UpperDeckerTaco says... #2
If you wanted to, you could add in Angelic Accord or at least sideboard them.
June 26, 2014 5:10 p.m.
I thought about Angelic Accord when I first put it together, and I opted out of it. I already have enough creatures in the deck and that card is to overkill. So I subbed it out for something more useful, back then it was the Unflinching Courage
June 26, 2014 10:10 p.m.
BlueMage22 says... #4
I like it. +1 from me. I think you could make it a little more threatening with Ethereal Armor and/or Gift of Orzhova . Have you considered Hopeful Eidolon for this deck? him + Armor + Gift makes a 5/5 flying lifelink by turn 3 or instead of the gift, the Unflinching Courage on turn 3 and its a 6/6 lifelink trample. Good deck!
June 27, 2014 6:24 p.m.
junctionIV says... #5
First I want to say that I like this deck a lot! +1 from me! Life Gain has always been one of my favorite mechanics and I often build decks to work around it (Check these out if your interested :) Standard: Junk Life EDH: Now thats alot of life...).
I think adding Temple of Plenty would be really good. It gives you some better mana fixing and It is great to play a scry land on turn 5-6 to help you dig for that finisher if you don't already have it in hand. Mana Confluence would be good as well, It helps a lot early game when your trying to play double white spells and are stuck on double green. I would look into replacing Grove of the Guardian and Rogue's Passage and some amount of basics for 4 Temple of Plenty and 2 Mana Confluence
Also you may want to look at Courser of Kruphix . It gives you another source of life gain, and helps you thin out your deck. It is also a 2/4 body which can be nice when the rest of your deck gets blown out by Anger of the Gods (with the exception of Advent of the Wurm and Archangel of Thune ).
Also I think Soldier of the Pantheon is better for your deck than Elvish Mystic . You do not really have any need to ramp turn 2 because most of your creatures are 2 mana.
In M15 there is Ajani Steadfast (may not be on Tappedout yet) who would be amazing in this deck! I would look into getting him around the release next month.
Other cards to look at for side boards:Deicide (instead of Sundering Growth b/c Erebos, God of the Dead is a thing...), Nyx-Fleece Ram (against Burn?), Banishing Light (I would possible run this over Bramblecrush as it hits everything except lands and is cheaper. Maybe even main deck!) More Witchstalker (b/c burn is a thing) and less Pithing Needle (1 is usually enough).
June 28, 2014 12:41 p.m.
I'll modify it some more with the suggestions I received and play test next week. I'm out of town and don't have the extra cards with me
July 1, 2014 1:44 p.m.
well it does look like this deck will be retiring soon with the phaseing out of m14 unless something similar comes along. I might be able to make it stretch till the next block set if i can replace my Archangel of Thune with something else just as viable.
July 8, 2014 4:16 p.m.
lessthanthree24 says... #8
You realize M14 doesn't rotate until the next block is out? M14 and M15 can both be used until then!
July 10, 2014 8:51 a.m.
Did some play testing last night. I think I'm going to throw in the Deicide as main board. So many enchantments seeing play that i don't like.
August 22, 2014 10:07 a.m.
Souljacker says... #12
Nyx-Fleece Ram sideboard against aggro?
Banishing Light as a general answer to everything instead of all different cards in the sideboard?
Ajani Steadfast because you don't have many 4 drops and he gives lifelink?
Maybe try a wider approach to make better use of Thune giving counters, the Spear, Path of Bravery and Ajani Steadfast's -2? Elspeth, Sun's Champion , Brimaz, King of Oreskos and Soldier of the Pantheon would fit in such approach
August 28, 2014 10:23 a.m.
Definitely throwing in Nyx-Fleece Ram , Banishing Light , and Ajani Steadfast into the deck. the Soldier of the Pantheon would be great for the next set but by the time it comes out this deck is no longer standard.
August 30, 2014 7:54 a.m.
Archetype_Of_Awesomeness says... #14
One thing to add for if you play casual is the Archangel of Thune + Spike Feeder to gain infinite life.
September 3, 2014 10:44 p.m.
LMAO. you just gave me my modern deck idea. Thank you Archetype_Of_Awesomeness
flashter says... #1
I see what you mean stick to the plan with that being said you should try to main board Soldier of the Pantheon as he is the best one drop in Theros for creatures I believe.
September 30, 2013 11:01 p.m.