Thunes Goonz Deck (Theros, Aggressive Lifegain)

Standard* andiamo23


andiamo23 says... #1


thanks for your post and i just wanted to start off saying i appreciate any info i can get with helping this deck succeed even more than it has already.

ok the reason Angelic Edict is even in the sideboard is because of this guy Erebos, God of the Dead it sucks to have to side against that, but when you build an aggressive lifegain deck erebos is probably the biggest threat against me beside Skullcrack .as far as dealing with a planes walker i can either Pithing Needle it or just straight Brave the Elements that way my opponent cant block me and go straight for elspeth, in fact thats what i kept doing yesterday. although i may end up putting Pithing Needle back in because it can technically work against esper controls aetherling. as far Voice of Resurgence is concerned it really doesnt bother me too much either because for one i really dont play anything on an opponents turn and if i end up playing a selesnya deck with this creature i will side in Chained to the Rocks to take care of it. now Firemane Avenger was already in my original build, but do to a heavy amount of spot removal it was a real pain in the ass to keep him alive enough to trigger the battalion effect, he is a 4 cost by the way, so i decided to swap him for Spark Trooper instead. now this may sound stupid but i dont want all my my creatures to have first strike due to the Fiendslayer Paladin and Archangel of Thune effect. lets say my opponent has 4x 5/5 creatures out and i have 4x 4/4 creatures out and one of them happens to be Fiendslayer Paladin and another happens to be Archangel of Thune which i do carry a full playset of each in my deck so it shouldnt be impossible to have them both out at the same time. if i declare an attack with all 4 of my creatures and my opponent decides to block all of them than Legion Loyalist will screw me because all of my creatures wouldnt have enough points to drop them to 0 health and in fact all mine would die. however if fiendslayer is the only one to do first strike, then he will die but since fiendlsayer triggered archangels effect ( because his first strike damage is the first combat step) then he would would get sacked and all the rest of my creatures would die along with my opponents.

i know thats a bad example but with Legion Loyalist all my creatures would die and my opponents would live, and without Legion Loyalist all my creatures would die and so would his( minus whatever fiendslayer paladin attacked)

October 13, 2013 3:37 a.m.

The_Bard says... #2

Have you considered using Precinct Captain instead of Ash Zealot ?In your deck I am honestly not sure which I would use, the haste on Ash Zealots is very nice, but they don't get protection when you use brave the elements. And not that I ever see anyone do it for some reason, but if you brave the elements for pro, you can usually swing in and they can't block you, getting tokens out of the captains and a LOT of damage if done properly.

October 15, 2013 6:27 p.m.

andiamo23 says... #3

@ The_Bard

Actually yes I have considered the captain instead of the zealot simply because turn 1 is normally Soldier of the Pantheon and then turn two is Ash Zealot but as of right now the only way that can happen is if I draw a Sacred Foundry in my opening hand, which I have done a few times but normally i don't. By putting in the captain it will allow me to put in turn one soldier and turn two captain. So I'm still tossing back and forth between the two but zealots graveyard hate is also a pain in the but for some decks plus the haste is perfect for this kind of deck so it makes it a hard choice between the two to be honest.

October 16, 2013 1:59 a.m.

Armenius says... #4

Graveyard hate isn't as relevant in this format because the only deck that truly uses the graveyard tends to just cast things through ramp anyways. And the deck doesn't "cast" anything from the grave either; rather, it just uses Rescue from the Underworld to get things back. Ash Zealot 's only upside to Precinct Captain IS the haste, but the double red makes it worse, in my opinion.

I would definitely go with Precinct Captain , as you truly aren't beating in super hard as fast as you can... you are the slower kind of aggro, which Captain is perfect for.

October 16, 2013 7:51 a.m.

flashter says... #5

like the deck you get a +1 from me if you like aggro decks check out my brew Return Of The Jedi To SelesnyAggro (Theros) let me know how you like it also +1 if you think it is worthy. Thanks

October 17, 2013 2:22 a.m.

redben346 says... #6

I think u should add Aurelia and Guardian of the Gateless

October 18, 2013 5:19 p.m.

Magnvs says... #7

I truly like this deck, and it gets a well earned +1!However, allow me to ask two questions:1. Why no Boros Reckoner on the mainboard?2. How about adding yet another Archangel of Thune ? Would it be too much?

November 4, 2013 3:59 p.m.

Namron88 says... #8

I wouldn't suggest an extra thune maybe a 2 of Stormbreath Dragon he is really amazing vs certain decks and his pro white fling haste makes him very hard to deal with unless they run black or red since those colors can hurt him most

November 5, 2013 2:29 a.m.

MomsLoveMe says... #9

+1, nice boros lifegain deck! maybe add 1-2 [Gift of Immortality]] to make [[Spark Trooper] beyond amazing!

November 12, 2013 7:13 p.m.

redben346 says... #10

What about Aurelia, Firemane Avenger, Angelic Skirmisher, and/or Warleader's Helix?

November 12, 2013 8:26 p.m.

andiamo23 says... #11


thanks man i really appreciate the plus 1! ill take a look at your card suggestion soon and see if i can make it work


aurealia is way too high cost, i tried firemane avenger out multiple times and his battalion is really really great but its hard to get the battalion to trigger with so much spot removal now a days, warleader's helix was in here but im trying to keep it as aggresive as i can and at 4 mana its too high of cost

November 12, 2013 8:41 p.m.

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