Synergy with that Tibalt +1.
Dropping a turn 2 Tibalt, is really what this deck is trying to do. Because of the way this deck is designed, and purposely built around his +1, its almost never bad for you. In fact, feeding cards into the graveyard is actually quite helpful. We play cards with Delve that use that to their advantage, and even a few cards with Madness that can easily be triggered with Tibalt's +1. Its a pretty solid play on Turn 2, especially on the play instead of the draw. His -4 isn't amazing but it's usually around a solid 5 damage to the face and his -6 although flashy, isn't all that special considering the low level of creature decks in the meta, however it can definitely win you a game.
Blood Moon in the main helps a lot vs. strong decks with a low number of basics like Abzan, Ad Nauseam and 3 or more color control decks.
The disruption caused by Burning Inquiry and Dark Deal hits opponents harder than it ever hits us, which is something that should not be taken lightly. Random discard and discard are very powerful disruption tools.
In the side we have uncounterable disruption from Slaughter Games and some hate vs decks like twin and affinity.
We play Fiery Temper over bolt for a couple of reasons. You see yes, we are essentially casting both of these cards for 1 mana, however Fiery Temper does something really important because of its Madness ability. With bolt, I'd just empty my hand. This is not good. In this deck there is no actual draw spells. I never end up with more cards in hand than I started with before I use any card that says to draw. You always have to discard after. This is a huge set back if I start emptying my hand. Using Burning Inquiry while I have six cards in hand is a lot better than if I have 1. I can't be emptying my hand just because I can. So even if I could be casting bolt/temper I don't. You need to hold onto cards to capitalize on the Madness ability otherwise, you will struggle vs your opponent. Therefore, we must play Temper over bolt. Its a little hard to understand at first, but it does make sense.