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Tier 1 - Splendid Rise from the Meta

Standard RUG (Temur)




Creature (1)

Splendid reclamation has finally found its way into a top tier standard deck (with Rise from the Tides!)

The goal of the deck is simple: Dump spells (possibly a kozilek's return) and lands into the graveyard as much as possible in the first 3 turns while finding key spells. You then cast Splendid reclamation to return all lands from the graveyard and ramp 3-6 lands on average. After this you have a HUGE advantage. You can cast multiple spells and removal. Or cast an eldrazi, perhaps flashing back Kozilek's return to clear the board. If that can't finish the game 15+ zombies will from rise from the tides. We give ourselves time and help our strategy with lightning axe removal and pulse of murasa as major life gain.

Cards that mill/sculpt hand:- Pieces of the puzzle- Cathartic reunion- Contingency Plan- Pore over the pages*notice they all find each other. Once you have one, you likely will hit another 1 or 2. This is why I excluded oath of jace, vessel of N., Grapple, ect.

I believe this deck's main board is a nightmare for the current meta. (I own and play the following decks)- G/B delerium is 2 turns slower, and all removal is dead in hand to ulamog and 15+ zombies- Aetherworks decks get their marvels exiled early with world breakers and ulamogs. Counters in the board.- Aggressive strategies can't handle 4 main board Koz' return, especially a turn 5 or 6 board wipe with the eldrazi exiling any vehicle(s). Lightning axe and life gain is very hard to overcome as well. Again the side board makes this match up even easier, including crush of tentacles.

So, can we make this deck any stronger? Any combos/cards that i'm missing? Any suggestions or comments? Sleeve it up if you can and let me know how you like it and if you get the same results. Thanks for checking out my deck.


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First of all, thank you for the continued comments and positivity. Here is an update. Have continued to test the deck and feel very confident about this current list still. As soon as I can get online after an FNM or standard event I will post an update.

B/R aggro: Probably our best match-up. Find pulse of murasa as fast as possible. Side in anything that can stop aggressive strategies and mulligan "low". You can find big things later. No counters in their kit to stop us from doing what we want to. #feelsgoodman

Aetherworks Marvel: The meta is shifting to include more creatures Whirler Virtuoso and Ishkanah, Grafwidow. While making the deck more consistent it slows it down on average. This is good for us, bad for aggro/midrange strategies.

Vehicles (mardu/4-color): Probably our best match up because Kozilek's Return literally kills every one of their creatures on the first casting. We really want to get world breakers rather than ulamogs, being fast to get the first vehicle exiled and able to effectively block another is best asap.

Control: If they have a lot of spot removal, YAY! If they are a linear spell-based strategy, its probably our worst match up. By us having a mostly-spell deck with few main board counters its difficult to "control" control strategies. Winning the die roll is huge and getting to sideboard can make the match-up favorable.

Given the meta this is where we want to be. Practice has really improved my decisions on what to keep on top, what spells to take, what to pitch ect... It's proving to be a really fun deck and I hope you are having fun with it to if you give it a shot. At the very least, it will give us ideas for the next set on how to abuse Splendid Reclamation


Revision 4 See all

(8 years ago)

-1 Grapple with the Past maybe
Top Ranked
  • Achieved #3 position overall 8 years ago
Date added 8 years
Last updated 8 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

11 - 3 Mythic Rares

18 - 8 Rares

2 - 2 Uncommons

19 - 2 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 4.06
Tokens Octopus 8/8 U, Zombie 2/2 B
Folders Awesome Standard Decks, T2 Kaladesh, Fun, EMN, 2. Experiments and Prototypes, Dang, Standard AF, Favorites, Standard, Standard
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