its sorcery speed, the flashback is a bit too pricey but it at least has one, s.t. you do not have to waste a snap. If you have seen it to be better, then play it, I just prefer instant speeds for bounce spells.

Let me know how the tournament records go, (I mean what I am about to type in the nicest way possible) I feel it might be too slow for the format right now; well, at least at my meta, which is classic delver, rg beatz, rdw, b/w tokens, planeswalker control (esper), junk walkers, and naya pod (majority of the pod decks) and other pod variants like b/g and rug.

April 17, 2012 1:52 p.m.

Really, I am only offering my 1 years worth of experience in tournament play with the states top players. It is advice to take or leave, I only wish to help, not enrage. I might look to try and have mainboard answers to aggro lists, that 4/3 devil seems nice, but most will just take the damage rather than stare down the 4/3; you really have no shields and Thalia, Guardian of ThrabenMTG Card: Thalia, Guardian of Thraben will ruin your day if you run into humans or naya. Seeing your opening hand is nice, but knowing how you will play it against other decks is much better knowledge. Think, how will those hands fair against a turn 3 strangleroot geist with a sword, a turn 2 3/3 champion with 2 human tokens, a more controlling delver list, a naya pod deck with the field presence from hell, a turn 3 elspeth, a control list, a turn 4 prime time? Granted, this only happens some of the time (statistic from my playings of the above deck scenarios, estimated: r/g beats T2 sword, T3 delver equips-25%--I have onl recently made this deck, humans 1-2 puch-85%, naya pod heavy field:75%--by T4, Wolf run T4 Prime Time: 95% occurrence) Delver only gives you advantage if he is not zapped and you have to last long enough to do 20+ damage (because people like me cannot resist running a BatterskullMTG Card: Batterskull and/or Wurmcoil EngineMTG Card: Wurmcoil Engine). Your card odds are nice for your opening hand, but how will they do with each subsequent draw? You have to see if you can actually pull off increasing vengeance + the miracle card.

I am trying to offer constructive criticism, not trying to disrespect your deck, your ability to make one, or you yourself. These are some problems I see that can happen, think on how to answer them. I know ideally you would like, T1 delver, T2 PonderMTG Card: Ponder, delver flip, play PonderMTG Card: Ponder, set up thunderous wrath, and play Vexing DevilMTG Card: Vexing Devil, take 4 from the sac and 3 from delver go. opponent at 13, T3 wrath miracle, reverbrate swing with delver, game. I see where this deck can be good, I just think it could use more answers is what I wish to get at. However, I have no idea what you should drop.

April 17, 2012 1:52 p.m.

mikedh1 says... #9

I get what you are saying Dawn, and I appreciate the good intentions you have, and how a lot, most to almost all of the stuff your saying is good,right etc.

The deck is weak to super dedicated pure control, and super fast aggro like tempered steel, Kuldotha Red Goblins. But there is only about 3 decks that my deck has problems with.And the sideboard will allow me to win about 29 to 43% of my matches vs those 3 problem decks on the rare times I play those 3 problem decks that probably won't be played that often.

Vexing Devil is a bigger problem for other decks then you think. yeah sure if it comes out early they take 4 damage. But lets look at that. If they take 4 damage. Then they have to worry about taking 3 to 6 damage from delver. and 5 to 10 damage from Thunderous Wrath at ultimate extreme minimum

Then if I drop another vexing devil, then they most likely have already taken 8 to 13 damage. So that if they take 4 more damage from that,then that's 12 to 17 damage they have taken. But if they don't take the damage, and allow it onto the board, then there's the threat of a creature base developing. And then I can copy Vexing Devil. That puts them into a quandry of having to guess, make a mistake, because damned if they take the 4 damage, and damned if they don't.

Also I can counterspell and bounce the other players creature spells over and over and over and over. And I can counterpell swords, etc over and over and over.

I could theoretically almost draw my whole entire deck if I got the right perfect draw, and if I wanted to. Having all that LOTS of draw is to be able to normally, most of the time, unless get unlucky in short term, draw whatever you need and want, when you need it, want it is BOSS.

The only thing that goes with that, is not making mistakes and wrong decisions. Because of that, this deck can be harder,trickier to play, then other decks if don't make the right decisions.

And having to pay 1 more mana because of thraben, is no big deal, and also can bounce it, and then counter it, if it becomes to much of a problem.

Here is how fast Thunder Wrath can kill opponent. Either draw it,play it during your turn or opponents turn. (happens a lot and fast normally because of card draw.) That's 5 damage to foe. Then Noxious revival, set it up, so that it can immediatly draw,play it for another 5 dmage to foe. That's 10 damage. Snapcaster flashback Noxious, or use 2nd Noxious, to set up draw, play it again for another 5 damage.

That's 15 damage, in 1.5 turns, and that's without increasing vengeance. And that easily happens a LOT, because of all the card draw. Then mix in the vexing devils and delvers,etc.

So as you can see getting past,dealing with a foe's creature base, is usually not a problem.

Will be continued in another post.

April 17, 2012 2:46 p.m.

mikedh1 says... #10

Continued from post above, that I posted above:

Also another thing that happens a lot, semi fast: If I draw a Temporal mastery turns 3,4,5,6,(which happens a lot), during opponent's turn after he attacks, then when I draw, play mastery after that, I now have a open board for my 1 merfolk looter, and 1 snapcaster, and 1 Metamorph copy of something, and 1 flipped Delver, and 1 Vexing Devil,etc, to attack back to back turns in a row.

players probably won't see that coming. And will probably take them by surprise. So Mastery if do it during my foe's turn, gets me back to back turns, and 2 cards, ramp, 2 attacks. And that's without increasing vengeance.

All those situations where you ask how will hand fare against this or that, don't happen very often, and only happen about 14 to 27% of the time.

I can live with that, because sometimes I am going to be able to deal with those good to semi great draw type of things happening, altho some to almost semi most of the time I probably won't.

Good,Great draws, wins games some to almost semi most of the time. That's part of magic. that's why in the short to mid term luck is part of magic.

When that happens, and I don't luckily have a answer, then all I can do is say GG.

All I can do is prepare, deal with what things will happen normally most of the time, not what with what only happens somewhere between a little iny bit of the time to almost semi some of the time.

Also like I have already pointed out, I don't have to increasing vengeance to win, but when it does happen(and it happens somewhere between semi some of the time, to almost semi most of the time)), it usually either directly wins games, and or helps to win games. extra alternate semi win cons are not a bad thing.

The only problems the deck has are those against the 3 problem decks I mentioned before, and those linked to bad draws, bad luck, etc.

As far as more answers, like you said, there isn't enough room in the deck. All 1 can do is put in as many answers in a deck and sideboard, as room allows.

The decks and its answers, in the deck, and in sideboard, works just fine. In competive tourneys I expect that the deck will win vs a competitive field, about at least 49 to 53% of the time, IF not vs problem deck, and IF played right, and IF no short term bad luck.

April 17, 2012 3:30 p.m.

mikedh1 says... #11

Also normally the amount ratio of land, you get AFTER opening hand, is comparable to the ratio of getting lands in opening hand.

A .365% land man ratio usually means you won't get mana flooded, or screwed, in both opening hand, and after opening hand most of the game.

Also if you get to much land. Then do the following. upkeep, untap, draw step, draw: Darn you drew yet another land.

Now don't use your draw spells, unless its ponder. And don't play that land. Keep it in hand. Now pass turn. Now during your foe's turn, tap Merfolk looter, and draw a card, if its useful keep it discard the land, if not keep the land and discard the card drawn, or some other card.

If its a miracle card, play it. If it's another land, and you have played some miracle cards, then discard 1 of the 2 lands, and then gamble a bit, by drawing another card, using lighthouse, risking drawing a miracle card as the 2nd card drawn, because can discard it with lighthouse.

Then if you draw another card, by using lighthouse, then if its useful keep it, and discard the land. And if its a miracle card well shoot that sucks, and bad luck, but can discard it with light house.

Follow that above process if you are drawing way to many land. You can use Looter, and Lighthouse, and ponder, and think twice to get thru a mana flood, post opening hand extremely fast.

but you should only have to use above process about 2 out of every 10,11,12,13 games you play, as normally you don't get mana screwed or mana flooded during, after, post opening hand.

April 17, 2012 4:10 p.m.

mikedh1 says... #12

Hey what do you all think of Crippling Cold, a new 2 colorless, 1 blue, instant that both taps 1 of opponent's creatures, until his 2nd untap phase after his next untap phase, and then draws a card. No Penalty, no discard,in the AVR set,and so what do ya all think about the new card?

The only thing I don't like is the 3 cmc. But then again, if you cast it during your opponent's turn, then he has to wait 2 turns before he gets to untap his creature, and would still be able to draw card, to draw, play miracle card during opponents turn.

the draw back, is the card doesn't have flashback. But could use Snapcaster to flash it back, and Noxious Revival to get it back if have to.

The draw backs are offset by both being able to tap a nasty creature threat and draw a card at the same time to kill 2 birds with 1 stone.

And that could really save the deck in some to a lot of situations.

But a drawback would be if their creatures had hexproof, then would be paying 3 mana to draw a card, instead of 2 mana.

If I put the cards in, I could either try to fit them in somehow in addition to the think twice. Or I could replace the 3 think twice with the Crippling Cold card.

So what do ya all think?

April 17, 2012 10:41 p.m.

mikedh1 says... #13

I am also thinking about 3 Peel from reality's to replace Silent Departure. It cost 1 colorless, 1 blue, and is a instant. It returns 1 of opponent's creatures to hand, while also returning 1 of your creatures to hand.

it could be risky because it could end up having to return a Delver of Secrets back to hand, or Merfolk looter back to hand, or Metamorph back to hand.

But it could also return Snapcaster back to hand, that could be snapcaster flashbacked.

So that could give me a very useful 2 for 1.

Also thinking about running Risky Bet in place of think twice.

It's a 1 colorless, 1 red, instant. It first makes you discard hand, and then draw 2 cards. Now that might seem, sound bad, until you realize, that if only run 3 of them, you likely won't play the card until you only have 1,2,3 left in hand. And you can use that to discard miracle cards in hand. And even if you discard a card that you don't want to discard, you can probably snapcaster the card.

And you can probably play any of the few creatures in hand, before you cast the card, and then have to discard, and then draw. And if there is a snapcaster in your hand, you can flash cast the snapcaster first, and then cast the card, and then discard hand, and then draw 2 cards.

And you can play the card during your opponent's turn to draw,play a miracle card.

So what do you all think about that,those things?

April 18, 2012 12:45 a.m.

mistory says... #14

I like Peel from RealityMTG Card: Peel from Reality, but I like Think TwiceMTG Card: Think Twice better than risky bet. The reason is that if the 2nd card you draw is a miracle card, then it was useless. Also you won't be using it that much; you will only use it if you have 1-3 not very useful cards in your hand, or a miracle card in your hand. Also you only have 3 Snapcaster MageMTG Card: Snapcaster Mages, so you can't discard something useful and rely on getting a snapcaster. It might be more useful than Think TwiceMTG Card: Think Twice sometimes, just I don't see where else you would fit it.

April 18, 2012 8:42 a.m.

mikedh1 says... #15

Might run a blue miracle card, called Fade Away, over Peel from Reality. It returns creature to top of library.

If did that during opponent's turn, then foe would lose card draw at his draw step, and would lose his creature and not be able to use it(if it doesn't have haste), until 2 of his turns later on his second turn later.

The problem is what should be the obvious ones, and that is with 3 of each of 3 of each of 9 total miracle cards, will I get to many miracle cards, in opening hand or not.

Also I wouldn't want to use the bounce miracle card on myself, because I would lose draw advantage, because it would be put on top of my library.

I guess play testing will answer that question. But if it does work, it might be a good addition to the deck with other possible changes.

Also being a miracle card, it adds to the flavor, theme, concept of the deck better, then either silent departure, Vapor Snag, Peel from reality, etc, because it is a blue,red splashed green miracle deck after all.

April 18, 2012 9:09 a.m.

mikedh1 says... #16

what do you think about about crippling cold, the new blue card draw and tap creature card in the new set mistory?

I mentioned it in a comment above, or you could goto the spoilers page to check it out.

Also good points about the risky bet. also risky bet doesn't have flashback like think twice does.

I also saw on other discussion sites, that they made a new blue miracle card that for a miracle cost of either 1 blue, or 1 colorless and 1 blue returns all permanents back to their owners hands.

April 18, 2012 9:20 a.m.

mikedh1 says... #17

correction: all non land permanents. After thinking about that miracle card, that would be a better sideboard card then ratchet bomb, to deal with artifact, enchantment, creature heavy, aggro heavy decks.

and since I don't have any enchantments, artifacts, and don't have a lot of creatures anyways, it would hurt my opponent far worse then it would me, and would buy me some more time.

April 18, 2012 9:36 a.m.

mikedh1 says... #18

Gona try to fit in 2,3 ReclaimMTG Card: Reclaim, to go with, and help 3,4(probably 3) Noxious Revival MTG Card: Noxious Revival s, to help get out miracle cards more consistently

April 18, 2012 11:08 a.m.

mikedh1 says... #19

I don't like cutting Increasing Vengeance, to put in Reclaim, But I don't see what else to cut.

The only possibilities for cuts to turn into Reclaim, are:

Turn 1 Noxious Revival, and 2 increasing Vengeance, into 3 Noxious Revival, and 3 Reclaims.


Turn 1 Noxious Revival and 1 Merfolk looter, into 3 Noxious Revivals, and 2 Reclaims.


Turn 1 Noxious Revival, and 1 Metamorph, into 3 Noxious Revivals, and 2 Reclaims.

The problem with taking out the increasing vengeance, is might not be able to do enough dmage in a few,some games to win. But then again Vengeance isn't the most consistent card, and if can use 3 Nox Revivals, and 3 reclaims, to consistently reuse draw cards, and cast Thunderous wrath over and over and over, then vengeance might not be needed.

The problem with taking out Merfolk looter, is would only have 6 discarders, instead of 7, and might not have a big enough creature base, and might not be able to draw them enough

The problem with running 2 Metamorphs, instead of 3, might not be able to draw it enough to copy my own stuff, and copy opponent's artifacts, and creatures. That could be a serious problem.

I think cutting the increasing Vengeance might be the lesser of the change problems.

Followed by merfolk looter, and then Metamorph.

So I will change the increasing Vengeance out, and if can't do enough damage, and take enough extra turns without increasing vengeance, then I will put the Vengeances back in, and take out 1 Merfolk looter instead, and run 2 Reclaim

One way or another, I am going to fit 2,3 reclaims in, because I think doing so will help the consistency of the deck.

if any of you have any comments on how to fit the reclaims in better, then please do so.

April 18, 2012 11:41 a.m.

mistory says... #20

Crippling cold is good, buys you time in addition to instant-speed draw, but I think Think TwiceMTG Card: Think Twice is better and there's nothing else to cut. Good call on the devastating tide (return all nonland permanents to their owners' hands) SB. About ReclaimMTG Card: Reclaim, I think it would be useful. Since Noxious Revival MTG Card: Noxious Revival is better than it, though, there'd be no point in cutting Noxious Revival MTG Card: Noxious Revival s for them. I think cutting 2 Increasing VengeanceMTG Card: Increasing Vengeance for 2 ReclaimMTG Card: Reclaim is a good idea, especially because you can put Thunderous WrathMTG Card: Thunderous Wrath back on top of your library.

April 18, 2012 12:26 p.m.

eheitzman says... #21

Why run 3x Noxious Revival MTG Card: Noxious Revival and 3x ReclaimMTG Card: Reclaim when you could run 4x Noxious Revival MTG Card: Noxious Revival and 2x ReclaimMTG Card: Reclaim?

Isn't Noxious Revival strickly better? With the ability to use Phyrexian mana in a pinch, and the (rarely-needed) ability to manipulate an opponent's draw (making them draw a brick partially wastes their turn), I don't see ReclaimMTG Card: Reclaim offering any advantage at all.

I'm not questioning the number of reclamation cards, just the mixture.

April 18, 2012 1:42 p.m.

eheitzman says... #22

Oops, looks like you got rid of ReclaimMTG Card: Reclaim already, my comment was too slow. :) Ignore me...

April 18, 2012 1:44 p.m.

eheitzman says... #23

I'm surprised you're not running a couple of Bonfire of the Damned MTG Card: Bonfire of the Damned . For 2 or 3 mana you can probably do a couple damage and wipe your opponent's board while not hurting your own 15 creatures... seems like a good deal in a deck like this.

3 Increasing VengeanceMTG Card: Increasing Vengeance feels like too many to me. Maybe trim 1.

Before I found your deck, I made a similar one which also uses the white miracles. I think yours is more aggressive and fast, but I like mine more. :) Mine has far more miracles and doesn't use Vexing Devil, Delver of Secrets, Mana Leak, and some of the other tricks you're using. deck:cheating-avacyn I could use some help with it if anyone is interested in commenting...

Good work on this one, very well done.

April 18, 2012 1:51 p.m.

mikedh1 says... #24

Thanks for the comment eheitzman. It is a good question. And its appreciated. And its not to slow.

lol people,players don't give me time or a chance to play test slightly different combinations.

The reasoning behind running the noxious revival's and the reclaims, is this:

Instead of thinking of them as different cards. Think of them as practically the same card in the same card task, function, mechanic card category.

You can't technically run 5,6,7 Noxious Revival's. But you can in a way by running 3,4 Noxious Revivals, and 2,3 reclaim, is almost exactly like running 5,6,7 Noxious Revivals.

And the reason why you would want to maybe run 5,6,7 Noxious Revivals, is because it would add more consistency to the deck, to be better able to Thunderous Wrath, Mastery, and Vexing Devil over and over and over.

But the problem I saw with doing that, is that if I take out the increasing vengeance, I didn't have the reach to deal with big creatures. And Running 2,3 reclaims, on top of 4 Noxious Revivals was messing up my mana base with 4 Hinterland Harbors, instead of 3 of them.

But 2 Increasing Vengeances, is not consistent. Thats why I thought of add the reclaims to increase consistency.

Then it occured to me that the only reason why I was at 2 increasing Vengeance, instead of 3 of them, was to get the deck down to 63 card, 23 lands, from the 64 cards, 23 lands, because I couldn't see any other way to do that. And because some were saying that Vengeance was having a hard time getting the mana,

Then I remembered a Suggestion that DAWN had made to try 1 less Merfolk looter. He said that I could do that because of the 4 Lighthouse lands + 2 Looters. I didn't think 6 discarders would be enough, but it is.

So I am play testing the current deck configuration. If it works, which it seems to be working so far, then this is the configuration, I am going to go with.

Because now the deck has 4 Noxious Revivals, 3 increasing vengeance, 6 discarders(2 looters, 4 Lighthouse), 2, 4 of's, 1, 2 of, rest 3 of's, 63 cards, 23 lands, .365% land mana ratio.

Also I am going to replace the 3 think twice with 3 Crippling Colds, and replace the Departures, with Peel Reality, or Fade Away miracle. SB the Return all non land permanents miracle.

So right now with those changes, the deck looks pretty good.

April 18, 2012 2:22 p.m.

mikedh1 says... #25

Bonfire of the damned is more of a sideboard card. The real cost of it is about 4,5 mana. Thats because your probably going to have to pay 1 red, and then pay 3,4,5 into X to do enough damage to wipe opponent's board.

And 4,5,6 mana is to much, because it will eat up all your mana, that you could use to bounce, counterspell, card draw, etc.

Also there is a blue miracle card, that has been spoiled, in a discussion forum on another site. It returns all non land permanents to there owners hands for 1 colorless, and 1 blue.

Its cheaper then Bonfire of the damned. And I don't play with artifacts and enchantments. the worst that would probably happen to me is my Delver, and Vexing Devil, and Metamorph, and Snapcaster gets bounced.

But that would not be a big deal, because I could easily put those creatures, back into play. And I could re use that board wipe cheaply over and over, without hurting my creature base.

If I only run 2 increasing Vengeance, I might as well get rid of it, because its then not consistent enough.

3 Increasing Vengeance, is just right, IF,IF, get the mana base right so that have enough mana, to cast it out. And I think thats doable. And I think that I either have enough red mana to have 3 red to Vengeance copy Thunder Wrath, and or 2 red to copy Mastery. And if I don't have enough mountains, then I will change either 1 Hinterland harbor, or 1 island, into 1 more mountain, which would definately be enough then.

Thanks for your comments, and for +1, liking the deck. I am glad that you like it.

I would be glad to take a look at your deck. Altho I don't know how much help I will be. I said when I started building this deck, that I didn't have as much experience at building these types of decks as others, and that others could probably build this deck, better then I could.

So with that in mind, you and others probably know how to build your deck better then I can, or could. So thats why I said, I don't know how much help I would be.

I got some good ideas from some here. So you might also might probably get some good ideas for your deck, by some here as well.

April 18, 2012 2:53 p.m.

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