to much has to happen for you to really be able to do well with this deck. I think it is a cute casual deck and can be really fun when you pull off the miracles. I do not feel it can be competitive to all the aggro decks out there. nice presentation of new cards and mechanics so +1 for that.
May 14, 2012 2:09 p.m.
chappelle010894 says... #3
I dont know if this was mentioned and I have no clue if your deck was updated, but I was looking at it and I have to say that your deck seems solid. But on the [Crippling Chill] seems to maybe be replaced on [Frost Breath] instead. Your able to cast it same speed as Chill but have the ability to tap one more creature.
Any comments?
cooknathan says... #1
Wow that was a lot of comments, I read most of them and skimmed many. Gah.
To the deck; Nice work, I think you have crammed a lot of synergy in here (hopefully not overcrowding it) and you have developed a good aggro strategy that is fairly resilient and versatile. +1 for you. I have also had a shot at the miracle mechanic (check out Hallelujah) although I eventually arrived at the opposite end of the spectrum to this, in much more of a patient/control play-style.
If I may make a few suggestions, (throw some back if you can think of any :-)).
I think you could play with one less land and I would love to see another Noxious Revival
Crippling Chill
is your weakest card IMO. I understand that its instant draw and that it is an answer to the big threats but I feel like there are better answers (like your already present counterspells). Im not sure what your meta is like but I feel like its more of a sideboard card.
I see what your doing with Phyrexian Metamorph
but perhaps Cackling Counterpart
could be better. So your using the metamorph because it synergises with things like delver and Snapcaster Mage
AND for control of your opponents threats. But you could use the counterpart (which has more synergy) and rely on your other removal to deal with threats. It could even retire to the sideboard.
As for the 60 card 62 card thing. I feel your pain lol. My favorite deck deck:birthing-of-the-genesis-elves runs 63 cards and I still havent been able to trim those last few after months of playing it (since new phyrexia). But I have hope for you, I believe in you, you can do it :-D just have faith in yourself.
Seriously though, I like the deck (apart from a personal dislike of delver lol). Keep at it +1.
May 14, 2012 12:36 p.m.