Modern MikealDH1


MikealDH1 says... #1

This deck is pretty much extremely close to being done, and or done.

Though no make LOTS of wholesale changes, I am open to making very slight tweaks, changes.

The goal of the deck, is to make a MODERN format, Tier 1.5 Rogue, Dick deck, that equals, levels the playing field against the Rich, Expensive $1350, Pro, tier 1 tournament decks.

The deck plays very consistently, smooth, starts destroying land by, on turn 2, 76% of the time, and by, on turn 3 86% of the time when ,if don't destroy land on turn 2, only about 7 to 13% of time, have to wait until turn 4 to destroy land. And can easily tell by looking at opening hand, whether get turn 2,3 land destruction drop, so can Mulligan, to make sure destroy land on turns 1,2,3

The deck consistently continues destroying land until about turn 17, unless bad draw, before it starts to run out of land destruction steam, if don't have Mimic Vat + Brutalizer Exarch, or Acidic Slime, or if not that combo, Charmbreaker Devils, out.

But should have those cards out turns 6 to 11, so because of that, unless bad, unlucky draw, deck doesn't run out of land destruction steam.

In addition to destroying lands, Wrecking Ball, Liquimetal Coating, Wreak Havoc, Acidic Slime, also destroy creatures, planeswalkers, threats.

And Wreak Havoc, can't be countered by counterspells, they just have to take it, lose a land, creature, planeswalker, artifact, enchantment.

This deck has been playtested in about 1000, sample hands.

The deck is so rediculously stupidly effective.

Please like,comment,+1, if you either like the deck, or think it's a ok build, if you want to make, give suggestions, advice, comments.

Also could use sideboard, maybeboard, Metaboard suggestions, against TRON decks, win on,by turns 2,3 decks

August 8, 2016 10:27 a.m.

MikealDH1 says... #2

Question, 2 or 3 Charmbreaker Devils, and how should make room for 1 extra charmbreaker, if put it in?

Take out either 1 Wrecking Ball, or 1 Wreak Havoc, or 1 Stone Rain

The problem is that with 3 Brutalizer Exarch, 2 Charmbreakers, Charmbreaker doesn't come out as often as needed, wanted.

But if run 3 Exarch, 3 Charmbreaker, Charmbreaker comes out to often, early, to many of them.

And problem with taking 1 Wrecking ball out is then creature removal doesn't come out when needed.

And problem with taking 1 wreak Havoc out is that sometime Liquimetal Coating out, with nothing out like Wreak Havoc to target using Liquimetal Coating.

And if take either 1 Stone Rain, or 1 Molten Rain out, then wouldn't be able to destroy land as often by turn 2 as often.

August 8, 2016 11:18 a.m.

MikealDH1 says... #3

Question: Conjurer's Closet, or Mimic Vat, or split the difference with 2 closet, 2 Vat, take out 1 Wrecking ball, or 1 wreak havoc, or 1 stone rain

Conjurer's Closet would bounce my enter battlefield Acidic Slimes, Brutalizer Exarch, but would cost 5 mana, and doesn't let copy opponents stuff, and already have 4, 5 cmc Acidic Slime in deck, so 3 more, to go to 7, 5 cmc in deck is probably not good for mana curve of deck. But maybe 2 of them Conjurer's Closets, and 2 Mimic Vats would work.

And Mimic Vat, cost 3 mana every turn to activate it, to create Acidic Slimes, Brutalizer Exarch and Conjurer's Closet bounces creatures for fee no mana cost, after pay 5 mana to put it into play. Also with Vat, have to Kill my own Acidic Slime, Brutalizer Exarch, in order to trigger Mimic Vat, which is easy enough to do in this deck, but don't have to kill a Slime, Exarch to trigger a Conjurer's Closet.

So there are pros, cons to both of them.

I am thinking it's probably best to run 2 Vats, 2 Conjurer's Closets, instead of either 3 Vats, or 3 Conjurer's closet.

But I am not sure,and don't know whether should take out 1 Wrecking Ball, or 1 wreak havoc, or 1 Stone rain, or 1 Brutalizer Exarch.

What do ya all think?

August 8, 2016 11:39 a.m.

Seris says... #5

Roiling Terrain is better than it gets credit for in LD decks. With the opponent fetching and you destroying lands, it can do 5-10 damage at a time

August 8, 2016 1:55 p.m.

Dr_Jay says... #6

My question is:

Have you won by turn 3 or 4, or have the ability to DIRECTLY interrupt their combo/wincon? If so, good job. But I'm questioning the tier 1.5 placement on this.

In addition, tiers usually refer to play at high levels, and the success they experience there.

August 8, 2016 1:57 p.m.

Feenecks says... #7

Splinter with Liquimetal Coating can clear out basic lands from someone's deck. Crumble to Dust and Sowing Salt would also help shut down Tron decks even more.

August 8, 2016 2 p.m.

lagotripha says... #8

I'm not a huge conjorour's closet fan- most of the time I find that mimic vat just works better, but my current land destruction plans run them mostly as disruption. I would want to be running Goblin Dark-Dwellers myself, but charmbreak/exarch is still very strong.

Anyways, my next suggestion is silly and functional- 3Demonic Dread/4Violent Outburst for Boom/Bust- but also as a way to pack 8 single copy 'golden bullet' 2-cost sideboard cards and play like you have 8 of them at three mana- and half at instant speed- thats a lot of Rest in Peace and Back to Nature. or four spells with two copies. It'd mean swapping the birds or being able to cascade into them, but Harrow,Grinning Ignus Rift Bolt Search for Tomorrow could mitigate that.

August 8, 2016 2:01 p.m.

Seris says... #9

I would go with 3 Goblin Dark-Dwellers over 3 Brutalizer Exarch, drop the Wreak Havoc for Lightning Bolt, then remove 2 of the Conjurer's Closet and a Wrecking Ball to get down to 60 cards. You also might want more colorless sources to activate your Mirrorpool. Perhaps even drop the Liquimetal Coating for some cheap 2 mana removal or ramp. I like Sylvan Caryatid or Dismember. Creative look at LD though.

August 8, 2016 2:12 p.m.

elpokitolama says... #10

Unfortunately, this won't be tier 1 nor 1.5 anytime soon due to the deck's speed and overall lack of interaction. Most decks can deny your spells or play around them... Here is a list I worked on pretty hard to give you an exemple of the archetype: "As Zendikar has bled, so will Innistrad.". The playstyle is not the same as your's: but in order for you to get a rough draft of what your deck should be, you could try to replace most of the cards that are intended to interact with the opponent I use by mana acceleration. :)

Edit: a few cards I suggest you to run could be Eternal Witness, Goblin Dark-Dwellers and Primal Command.

August 8, 2016 2:16 p.m. Edited.

MikealDH1 says... #11

Seris, thanks for your comment. The problem with running Roiling Terrain, is would have to -1 Wreak Havoc, an or -1 Wrecking Ball, an or -1 Molten Rain, Stone Rain.

The problem with 1 less Wrecking ball, is not being able to consistently deal with a creature threat like Goyf.

The problem with taking out 1 Wreak Havoc them again have problem with dealing with Goyf, planeswalkers.

The problem with taking out either 1 Stone rain or Molten rain, is would be the 3 cmc land destruction cards not consistently destroying land on, by turn 2.

Also Roiling terrain only does 1 point of damage per land in graveyard. When a player gets hit by a Roiling terrain, they are going to stop fetching, playing lands, so won't be a lot of lands in graveyard for Roiling terrain yo do a lot of damage for its 4 cmc cost.

Roiling terrain needs to do 2 damage per land in graveyard, and not just 1 dam per land in graveyard.

Also Molten Rain deals 2 damage per land destroyed for 3 cmc.

And Roiling Terrain, is not as good as the other land destruction cards.

So how are you going to find room for the Roiling Terrains, without messing up the deck.and it's consistency, and it's ability yo feal with threats, and without just watering down consistency to add more cards to go to 65 to 67 cards in deck.

Something has to give, something had to be cut, and it was Roiling Terrain that just barely by skin of teeth did not make the cut, got left out.

Roiling Terrain is good tho, better then all the other land destruction cards not in deck, but still not better then the land destruction cards already in deck

It's in the sideboard, maybeboard, Metaboard tho.

August 8, 2016 2:17 p.m.

MikealDH1 says... #12

Dr Jay this deck does not win by turn 2,3 technically, it's a semi tempo, semi control, removal, deck

It does win by turn 2,3 in a way, in that it starts destroying land by turn 2, and assuming the deck does not get a unlucky draw by drawing like 5 lands in a row,etc

And deck has consistent ways to deal with Goyf, threats.

August 8, 2016 2:24 p.m.

Naksu says... #13

Sweet deck, though I have to suggest Mwonvuli Acid-Moss. Thins out your deck by fetching a forest while destroying a land. Also Seismic Spike could work great here too. +1

August 8, 2016 2:26 p.m.

MikealDH1 says... #14

FEEN: Thanks for the comment, those cards sowing salt, crumble to dust, Splinter are good cards to add to Metaboard against Tron. Would add to Sideboard, but more important stuff in sideboard.

The problem with main boarding splinter, is that if Liquimetal Coating does not come out, then Splinter is redundant, semi dead draw card, because of Wreak Havoc, Acidic Slime.

August 8, 2016 2:45 p.m.

MikealDH1 says... #15

Lama, thanks for your comment, but going to have to respectfully disagree with you.

The Deck Starts Destroying Lands Turns 1,2, TURN 3 At The latest.

Mental Mistep has been banned, force of will is legacy, vintage, type 1, not modern legal.

So that's leaves Remand, Mana leak, etc, 2 cmc counterspells.

So that means they have to go first, and have a 2 Cmc counterspell in hand, to counterspell my 3 cmc, 4 cmc land destruction cards, from destroying their land on turn 2.

And if I get a bird out on turn 1, and either have 1 spirit guide in opening hand, or draw one by turn 2, then I can tap 2 lands, tap bird for mana, remove spirit guide, pay 4 mana, play 1 of 4 UNCOUNTERABLE WREAK HAVOCS in deck, to destroy their land, and they can't counterspell it, can't stop it, just have to take it, lose 1 if their 2 lands down to 1 land on turn 2.

As far as win on turn 2,3 decks like goblin, tempered steel, Naya blitz,horde decks go. The deck is weak against that.


Sideboard board wipe works wonders

Against Valakut Ramp burn, Stompy decks, there is witch bane orb, and Tunnel Ignus.

Sideboards and Metaboard where side in, out between tournaments, depending on meta, and siding in, out between games, are good things.

Basically this deck is awesome vs midrange, Stompy decks,ok, good, great, vs control, removal decks.

Ok, good, great vs counterspell decks because of Wreak Havoc.

And weak, but can sideboard vs ramp, horde, blitz decks.

So because of all those things combined Land destruction, and this particular land destruction deck is a tier 1.5 deck, destroys lands, threats on, by turn 2.

Awfully hard to do anything if you either don't have any land, or only 1 or 2 land, and don't have threats, because they get destroyed

August 8, 2016 3:08 p.m.

MikealDH1 says... #16

Seris If I was going to add Goblin dark dwellers, I would do so by replacing Charmbreaker with them.

But Charmbreaker is better than Goblin Dark Dwellers because Charmbreaker reuses land destruction cards over and over, and pumps up by +4 for each land destruction card played.

As for taking out Brutalizer Exarch. Not going to happen.

Exarch destroys everything buy creatures on a 3/3 creature stick, and can search, tutor for any creature, and can copy him, and bounce him to either destroy anything but creatures, and or tutor over and over again.

When Exarch enters play in this deck it's game over for opponent, if they only have 1 land or no land, because will use it to fetch Charmbreaker who will swing for 8 to 12 to 16 damage.

As for lightening bolt and all the other suggested creature removal stuff like bolts, doomblade, path of exile, etc:

Because I destroy land, have RAMP on turn 2 speeding Mr up, slowing opponent down, foe, likely won't have a threat out until turns 3,4,5, or not at all.

But even if they get a creature, planeswalker, etc, threat out, etc, here is what I can do:

On turn 2,3 I can 4 cmc Wrecking Ball their creature, or if they don't have a creature, I can destroy a land.


I can Acidic Slime on turns 2,3,4, that has DEATHTOUCH.so unless their creature is BIG, has Trample they are not going to attack until they kill slime, which they probably won't have the lands, mana for.

Meanwhile I can wait until I either destroy their creature, or wait until I get my finisher out, because Slime keeps their creature from attacking.


I get out Liquimetal Coating turns 2,3,4, then artifactify their creature, threat with Coating.then wreak havoc, Acidic slime destroy their artifactified creature, threat

SO MANY WAYS IN THIS DECK TO DEAL WITH CREATURES, THREATS, so because of that don't need doomblades, terminates, path to exiles, bolts, etc.

Any creature, threat removal cards in this deck, MUST MUST MUST be able to not only destroy creatures, threats, but also destroy lands, artifacts, enchantments, etc.

I know some of you think that 4 cmc is to much to pay for removal.

Well its not, IF YOU HAVE RAMP, which this deck does.


That's why Wrecking ball, and wreak havoc is so freaking good. They Can Destroy Almost EVERYTHING, for only 4 cmc, and can be played on turns 2,3 and Wreak Havoc CANT BE COUNTERED.

Now as far as the 60 card thing goes. Anybody who says must be 60 cards needs to learn EDH commander deck building techniques.

The 60 card thing is what should be told to newbies. I have been playing since 1996. In old school days there were some pretty dam effective 65 to 73 card decks.

Yes getting decks down to 60 cards is, can be important for some decks, to help with draw odds.

But going 1,2,3 cards over 60 is ok IF IF IF you have a dam good reason for doing so, like IF IF going over 60 cards is the only way to add a needed card,that cant be fit in, without messing deck up, by removing other needed card.

I guarantee this deck over time, over a large sample size would be a better deck,would beat a similar, beatable deck, that was a 60 card deck, that didn't have the right needed cards, because either they cut needed cards to make room for a needed card, or they didn't add a needed card, because it would have made deck go 1,2,3 cards over 60 cards.

This deck is at 63 cards because having 4 Stone Rain, and 4 Wreak Havocs, instead of having only 3 Stone rain, and 3 Wreak havoc, 60 cards, 23 lands, is needed.

Without that, Liquimetal Coating would be as good as it is, because only 7 targets is not as good as 8 targets is in 4 Wreak havocs, 4 Slimes.

Without 4 Stone rain, instead of only 3, the deck wouldn't be able to as consistently be able to destroy a land on turn 2.

Having the deck at 60 cards, instead of 63 cards, is only going to make a 1,2,3% better drawing difference. Whereas only having 3 Stone rains, and only having 3 Wreak Havocs, would make a much bigger, worse 7 to 13 to 23% lack of drawing difference.

When a deck is 65+ cards then a deck is too big, doesn't draw well.

But only 61, 62, 63 cards is not bad.

There are plenty of 61,62 card decks that are very successful on the pro magic circuit, or have been so in the past.

August 8, 2016 4:07 p.m.

MikealDH1 says... #17

Lama Charmbreaker Devils already does what Eternal witness, primal command does in deck.

The only difference is that Eternal Witness, and Primal Command targets creatures in graveyard.

But I don't need to get creatures back from the graveyard, because my creatures are likely not going to be sent to graveyard, because opponents won't have the mana, land to remove creatures.

Between Brutal Exarch, and Charmbreaker Devils.that gives me all the search for creature, tutoring, graveyard recursion I will need

Also Exarch, Charmbreaker help me destroy land OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER, while Eternal Witness, primal command, goblin, only let's me reuse graveyard cards ONCE, MAYBE TWICE, OR MORE IF COPY THEM, BOUNCE THEM, thats a big IF.

Charmbreaker doesn't need to be bounced, there is no IF it helps reuse graveyard land destruction cards over and over and over and over and over, as it does do that.

August 8, 2016 4:29 p.m.

MikealDH1 says... #18

Thanks Naksu. Yeah there are a lot of great 4 cmc land destruction cards. I have considered all the cards you named, but they are not better than Molten Rain, Stone Rain, Wreak Havoc, Wrecking Ball.

And got 8 mana ramp creatures in 4 birds, 4 Spirit Guides, so no room for don't need a 4 cmc land destruction card that ramps.

Wish there was room for all the good land destruction cards out there.

Thanks for the comment +1

August 8, 2016 4:35 p.m.

MikealDH1 says... #19

I want to thank all those who have made comments. I may not agree with some, may not take some people's advice, make changes, but it's still appreciated.

Also I am going to take some people's advice here, as I am going to add some cards to the maybeboard, metaboard,maybe even the sideboard.

Also sorry the comments are long. It's important to me that I respond to your comments.

And also I need to explain the logic behind the deck, and why I take some people's advice, and not some others advice.

So you know that your comments are being read, thought about, evaluated, and not ignored, and are appreciated.

August 8, 2016 4:43 p.m.

Naksu says... #20

MikealDH1: I understand and ofcourse you are the pilot of your deck, but my thoughts were that you could possibly remove some of your other ramp, include maybe 2 Mwonvuli Acid-Moss instead and add a little red burn (Lightning Bolt, Devil's Play etc.) since the strong burn spells in my opinion are the strong point of mana symbol r. It could give you a bit of variety in the choises you can make. I suggest you playtest a bit with the idea. But again you are the pilot and everyone flies a tad bit different :)

August 8, 2016 5:40 p.m.

MikealDH1 says... #21

Naksu, here is what would happen if I removed say 1 bird, 1 Spirit guide, or 2 birds, or 2 spirit guides, to run 2 4 converted mana cost mana ramp land destruction cards.

1.With only 6 mana 1 cmc mana ramp creatures, 2 4 cmc mana ramp land destruction cards, then no bird, spirit guide, turn 1 about 30 to 40%, maybe even more of the time.

There went consistent turn 1, turn 2, maybe even turn 3 land destruction.

So since good chance no ramp on turns 1,2, and no land destruction turn 1,2, then mana ramp land destruction card doesn't hit the board until turns 3,4, 3.5 on average.

That means that no ramp usage until turns 3,4,5.

That slows down the deck a lot.

During which time opponent is throwing out as many threats as possible, because he has 2,3,4 land, because you weren't able to destroy that land earlier, because he knows that if he doesn't hit you fast, hard, that in the mid to late game, you will hit him hard.

So turns 2,3,4 your opponent now has Goyf,1 2/2, 1 3/3, 1 4/4, and starts smashing you with it.

So FINALLY by turn 3,4,5 you can kill 1 of his creatures.

But since you killed his creature, you didn't destroy a land. So now he drops another creature. Which leads to more creature destruction, no land destruction.

At that point deck might as well be a creature control deck instead of a SLOW land destruction deck.

Now if you replace some land destruction cards with bolts, Devils plays etc, then deck destroys lands even less consistently, slower.

And if replace mana ramp dudes with bolts then even more less consistent ramp, more slower removal, land destruction, getting to win con.

If get rid of a Mimic Vat or Liquimetal for bolt, then less consistent land destruction, creature removal.

This is why it's SO IMPORTANT to use cards that do all of the following a the same time.

Destroy creatures

Destroy lands, Destroy planewalkers

Destroy artifacts

Now the ONLY cards I know of that can do all that is:

Wrecking Ball

Wreak Havoc.

Unless you, others know of any other modern legal cards that destroy lands, creatures, planewalkers, artifacts, all at the same time for 4 cmc or less.

That's why Wrecking Ball, Wreak Havoc, Stone Rain, Molten Rain have to be in deck at 4 ofs, so that can consistently destroy land by turn 2, and creatures, artifacts, planewalkers by turns 2,3.

It's not about me being the pilot, or preference.

IF one wants to have consistent turns 1,2,3 land destruction, and turns 2,3,4 creature, planeswalker, artifact removal, then must run Wreak Havoc, Wrecking Ball, Stone Rain, Molten Rain, Birds, Spirit guides, as 4 of's in deck.

Otherwise consistent removal of any,most permanents, on, by turns 1,2,3, will not happen.

Tweaking, playtesting over 1000 sample hand games have demonstrated that.

August 8, 2016 6:53 p.m.

Seris says... #22

If the deck can handle two or three turns of a 3/3 beating on you, you could use Beast Within for consistent t2/3/4 removal. I see you already have Bramblecrush which I think is better in the Wreak Havoc spot in most situations. Is it in your metaboard in case you arent playing against a lot of counter magic? Is it due to the Liquimetal Coating synergy?

August 8, 2016 7:14 p.m.

MikealDH1 says... #23

Naksu, I get why you others want burn removal.

When 1 looks at a 4 cmc removal card, it seems too slow, counter intuitive.

Your mind immediatly thinks: why play 4 cmc removal cards when there is so much 1 cmc, 2 cmc removal cards, that seem better than some 4 cmc removal card.

But because your slowing your opponent down, and speeding yourself up with turn 1 1 cmc mana dudes, then you can now afford to play 4 cmc VERSATILE MULTI PURPOSE REMOVAL,LAND DESTRUCTION CARDS, instead of the more conventional bolts, path to exiles, doomblades, etc.

As long as deck has 4 Acidic Slime, 4 Molten Rain, 8 mana dudes, 4 Stone Rain, 4 Wreak Havoc, 4 Wrecking Ball, 3 Liquimetal Coating, 3 either Mimic Vat, or 3 Conjurer's closet, all that, then here is what that can do?

Drop a mana dude turn 1.

Destroy a land turns 1,2,3 CONSISTENTLY.

CONSISTENTLY destroy PERMANENTS turns 2,3,4.

CONSISTENTLY destroy creatures turns 2,3,4






added caps for emphasis, underlining, highlighting, not for yelling.

August 8, 2016 7:19 p.m.

MikealDH1 says... #24

Seris yeah I am familiar with Beast within. Problem is your getting rid of a 1/1 to 4/4 creature, and replacing it with another 3/3 creature token.

Molten Rain, Stone Rain as 4 of's are better then Beast within, because they destroy land turn 2,3, slows foe down until I can use a wrecking ball, or a liquimetal wreak havoc, or Acidic slime, to deal with his creatures, planeswalkers,etc.

To answer your question Wreaking Havoc is a 4 for 1. It combos with Liquimetal to destroy everything,uncluding creatures, when liquimetal doesn't come out, it destroys land, destroys artifacts, and it can't be countered by counterspells.

Bramble Crush doesn't combo with Liquimetal to destroy creatures, and it can be countered by counterspells.

If I run Bramblecrush, I might as well not run liquimetal, because 4 Acidic Slimes are not enough to go combo with Liquid metal.

But if I take out the liquimetals, and run 4 bamblecrush, with only 4 wrecking Balls, I might not be able to deal with creatures.

So because of that, and counterspells, Liquimetal stays in, and 4 Wreak Havoc stays in.

But if someone were to run this deck without liquimetal, I would then recommend 4 wrecking balls, and 4 bamblecrush

So that's why it's metaboard, maybeboarded.

August 8, 2016 7:47 p.m.

Seris says... #25

That's what I figured for the Wreak Havoc question. Thanks for responding to my comments. I have had bad experiences with Liquimetal Coating not coming through when I needed it so I don't like relying on it. That being said, I can see it value here since I know how important it is to be able to take care of creatures in LD.

August 8, 2016 7:55 p.m.

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