Deck has hit the Hotpage, Hot deck page on a another MTG site. The Hot Deck page, has about 15 to 30 of the top, best decks, as far as likes, comments, activity, other factors, etc, FEATURED every day,on the site's main front page, in the Hot Deck Page Section, until if a deck slides off the list due to lost interest, lack of activity, lack of recent likes, etc.
Also this deck has hit the Top #15 th slot deck at 1 point on this site.
Thanks to those who have liked, +1, commented on deck, gave suggestions, etc, helped thus deck make top 15, and Hot Deck page at both this site, and the other MTG site.
August 17, 2016 12:40 a.m.
Ok, found the missing link card, that both destroys either a land or creature, for 3,4 cmc, that 4 cmc, that has no bad, negative, side effects like a 3/3 for foe, etc.
Of course would have been nice if it had been 3 cmc, instead of 4 cmc.
So going to turn the 3 Stone Rains, into 4 Molten Rain, 3 Befoul.
Between 3 Wrecking Ball, 3 Befoul, and 3 Acidic Slime, and 2 Incendiary Command, that's 11 ways to deal with creatures, which is PLENTY.
And because the Boom, Molten Rain 4 of's, while the other 4 cmc land destruction cards are 3 of's, and 5 cmc Slime, a 3 of, and the 5 cmc Primal Command, Incendiary Command are 2 of's, then the 4 of Boom, 4 of Molten Rain, should come out often enough to destroy lands turns 1,2,3.
August 18, 2016 9:28 p.m.
Ok, Changed to 4 Boom, 3 Molten Rain, 2 Stone Rain, 3 Wrecking Ball, 2 Befoul.
Instead of, from 4 Boom 4 Molten Rain, no stone rain, 3 Wrecking Ball, 3 Befoul.
So now have 10 creature removal, ways to deal with creatures,in 3 Wrecking Ball, 2 Befoul, 3 Acidic Slime, 2 Incendiary Command, which is better than 9, while allowing 2 3 cmc stone rain.
It may only seem like a minor tweak, 1,2 of 1, 2 card difference, but it is a improvement, so that can BOTH destroy land a little tiny bit more consistent turns 1,2,3, while being a little tiny bit more consistent at dealing with creatures.
I playtested about 13 sample hand games on the sample hand thing, with the new changes, and the deck is even better, runs even more consistently, smoothly at destroying lands by, on turns 1,2,3, and while getting stuff, to deal with creatures more consistently, etc.
August 19, 2016 3:34 a.m.
Not much to add. It looks terrifying. I like Crumble to Dust for the shot at getting 4 lands for the price of 1 and Pyromancer's Goggles are my first thought for copying. Pyromancer Ascension Past in Flames and Increasing Vengeance come up in a search for useful cards.
August 21, 2016 3:05 a.m.
Yeah Crumbles to dust is nice. But there is so much nice, good 4 cmc land destruction cards, and not enough room, so something has to give.
The only 4 cmc land destruction slots are the 3 Wrecking Balls, 2 Befouls, that are being used for creature destruction and land destruction at the same time.
And the 2,3 cmc land destruction slots are the Boom, Molten Rain, Stone Rain, and turning any if those into more 4 cmc land destruction cards like Crumble would slow down the deck.
The COMMAND cards tho 1 mana more expensive then 4 cmc are Utility land removal that remove creatures, destroy lands, draws cards, shuffles into library, does Burn Damage, Searches for creatures, lifegain, etc, so they can't come out for Crumble.
Mimic Vat can't come out. Can't cut any of the mana ramp creatures, as that will slow down deck.
Eternal Witness returns any card from graveyard.
Slime does about everything as a 5 cmc creature, so can't take him out.
Brutalizer Exarch Tutors crwatures, removes almost everything on a 3/3 Stick, is a win con.
Charmbreaker, and Goblin Dark-Dwellers are graveyard recursion, and are win cons.
So the only thing that can possibly be replaced are the 2 Stone Rain for a 3 cmc land destruction card, that destroys creatures also, without being like Beast Within, Crack the earth, etc.
Same can be said for the Spell Copier's you suggested. They are great, but not enough room for them.
The only way found any room for spell, creature copying, was,is with Mimic Vat, and Mirrorpool the land card that copies creatures, instants, sorceries.
By running Mirrorpool the land, I freed up non land slots for other important things, like what is already in the deck.
Anyways reason I went into that explanation, is so that you know the reasons why I am not using your suggestions, and that I am not dismissing, ignoring your suggestions.
Thanks for the comment, +1
Mice that the deck Terrifies opposing decks
August 21, 2016 3:42 a.m.
Added 1 more FETCH LAND to go to 8 FETCH LAND, 3 Darksteel, as 11 ways to Combo with Boom.
Also so that it's next to impossible to not get 2 black out to pay for the 2 black, 2 Generic cost of Befoul.
Also added Forest back in, so that if opponent gets a 2nd Ghost quarters out, then can fetch a basic land.
The funny thing is a clown, Bozo, at another MTG site thought it was impossible to run a 3 color deck in competitive Modern Play.
He also Errantly thought that with 8 mana dorks, and 14, 2, 3, 4 cmc cards, that deck wasn't going to destroy land consistently on, by turns 1,2,3.
And he Errantly thought that 10 creature removal, deals with creatures, cards wasn't enough to consistently destroy creatures turns 3,4,5,6, after consistently destroying lands by, on turns 1,2,3.
The absurdity of his comments, made me laugh my ass off.
August 22, 2016 5:13 p.m.
Got a suggestion from a user on another MTG site, to put in Thragtusk. I knew what he is, does, just never thought of putting him in deck, because I didn't think he would be a good fit. And I wondered why some of the non pure partial land destruction decks ran him. I know he is awesome,what he does, what he can add to a deck, etc, just didn't get fit is all.
After really thinking about it, and my Eternal Witness, and Mimic Vat,interactions, shenanigans, and, what that could do with Thragtusk, I saw why he isin deck.
Thragtusk is in deck, because he is a semi finisher as a 3rd finisher in addition to Charmbreaker and Goblin Dark-Dwellers.
Also he will waste removal, because he leaves 3/3 token behind if removed. Also he will give 5 life which is good with Primal Command's 7 life. And because can be cast turns 3,4 if ramped by mana dorks. And he is 5/4. And He COMBOS Well With Eternal Witness, Vat.
Eternal Witness can return Thragtusk from the Graveyard to hand, where can get all his Enter Battlefield, leave battlefield benefits.
And can Mimic Vat Thragtusk, so that when Vat creates a Thragtusk token for 3 mana, then get 5 life, then when the token leaves play at end of turn, according to Vat saying created token leaves play, at end of turn, then when token leaves play at end of turn, thragtusk token makes a permanent 3/3 token at end of turn when Thragtusk token leaves play at end of turn.
Also thragtusk will help against agro decks, if drop him early turn 3,4
Also Thragtusk helps with deck resiliency, in coming back from behind, when it enters into play mid game to late game. In this way Thragtusk can save the day against some problem match ups.
So why only run 1, instead of 2,3, etc.
There is already 8, 5 cmc cards.
There is only room for 1. In fact had to fine tune, tweak, move stuff around, like in a game of rummikub, and then add 1 deck slot to go to 61 cards, 23 land, to find a place for Thragtusk. But he is worth it.
There are 6 cards, 2 Primal Command, 2 Incendiary Command, 2 Brutalizer Exarch, that will get Thragtusk, or Goblin Dark-Dwellers, or Charmbreaker out, as 1 of's.
Playtesting sample hands has shown Thragtusk comes out most games.
The other thing Thragtusk does is create a darned if they do, darned if they dont, thing with Thragtusk in play, with a Mimic Vat in play.
Do they destroy Vat, and leave behind a 3/3, knowing they will just trigger Vat, and Vat a Thragtusk?
Or do they not do that and have Thragtusk keep on hitting for 5?
And do they attack with any 3/3 creatures they might have out, knowing that I can block with Thragtusk, and activate Vat?
And when attack with Thragtusk, do they block with a 3/3, knowing they will lose a blocker, and activate Vat on Thragtusk?
Lots of chances for opponent to make a mistake, be in a darned if they di, darned if they don't position.
The reason why it's worth it to add 1 card for Thragtusk.
There's all the reasons explained earlier.
It's a trade off, slightly less, 1,2% percentage points of less consistency of things coming out overall, and less consistency, about 1,2,3% percentage points less chance of destroying lands, turns 1,2,3, and destroying creatures, turns 3,4,5,6.
Now in decoding if that trade off is worth it, does the deck with the 61 cards, and Thragtusk still consistently destroy lands turns 1,2,3? YES. Does it still consistently destroy creatures turns 3,4,5,6? YES.
3.Is the card, creature a needed card? If yes, the card goes in the 61 st, 1 extra card slot, that is a slot reserved for a needed card, and that is equal to or better then almost anything,almost everything in deck individual cards wise, comparison wise, fit wise,etc.
So going by that Thragtusk qualifies. Also anything that would replace Thragtusk, in that slot, has to be even more needed than Thragtusk, and better then Thragtusk, and almost anything, everything in deck, and must be at least a Semi Finisher, to Finisher, to semi win con.
So far I think that may be Thragtusk, but maybe there is something better? So if have any ideas, suggestions on what might be better, better fit the Thragtusk, let me know.
Also some of you might be wondering why not add 1 more Goblin Dark-Dwellers, or Charmbreaker, instead of Thragtusk?
Well already have 4 graveyard recursion cards in 2 Eternal Witness, 1 Goblin Dark-Dwellers, 1 Charmbreaker. And 6 ways to get them out, and can use Eternal Witness, Vat to either protect them, or get them back, and can shuffle them back into library with Primal Command. So because of that can afford to add 1 more slot to add 1 Thrugtusk.
So here is how I added Thragtusk:
- I added a 4th Wrecking Ball with the extra slot temporarily, so that could still have 23 land destruction cards, and 10 creature removal cards, when cut, replaced 1 Acidic Slime into 1 Thragtusk.
I did that so that would still have 23 land destruction cards, 10 deal with creatures cards, and so that would still have 8, 5 cmc cards, instead of 9, 5 cmc cards, because if go to 9, 5 cmc cards, then would get to many 5,6 cmc cards in either opening hand, an or draw too many of the 5 cmc cards. That's why I had to cut 1 Acidic Slime to make room for 1 Thragtusk, because Acidic Slime was 5 cmc, and was at a 3 of, and do could cut 1 of the Acidic Slime
But if I was going to cut Acidic Slime a land destruction card that also deals with creatures, then I was going to have to add 1 more Wrecking ball to do that, so that would still have the same amount of land destruction cards and deal with creature cards.
Sorry for length of post explaining the change.
August 25, 2016 3:34 p.m.
If any of you want to see the custom card categories, to do that, can go to white rectangle, that says ORDERING. When, if click on that, pull down, goto pull down, scroll down list of listing categories by type (Default, what it is now), etc, until you see Custom Categories. When, if click there, it will show my custom card categories, breakdown of deck.
August 25, 2016 4:12 p.m.
Can somebody please playtest the deck semi competitively at Cockatrice, Forge, in about 15 to 150 to 350 games, then report back results, so that can discuss, any problems, if they exist, that would need to be fixed, and to fine tune the deck?
I am using my Galaxy S4 smart phone, so unless there is a app I am unaware of, I don't know how to do that, an or can't do that, so can anybody help with that please?
August 26, 2016 5:03 a.m.
Utopia Sprawl and Arbor Elf are still a better way to ramp for ponza-style decks. And it's probably worth it to just cut black, honestly. Replace Wrecking Ball and Befoul with Mwonvuli Acid-Moss and Lightning Bolt. You're playing 6 colorless sources as it is and that's generally not a great plan when you're three colors.
MikealDH1 says... #1
Please like, +1 the deck, if you like the deck, and even if were to not like the deck, if think it's a nice,ok,good,solid, or if think creative build, deck.
The deck is really a awesome deck. Playtesting sample hands, and the deck description, primer, logic, comments, likes, +1's, etc, prove that.
A lot of time, Playtesting of sample hands, etc, into trying to make this as best as it can possibly be.
Because of all that the deck deserves more, should be liked, +1 more.
So please +1 the deck because of all that, when, if want to.
Thanks for liking, +1 ing, commenting on deck.
Also please feel free to playtest, use, play, build, this deck, when, if want to, and please report results when, if want to.
August 15, 2016 8:48 a.m.