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Tibalt's Salvage and Casino

Noble Aggro Artifact Mono-Red



Welcome to Tibalt's! Whatever you're lookin' fer, we got it!

...But it'll cost.

We're looking to run a ton of artifacts and get triple-duty out of em:

  1. Whatever they natively do
  2. As food for Atog or Rusted Slasher
  3. As fuel for Scrapyard Salvo

How does Tibalt, the Fiend-Blooded fit into all this? Well, he's pretty good at putting more artifacts in the graveyard, for one. He threatens substantial direct damage if left unanswered. Both help out Scrapyard Salvo , and any resources our opponents throw at him are resources they aren't blowing up Atog s with. He also smooths out our mana.

Tibalt's less of a direct synergy card and more of a strategic support card, and as a result it's not always correct to jam him turn 2. Just ask yourself: "Are there any cards in my hand that I really don't want Cycled? Also, am I feeling lucky?"

Immolating Souleater , Oxidda Golem , Porcelain Legionnaire , Rusted Slasher , and Spin Engine provide an aggressive backbone. We're not looking for Atog and Scrapyard Salvo to do all the work (for that deck, see Oops, three lands!), so we need beaters to get in some damage, eat up removal, and/or block. Rusted Slasher also plays backup Atog when we need to sac things.

Perilous Myr is removal that feeds Atog .

Unlike an affinity deck, Great Furnace isn't always a higher priority to play than Mountain. If you don't have an Atog around, and you're otherwise ok on mana, it may be correct to leave it in hand; if a land is going to be discarded to Faithless Looting or Tibalt, the Fiend-Blooded, then Scrapyard Salvo and Oxidda Golem would both prefer the Mountain to be on the field and the Great Furnace to be in the graveyard.

Ichor Wellspring, however, is a high priority to get on the field. It replaces itself in the hand and draws again when it gets eaten. Solid!

Can we really afford to spend mana on draw spells, though, when we're trying to beat down? Well, that's why we've got Sol Ring.

Faithless Looting is great at finding mana or our key pieces while dumping some artifacts in the graveyard.

Recoup lets us cast any Scrapyard Salvo s we've been unfortunate enough to lose to Tibalt, the Fiend-Blooded.

As long as we're running Ichor Wellspring it's tempting to run Crack the Earth but I don't think its correct unless we were to build a more controlling version of the deck with Myr Sire, Myr Servitor , Mycosynth Wellspring , Pilgrim's Eye, and/or Runed Servitor .


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Date added 8 years
Last updated 7 years
Exclude colors W

This deck is Noble legal.

Rarity (main - side)

1 - 0 Mythic Rares

12 - 0 Uncommons

32 - 0 Commons

Cards 61
Avg. CMC 2.56
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