Thunes Goonz Deck (Theros, Aggressive Lifegain)
Very awesome write up man, i couldnt have asked for more, thank you so much for your time and cooperation i truly appreciate everything you have done for me. You sir can definitely write up a very detailed report. Thanks again and good luck in anything you build! Now for the + 1!
October 2, 2013 12:29 p.m.
Haha much appreciated :) and killer deck by the way!
No really...I
Oh and I saw someone mentioned on there that I had a play mistake. My apologies. I'm just getting used to the new legendary enchantment artifact moose carpet with a side of bacon weapons. Seriously could they get more subtypes? Lol
October 2, 2013 12:54 p.m.
Is it too much to ask for a +1? Lol, no one likes my deck lol!?
October 2, 2013 1:28 p.m.
Lol I actually thought I had already done so, which is why I hadn't. Fixed!
October 3, 2013 1:04 a.m.
this is a really awesome deck dude +1 from me i definitely wanna play against it sometime it would be an awesome match and red white has a lot of options for life gain given the right build this definitely has a good combo
October 5, 2013 12:28 a.m.
@ Namron88
Because i just done see it fitting into this deck, she is awesome dont get me wrong but i just dont see a spot for her here, or maybe im missing something?
October 5, 2013 3:48 a.m.
@ namron
Thanks alot for the +1 man i really appreciate it, it really makes me happy to believe that i actually built something worth mentioning and possibly something worth playing at a local FNM. let me know when you want to play test i would love to see how both decks play out.
Thanks again!
October 5, 2013 4:46 a.m.
Definitely dude I wont be able to today since ill be at states but when I get a chance I definitely will and if your able to fit her then I definitely would she wins that are almost impossible to win but if the deck is winning consistantly then dont try to fix what isn't broken ill test out my w/b deck on this when I get the chance since it is control oriented
October 5, 2013 8:10 a.m.
I would also consider a spot for Burning Earth since it wont hurt you to much but I kills esper decks and can win the match all on its own
October 5, 2013 8:20 a.m.
There is a really cool combo with Spark Trooper and Gift of Immortality .
October 5, 2013 9:43 a.m.
@ kintighd
You know that would be a pretty cool combo, but im not sure that sacrificing and dying is the same thing. So im not exactly surr if it will work, the only issue is that i would have to technically have 7 mana available or i dont use Spark Trooper when he comes out if the battlefield in order to use this combo correct?
October 5, 2013 9:55 a.m.
Dying is going from the field to the graveyard, so the combo would work, but yeah, 7 mana is a bit heavy for this deck. Also... no Path of Bravery ??? It seems like the perfect card for an aggressive lifegain deck...
October 5, 2013 2:11 p.m.
@ cheznet
wow i completely missed that card, how i dont know lol?! but no matter what thanks for the suggestion, it is now found its way into the deck.
yha actually its funny you mention Burning Earth . today i played against a turbo fog deck ( he won) and all i could think about is where in the hell is my Burning Earth and Skullcrack !!! BTW They have both been added to the sideboard for obvious reasons.
October 6, 2013 1:49 a.m.
MonsterFinder221 says... #17
I suggest adding a couple of Ordeal of Purphoros or Ordeal of Heliod in this deck. Hope this helps! :)
October 6, 2013 3:07 a.m.
I think u should add Aurelia with Assemble the Legion and Devout Invocation and/or Angelic Skirmisher
October 6, 2013 12:31 p.m.
Assemble the Legion would be for sideboard against control matches it does nothing against aggro but control cant handle it forcing them to either counter it or some sort of answer to slow it down Aurelia, the Warleader is great but its up to him if there is room for her in the mainboard she will almost allways win a match when she comes out on her own and if you have something big she gets better and there is a way for three battle phases in one turn with her as well
October 6, 2013 12:37 p.m.
Thanks for your suggestions as im always looking for a way to improve this deck. Im not sure if Assemble the Legion would fit in this deck nicely due to the fact that im not really a " token" type deck. Now Aurelia, the Warleader has been suggested multiple times now, i do see her as another "wincon" how would either of you suggest me fitting her in?
October 6, 2013 1:29 p.m.
I was originally going to put those in the deck but after further review i decided to put in Madcap Skills instead as it helps me deal damage a bit quicker. I will keep it in mind so thanks again for your suggestion
October 6, 2013 1:34 p.m.
i would remove either one Archangel of Thune or one Firemane Avenger for Aurelia, the Warleader or if you want two aurelia one of each
October 6, 2013 2:42 p.m.
I would agree that adding at least one or two copies of Assemble the Legion to the sideboard would be a pretty amazing way to deal with control, or really any slow, grinding matches. Especially now that you added Path of Bravery , the extra bodies will all have quasi-lifelink, and provide things for your Archangel of Thune to pump. I like Madcap Skills in the mainboard because, if unanswered, it can let you potentially win turn 5, but against control, whatever creature has the skills is gonna get killed. Those are the types of matchups where you want Assemble the Legion instead. Another thing to consider is that the legion alone is usually good enough to let you proc battalion with only one real creature out - but since Firemane Avenger is your only remaining dude with battalion, that might not be a concern for you.
Long story short, don't just write off Assemble the Legion as a token-only card, because even if it seems mostly useful for token decks, it has a lot of synergies with what you already have, and is a wincon on its own.
October 6, 2013 2:56 p.m.
@ cheznet
Wow and thanks for you stand on Assemble the Legion and the synergy input it has on this current deck build, you surely gave me a different perspective on Assemble the Legion one that i havent seen yet until you thoroughly explained it. So in your opinion if you were building this deck what would you sideboard?
October 6, 2013 3:48 p.m.
@ Namron88
There is no way i can take either of those 2 out, this is an aggressive lifegain deck, not just straight aggro. Not to mention this deck is called thunes goonz deck, i cant really take her out lol...
Spootyone says... #1
Here you are, man! Hot off the presses haha
Showdown #3
October 2, 2013 2:26 a.m.