The DUAL CAST CARD is on the spoilers site, on another site, and in other discussion forum sites. If want to see the card, can goto the AVR spoilers forum thread in the forums on this site.
On the 2nd comment of the thread, on the 1st page of the thread, there is a link to the spoilers page. clicking on that link will take you to the spoilers page and let you look at the DUAL CAST and other cards like CRIPPLING COLD(replacing Think Twice), and PEEL FROM REALITY,(maybe replacing DEPARTURE), and FADE AWAY(maybe replacing Departure), and DEVASTATING TIDE, all of which are candidates for the deck, and or sideboard.
April 18, 2012 4:29 p.m.
Dual cast is a good idea. I still think Think Twice is better than crippling cold, though, because of flahsback, and its cheaper original casting cost. It will give you a better chance to draw a miracle card as the first draw of a turn.
April 18, 2012 4:33 p.m.
Mistory I get what your saying. And I thought long and hard about that. But right about when a 8/8 starts pounding on me, on turn 3,4, if they are lucky enough to draw it, get it out, and I am unlucky enough not to be able to mana leak it, or bounce it, I am going to wish I had that crippling cold card, instead of think twice in my hand.
Also I can copy crippling strike with Dual Cast. And between that and snapcaster mage, and a copied Noxious Revival, and a Metamorph copy of snapcaster that can all be used to cast crippling cold a LOT, there just is not that much of a difference, to make think twice that much better, that would make it so that running think twice would be better.
And if I am being pounded on, and all I have is a think twice in my hand, there is probably a good chance I lose, unless I get lucky with a miracle top deck draw, or with what I draw with think twice
Remember Think Twice doesn't do you any good, if you lost because you weren't able to deal with a threat, because you had think twice, instead of crippling cold
I want to have my cake and be able to eat it too.
I want to be able to stop, slow down my opponent, and thus buy myself time, AND DRAW at the SAME time, to finish killing opponent off.
April 18, 2012 4:55 p.m.
oops correction, meant crippling cold not crippling strike. Must have mistyped or been distracted about some other thought at the same time
April 18, 2012 4:57 p.m.
Ok I have definately decided that I am going to run the FADE AWAY blue miracle card.
It's miracle cost if 1 blue, and it returns TARGET PERMANENT, back to it's owner's hand.
So it's just kinda,sorta,almost like a Vapor Snag, or a Silent Departure. The only difference is that it returns any 1 permament to to its owner hand.
This means that can bounce a opponent's planewalker, or creature, or artifact, swords, enchantment, angelic destiny,etc, over and over and over back ON TOP of their library, so that they lose card draw, on their draw step.
I also can use the miracle to bounce my snapcaster mage or Metamorph, back to the top of my library, so that I can reuse them once in a while when necessary.
So when play testing the deck if you draw a Silent Departure, it's a FADE AWAY 1 blue miracle cost bounce 1 permanent top top of library card, and not silent departure.
April 18, 2012 7:05 p.m.
Ok when a think twice is drawn, its a Crippling Cold Card, that cost 2 colorless, and 1 blue, to tap opponent's creature, so that it does not untap during next untap step,l and to draw a card at instant speed.
Now the trick to playing the card is to wait until opponents combat phase, and or end step, to see if opponent, is going to cast a spell you want to counter with mana leak, and attack with a creature threat.
With doing this you can leave your mana open until you either mana leak, or play the 3 cmc Crippling Cold.
If play the card during your turn, you won't have the mana you need to cast suff you want to cast during your turn for a while until you get 5 to 7 mana.
Also if draw card during your turn, it could be a miracle card, that was the 2nd card drawn.
Playing Crippling Cold the right way is awesome.
April 18, 2012 7:17 p.m.
DUAL CAST is so sick semi broken.
I usually get it out about 64 to 74% of the time. And about 64 to 74% of the time it does get out, when it comes out, it combos effectively so nicely.
And so about 447 to 53% of the time, the DUAL CAST combo's to WIN. And 53 to 59% of the time the card helps to win the game,most of the time, even if its copying 1 non miracle spell.
And it wins so fast. Turn 1: Delver. Turn 2: DUAL CAST. for 1 C, 1 R, attach to delver. Turn 3. Delver flips because Thunderous wrath is drawn played, then tap Delver, pay 1 red, copy Thunder wrath for 10 damage to foe's face turn 3. Then during opponents turn Noxious Revival Wrath. Turn 4 Draw Wrath, play Wrath, tap Delver, pay 1 red, copy Wrath, do 10 dmage to foe's face.
20 damage done to foe's face by,on turn 4. Game over. GG.
April 18, 2012 7:31 p.m.
Running 3 of each of 3 miracle cards, for 9 miracle cards in deck, has worked just fine,ok,good.
Somewhere between some to usually,most of the time, I get zero, or 1 miracle card in hand,out of the 9 miracle cards in the deck, while sometimes once in a while getting 2 miracle cards in hand, out of the 9 miracle cards in the deck And it's ultimate extremely rare to get 3 miracle cards in hand, out of the 9 miracle cards in the deck.
And most of the time, I usually get 1 of 6 discarders, during the game to discard the miracle cards from opening hand. And most of the time, I usually get at least 1 of 4 Noxious Revivals most of the time, to be put the discarded miracle card on top of library, and then draw it and cast it.
And on the ultimate extremely rare times I get 3 miracle cards in opening hand, I can just mulligan.
And the FADE AWAY 1 blue ,miracle cost, miracle bounce any permanent to top of Owners library miracle card is great.
I can copy it with DUAL CAST to bounce, get rid any 2 threats, whether they be creatures, artifacts, enchantments, planewalkers,etc, and bounce them to the top of opponents library, where they then lose card draw advantage for 2 turns, and then have to spend 1,2 more turns putting the permanents back into play, and then 1 more turn for summoning sickness for creatures.
That means I can cause the opponent to waste up to 5 turns max, by copying just 1 FADE AWAY bounce miracle card. That really slows down the opponent a lot.
Combine that with Mastery's extra turns, mana leaking, Crippling Cold, to tap their creatures until AFTER their next untap phase, while I draw a card, at the same time, and Thunderous Wrathing,drawing, attacking,builing up creature base,etc, and it gets pretty sick.
So the FADE AWAY miracle card is great.
April 19, 2012 3:57 p.m.
The recently spoiled Alchemist's Refuge is a land that will let you cast Ponder during an opponent's turn. This means you can look at the top three cards of your library, look for a miracle, draw it, and cast it.
April 20, 2012 1:54 a.m.
While playtesting my version of this deck I found that 4x Desolate Lighthouse was too much. The activation cost is just so high I never really used it. Do you think you want 4, or maybe drop down to 3 and add an Alchemist's Refuge?
April 20, 2012 1:58 a.m.
Thank your for that suggestion. I initially wrote off using this land, because I didn't think of using ponder during my opponents turn. And also because I do use desolate lighthouse, bcause of how only had 2 merfolk looters. And also because fitting 2,3 in would be hard to fit into the mana base.
There is so many specialty lands that need to fit into the deck. 4 Sulfur Falls, 3 Hinterland Harbors(need for flashback casting Noxious,naturalize,refuge), 2,3,4 Desolate Lighthouse (needed when can't draw merfolk looter), 2,3 Alchemist Refuge, Ghost Quarters(needed to get rid of the semi broken Cave land)
But now since I added the Dual Cast, and the Fade Away or Fade out miracle card, for 9 miracle cards, in the deck now. And since it's so important to cast miracles during opponents turn, so that I don't lose my card advantage at my draw step,then I added 1 more merfolk looter, for 3 of them, instead of 2 of them.
And that makes ir so that I can go with 3 lighthouse lands, instead of 4 like before.
And so if I go with 6 islands, 3 mountains, 4 Sulfur Falls, 3 Hinterland Harbor,3 lighthouse, 2 Alchemist Refuge, 2 Ghost Quarter, that hopefully, might, maybe, probably should work.
April 20, 2012 3:14 a.m.
the mana base, and only had to mulligan about 16,17 times out of every 100 games.
Now if I could only fit it 2 Ghost Quarters
April 20, 2012 7:21 a.m.
Ok the mana base works ok now. I play tested it 100 games, and only had to mulligan 15 times.
Mana Base:
Non colorless lands:
6 islands, 3 mountains, 4 Sulfur Falls, 3 Hinterland Harbors.
Colorless lands: 7
3 Ghost Quarters: Deals with CAVE LAND of DOOM, that NO allows creatures to be countered by mana leak, nasty lands, fixes mana.
2 Desolate Lighthouse: Helps 3 Merfolk Looter to draw, play wrath, mastery miracle cards, and discard miracle cards from opening hand, and hand.
2 Alchemist's Refuge:Allows to Ponder, cast all non land cards during opponents turns, to not lose tempo, card advantage to drawing, setting up, playing reusable Wrath, Mastery miracle cards combos, over and over.
So mana base works ok now.
Thanks for your suggestion Eheitzman
April 20, 2012 5 p.m.
9 miracle cards and only 5 discarders doesn't seem like it will work out that well. Perhaps -1 fade away +1 looter?
April 20, 2012 5:12 p.m.
The problem with that suggestion Mistory, is that there is NOTHING that can be turned into 1 more looter.
Metamorph No. Ponder? No. Card draw, set up Crippling Cold No. Tapping, card,draw Noxious Revival? No. Thunderous Wrath? No. Mastery? No. Fade Away(or if run silent departure, or Vapor Snag instead)? No. REMOVAL. Mana Leak? No. REMOVAL.Dual Cast? No. Copying on a stick.Delver? No. Needed for creature base. Vexing Devil? No. Burn, creature base. Sanpcaster Mage? No. Flashback spells.
2 bouncers is not enough. Must have at least 3 bouncers. Also 2 of's are to be avoided when, where,if possible.
Yes 6,7 discarders would seem to be better. Heck would have 8,9 discards if it was possible.
3 Ghost Quarters are going to be a must for the 3,4x of CAVE land that stops counterspelling, that most will run. It's also fixes mana base. If cut 1 to run 3 lighthouse, it won't cme out enough.
2 Alchemist lands allow to Ponder during opponents turn. Doing that makes it so that don't lose card advantage, tempo, time, and don't have to wait 1 extra HALF TURN, or extra FULL TURN, and be slowed down, which can lose games
1 of 3 Merfolk Looters will usually come out most of the time. On the uncommon to semi rare times it don't come out, 1 of 2 Lighthouse lands, will come out and sub in its place.
And the uncommon to semi rare times neither Looter or lighthouse comes out, then somehwere between some to semi most of the time does 1 or 2 miracle cards end up in opening hand. And on the rare time a miracle card gets stuck in opening hand, or hand, altho a dead card, it usually won't hurt hardly at all that bad. There are 9 miracle cards in deck, so big deal if 1 or 2 of them gets stuck in opening nhand, once in a great while, because more will get drawn and played.
6 Discarders, would be better, but can more easily cut 1 of 6 discarders, down to 5 discarders, as the least bad cut, then any other cut that could possibly be made in the deck.
Going with 5 discarders wont mess up, ruin, make deck not work good. But cutting anything else would make the deck not work as good, or not work.
Also I have play tested the deck, and it still works ok.
Also statistically, if you want make sure something comes out, 4, 5 is the minimum, that must have if want to make sure that something comes out. And there are 5 minimum discarders in the deck.
Having 6,7 discarders would be a nice bonus to have. But there just isn't room for 6 discarders. But 5 discarders still works ok.
April 20, 2012 6:11 p.m.
Also could turn 1 Sulfur Falls into 1 Lighthouse, for 8 colorless lands, consisting of 3 lighthouses, 3 Ghost quarters, 2 Alchemist lands.
And 6 islands, 3 mountains, 3 hinterland Harbors, and 3 Sulfur falls.
But that would make mana base seem shaky.
I will playtest it, but I don't think it will work.
I think 7 colorless lands, is the max.
April 20, 2012 6:26 p.m.
Ok with 8 colorless lands, and 6 islands, 3 mountains, 3 Sulfur Falls, 3 Hinterland Harbors, 3 Lighthouse, 3 Ghost Quarters, 2 Alchemist:
Out of 100 play tested sample hands, and games: I mulliganned 18 times out of those 100 games, which is ok, as I could live with that.
But after opening hand, I had to use the Ghost quarters to fix getting to many colorless lands, and no getting enough red sometimes.
The mana base just barely works ok though. Just barely Not good, not bad, with the 8 colorless land.
So because of that, I think 7 colorless lands, and 4 sulfur Falls, is better then 8 colorless lands and 3 Sulfur Falls.
And if run 7 colorless land, then 2 Ghost quarters is not enoug, because 2 probably won't come out often enough to deal the CAVE land, and thus probably won't be able to counterspell creatures, if only run 2 Ghost quarters, because EVERYBODY will run at least 3 Cave lands, that stop counterspelling.
And need least 2 Alchemist lands to be able to Ponder, during opponents turn.
So if go with 7 colorless lands, instead of 8 colorless lands, then going to have to go with 2 Lighthouse lands, instead of 3 of them.
So that's the choice, either run 8 colorless lands, 3 sulfur falls, 3 lighthouse lands, or 7 colorless lands, 4 sulfur falls, and 2 lighthouse lands.
I think the 7 colorless lands choice is better then the 8 colorless lands choice.
So I am going to run 7 colorless lands, 4 sulfur falls, and 2 lighthouse lands.
April 20, 2012 7:23 p.m.
After Play testing another 100 games, there was ONLY 15 Times, out of 100 games, where a discarder like a Merfolk looter, Lighthouse, didn't come out.
That means that 1 of the 5 discarders, broken,split into 3 looters, and 2 lighthouse lands, will probably usually probably only not come out about 1 game per about every 6.5 games, or about every 2.5 3 game tournament matches.
And about 50% of the time a discarder doesn't come out, a miracle card will get stuck in either opening hand, or after opening hand, hand.
That means that only get stuck with with a miracle card in hand, ONLY about 1 time per every 13 games, or about 1 time every 4, 3 game tourney matches, or about 1 time a entire 1 magic tourney.
And of the times that get stuck with 1 or 2 miracle cards in hand, I will probably lose about 1/3 to 1/4 of the time.
So that means, only about 1 time out of about 2.5 to 3.5 magic tournies, will I lose a game, because I wasn't able to get out 1 of 5 discarders, that caused me to get stuck with 1,2,3 miracle cards, that caused me to lose the game.
So according to that 5 discarders is enough, and comes out often enough just fine, most of the time. I am ok with that just fine.
And I only had to mulligan about 13 to 18 times about per about every 100 games.
And I got enough blue,red,green mana when I needed it most of the time.
And so because of all that, the mana base works just fine, and the 5 discarders is enough, and come out, and works just fine as well.
So everything about the deck seems to work just fine, ok, good, decent, great, etc, now.
April 20, 2012 8:37 p.m.
I just think 4 faithless looting and 4 miracle cards with noxious revival is enough. Just sayin'
April 20, 2012 10:03 p.m.
The problem with 4 miracle cards, is if you run 2 Thunderous Wrath's, and 2 Temporal Mastery's, then even with 4 Faithless Lootings, your not going to get out the miracle cards out enough, and not get to thunderous wrath, and or Mastery, over and over and over and over and over, and over and over,etc.
And if you do draw into the miracles, with the 4 faithless lootings, then there is a good chance they will be the 2nd card drawn, and will not be able to be played.
Yes you could then discard, and Noxious Revival, Reclaim them. but you would have still lost your chance to draw them,play them FIRST, and THEN have them hit the graveyard and then be REUSED. So you LOSE 1 USAGE of the miracle cards by using Faithless lootings.
The way the deck is at 9 miracle cards, at 3 Thunderous Wrath, and 3 Fade Outs, and 3 Masterys, and 3 Crippling Colds, 4 Ponder, 4 Noxious Revival, 3 Merfolk looters,etc is better to almost best.
That's because: A. Why not use the 3 1 blue mana cost Fade Out miracle card version of Time Ebb? It's better then Vapor Snag, in that it bounces a permanent back to the top of the opponents library. that's way better then running 3 Vapor Snags,etc.
B. You can semi consistently to consistently, easily draw, cast, copy Thunderous Wrath, Mastery, Fade Out, miracle cards, over and over. You can easily do 15 to 35 damage that way with Thunderous wrath. You can easily get 2.5 to 5 extra turns per game from mastery. And you can easily bounce 2 permanents back to foe's library, 2.5 times, for 3 to 5 permanents bounced to top of foes libarary.
All that semi consistently to consistently wins some to a LOT of games. and its a lot more effective then running only 4 miracle cards at 2 Thunderous wraths, and 2 masterys, and 4 faithless lootings.
There are better draw and draw discarders then faithless lootings: Merfolk looter, Lighthouse land, Crippling Cold that lets you tap a creature for 2 turns, and lets you draw a card, and is instant speed, for 2 colorless and 1 blue, Think Twice, Risky Bet,etc.
Faithless looting is sorcery speed, which means you cant use it to draw play a miracle card, during your turn, because already drew a during draw step. And can't use it to draw and play a miracle card, during your opponents turn.
The Deck works awesome.
The only possible problem, that could ever come up, is the mana base. But even if only ran 4 Faithless lootings, and 4 miracle cards, that would still be a possible problem.
April 20, 2012 10:59 p.m.
Also the 3 DUAL CAST: a new AVR card, that cost 1 colorless, 1 red, and is a creature enchantment, that taps creature, pay 1 red, and copy target instant, or sorcery spell.
That card is so sick awesome, semi broken, when you use it to copy miracle cards over and over. If you only have 4 miracle cards, 2 Thunderous wraths, and 2 masterys, you won't able to get as much out of that awesome, sick, semi broken reverberator on a stick creature enchantment card.
With that card you can semi consistently, to consistently do 15 to 35 damage by easily semi consistently copying 1 of 3 thunderous wrath, over and over.
You can also us that card to easily semi consistently to consistently copy 1 of 3 mastery to get 2.5 to 5 extra turns.
3 Thunderous wraths, and 3 masterys, and 3 Fade Outs as 9 miracle cards, and Lots of draw, and DUAL CAST is so awesome semi broken.
April 20, 2012 11:15 p.m.
Ok got the deck down to 61 cards, 22 lands, a .3606% land, mana ratio(which is a great,awesome,perfect,just right mana ratio for the deck, because only had to mulligan 14 times out of 100 games, and doesn't mana flood as much opening hand, and after opening hand), a 2.51 ave cmc, 2, 4 x 4 of's, 2, 2x, 2 of's, and the rest a LOT 3x, 3 of's.
The deck still has 15 card draw cards, and 5 discarders, in 3 Desolate Lighthouse, and 2 Merfolk Looter.
The deck was at 63 cards, 22 lands, 5 discarders(2 Lighthouse, 3 Looters). I made the change by turning 1 of 3 Ghost Quarters, into 1 more Lighthous land, so that I would have 3 lighthouse lands, so that I could then take out 1 looter, for 2 looters,and down to 62 cards, and still have 5 discarders, like before, when I had 2 lighthouse,3 looters.
I then took out 1 Sulfur Falls, to go down to 61 cards and 22 lands.
The mana base still works good. I only had to mulligan 14 times out of the 100 sample hands, games, I play tested of the new change. I still get enough red and blue mana, and still NOT to much colorless lands, at 7 colorless lands. And the 2 Ghost quarters help fix any mana problems, and deal with nasty lands, like the CAVE LAND.
There is still enough discarders at 5 discarders, like how there was 5 discarders before. And since there are 2 less cards in the deck, the 5 discarders will come out more often then before.And there is still the same amount of card draw as before as well.
So this is as tight as the deck is going to get. There is ABSOLUTELY NO MORE ROOM for any more cards,(unless they replace similar cards), and ABSOLUTELY NOTHING ELSE CAN BE CUT.
If cut the card draw cards, then would have less card draw cards, and would have a 2 of a card draw card, which wouldn't come out enough.
If cut the miracle cards, the deck wouldn't work as good.And if cut DUAL CAST, then 2 DUAL CAST would not be enough to combo to get 2 to 4 extra turns per game, and 15 to 35 damage from thunderous wrath, and return 2 permanents back to top of foe's library, and copy cards,etc.
If cut snap mage, or Metamorph then would not be able to reuse spells, and copy threats. And 2 Delvers, instead of 3, and 2 Vexing devils, instead of 3, would not be enough to have a ok creature base and deal 4 to 8 damage from vexing devil.
So the deck is as TIGHT as it can be, with no more room, and nothing that can be cut, with a ok mana base, and good land, mana ratio, and a good low cmc ave, and good card draw odds, etc. So the deck works awesome.
mikedh1 says... #1
3x DUAL CAST is going into this deck.
Its a 1 red, 1 colorless creature Aura enchantment.
You enchant it to a creature, and then according to the card the red enchantment enchanted creature gets:
Enchanted Creature TAP: Pay 1 red, copy target instant, sorcery spell, you may choose new targets for the spell.
The only bad thing, is I don't have a great creature to attach this enchantment too. But I can use Mana leak to help protect the enchantment, and if it is gotten rid of, I can use Noxious Revival to get the enchantment back, or I can draw into another 1 of the enchantment later on in the game.
The enchantment will allow me to copy Mastery and Thunderous wrath, so that I can do 15 to 45 damage per game, and 3 to 6 extra turns per game.
I can also use it to copy all the draw spells
So I am turning the 3 increasing vengeances into 3 of these enchantments.
And so if and when any of you play test the deck and draw a increasing vengeance, treat it as a 1 C, 1 R, DUAL CAST reverberating aura creature enchantment instead, that works like how I described.
this card combined with all the other cards, are going to make this kind, type of deck into 1 of the better to almost best, semi dominating Archetype decks out there in standard when AVR is released.
Try to get these cards, as soon as can, before the cards go to high in price, and before the cards become to hard to trade for, and get by trading.
April 18, 2012 4:20 p.m.