Oh yeah enjoying it more than ever as far as the page goes as far as the deck goes the only thing about the Soldier of the Pantheon is that I can't enchant him with Unflinching Courage or pump him with Selesnya Charm but other than that he is awesome in many different ways he can evolve my Experiment One also gain me some life as well as protect himself and get in there for damage most of the time. Now I have a few ideas for change I may add another Ajani, Caller of the Pride as he combos with Experiment One also moving the Unflinching Courage to the side board for mirror matches or aggro match ups for that matter. If I don't add an ajani I could just main board 3 Rootborn Defenses but if I do I can just go with 2 in the main instead. I am sure there are many ways to go about making this deck more solid and awesome that it already is but all in all what do you think about that Behgz
October 5, 2013 10:10 p.m.
Oh and if I was to add Soldier of the Pantheon I would sub it in for the Dryad Militant which is sorta obvious forgot to mention that one.
October 5, 2013 10:12 p.m.
I also suggest that you cut 2x Dryad Militant for 2x Scavenging Ooze
October 5, 2013 10:19 p.m.
i hadn't considered not being able to target pantheon with your own multi colored spells. Dryad Militant doesnt look so bad.
October 5, 2013 11:38 p.m.
Right also if I happen to have a Selesnya Guildgate in my opening hand along with a Forest with Experiment One and a Dryad Militant I can turn 1 experiment turn 2 militant evolve the experiment swing for 2 play the guildgate tapped setting up for turn 3, I guess what I am getting at is that the Dryad Militant serves as a manna fixing agent at the very least things that I have been thinking about because turn 1-4 are very important in aggro. I also thought of a way to win by turn 4 so it would be tough to pull of without any manna dorks but it goes like this turn 1...... Experiment One turn 2 Fleecemane Lion evolve trigger swing for 2 opponent at 18 turn 3 Loxodon Smiter evolve trigger swing 6 opponent at 12 turn 4 drop an Ajani, Caller of the Pride -3 the for flying double strike on the Loxodon Smiter swing all for 14 that's game. This also works with a turn 2 Voice of Resurgence or Dryad Militant pretty cool huh.
October 6, 2013 1:09 a.m.
Hi, Did another playtest, but didn't have time to write it all out (that takes a lot of time). You got me to 5 life before I was able to stabilize with Elspeth. I top decked a Supreme Verdict to clear the board but a Boon Satyr , elemental token, buffed by an Advent of the Wurm with summoning sickness the next turn had it close. But you couldn't get lethal through the soldier tokens before Elspeth's -3 killed the wurm. Then Ashiok and big Jace landed the next two turns and you were milled out quickly.
October 7, 2013 4:26 p.m.
unzensierte says... #9
Nemesis of Mortals has been a really good card for me lately. It is a possible 4 drop 10/10 at its best. I run Commune with the Gods so I guess it is much more useful for me. The deck I play is Gruul though, either way it is pretty good if you struggle in the midrange fight.
October 8, 2013 4:22 p.m.
Right thank's for the suggestion I am thinking of possibly changing up this deck a little not really sure yet as to what I will be doing just trying to make this as solid as it gets I think I may just main some Rootborn Defenses and side out Unflinching Courage or something like that because Supreme Verdict is a huge threat to this deck and I like to have answers to said threats.
October 8, 2013 6:26 p.m.
Like I said on your main page, I ran a few playtests and you went something like 2-1. I just did one more playtest using your updated deck. You got me to 6 life before back to back Supreme Verdict cleared your field and Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver stole 2x Fleecemane Lion and Experiment One for the beatdown while you were top-decking. 2x Psychic Strike kept anything you top decked from landing. It was close though, if I hadn't top-decked the 2nd white mana source on T4, you would have won.
October 9, 2013 2:05 p.m.
KrazyCaley says... #12
I really like this deck. The only thing I find slightly questionable is Ajani, which I don't think quite does enough for you? I would maybe cut him and add one more Unflinching Courage and another land?
October 9, 2013 7:46 p.m.
KrazyCaley the suggestion is solid I think I may switch the deck to the way I had it yesterday which had 3Unflinching Courage and 1Spear of Heliod which made Ajani, Caller of the Pride more efficient and effective also had 3Rootborn Defenses in the side board I think the way I had it before may be a bit better what are your thoughts on that instead of what I have here now. Also if I needed to make an opponents creature bigger I could do that with Ajani, Caller of the Pride then hit it with Selesnya Charm if needed because people like to play around the charm these days in standard. The Spear of Heliod also serves as creature removal as well.
October 9, 2013 10:46 p.m.
why dont you use Archangel of Thune she works great if you gain lots of life and she wins all on her own buffing up all of your other creatures also i would mainboard a few of Brave the Elements due to the way the meta is
October 10, 2013 10:59 a.m.
also i love the name of this deck do you mind checking out one of mine?? the undead jedi council
October 10, 2013 11:01 a.m.
Well sure I will check yours out Archangel of Thune while being awesome is up there in price so that is why she is not in the deck if I had the cash I would run her as well as Scavenging Ooze and Soldier of the Pantheon lots of synergy there. Brave the Elements is sweet Its just not all of my creatures are white although most of them are I think it is best in the side board I guess the goal of the deck is to beat down your opponent by turn 4 or 5 but if I encounter any problems in doing so then to the side board I go and I actually have it set up to where side boarding is made easy for me at the very least. Thanks for commenting I will check out what you have brewing.
October 10, 2013 2:35 p.m.
unzensierte says... #17
I like the deck. I think it will have some tough match ups against decks that clog up the board.
October 10, 2013 2:56 p.m.
Indeed I think so as well but nothing that can't be dealt with eventually what would you do for change in said match ups.
October 10, 2013 3:08 p.m.
unzensierte says... #19
With your colors you don't have many options. You best bet in those match ups is to outrace your opponent before they can stabilize. Take a look at my deck and you can see what I mean.
October 10, 2013 3:38 p.m.
you know i was thinking why not cut ajani and main two Blind Obedience and remove dryad militant for Call of the Conclave
October 10, 2013 9:32 p.m.
@Namron88 thanks for the suggestion I think I very well move Ajani, Caller of the Pride to the side as well as the Spear of Heliod for 3Rootborn Defenses I may take out 2Dryad Militant for 2Call of the Conclave not really sure what I will do yet we will see though here soon as I make my decision.
October 10, 2013 10:51 p.m.
EfYeahItsAlex says... #22
Hey flashter I've just been keeping up with this deck, reading comment and such, and here's my thoughts so far:
Your matches against opponents that "clog the board" shouldn't be too hard since, as an aggro deck, you'll be doing the same thing. The benefit of Selesnya aggro is that your creatures are much bigger than those in, say, a RDW. So board clogging shouldn't be too bad, plus you should be able to clear the board pretty well by swinging with a lot of creatures, at which point they either block and lose creatures, or don't block and lose life.
You're better off without Ajani, as most people have already said. I would suggest replacing him with Brave the Elements . It doesn't protect all of your creatures, but it does protect the important ones. In my opinion it's better than Gods Willing simply because it hits multiple creatures, but if the Scry 1 is important to you, then keep Gods Willing . Just be careful with either card, if you choose protection from Green or White, any Green and/or White enchantments/bestowed creatures will fall off.
It wouldn't be a bad idea to add a few Imposing Sovereign and/or Blind Obedience to you side board. Mirror matches are bound to happen and it's good to be prepared.
The Archangel of Thune is a pretty nice card, but I'm not sure if it has a place in this deck. That's not to say that it wouldn't work, I just don't think it's worth dropping anything to add her.
Don't remove any Dryad Militant unless you're going to replace it with another 1 drop. Having a card to play first turn is important for aggro decks and with that in mind, having 8 1 drops is much better than 6 for consistency purposes.
Also don't add any Call of the Conclave . It's a good card no doubt, but you already have the Fleecemane Lion and Voice of Resurgence for 2 drops. Call of the Conclave is basically a Fleecemane Lion that can't go Monstrous.
Spear of Heliod COULD work in this deck but it's really just 3 mana for an anthem effect. If you have it in your hand with no creatures to play, it'll be pretty good, but if you have creatures you almost always want to be playing them instead (unless of course you're anticipating a board wipe).
last but not least, with the way the meta is right now, you could probably get a whole lot of use out of Soldier of the Pantheon but the fact that you can't enchant him with any of your stuff (except the Boon Satyr might make him a little clunky in the deck.
October 11, 2013 3:33 a.m.
Thanks for the comment E glad to see you are keping up with the deck as it evolves like Experiment One haha you make a lot of really good points I really thought about adding Call of the Conclave for more token generation for when I side in Rootborn Defenses for control match ups but I like the flow I have going here I believe it plays out very well and if I did take out the Dryad Militant it would be for the Soldier of the Pantheon but like you said can't be targeted by things like Unflinching Courage and Selesnya Charm kinda does not have synergy that flows also the Dryad Militant is nice being cross breed witch is nice especially with the Selesnya Guildgate . So about the Brave the Elements I am going to go ahead and put it back to the side board and as far as Ajani, Caller of the Pride I like him to much to take out but if not needed he can always go to the side board. Thanks for all the help what do you think about adding Trostani, Selesnya's Voice to the side board as well as maybe Druid's Deliverance let me know how you fell about that and if you like the idea what to take out for them.
October 11, 2013 8:35 p.m.
Pretty AWESOME Deck +1! Please check out my deck for improvements. http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/esper-nightmare-1/
October 12, 2013 3:05 p.m.
I just ordered the missing cards from what i had to complete this deck! And since i won a Elspeth, Sun's Champion at my locals this Friday, i'm definitely gonna throw her in there for funzies.
Anyhow I've been play testing this deck around 50 times, and from all those play tests I've only had about 3 in which i haven't had a ludicrous turn 5 Army, due to not drawing any more lands.
Behgz says... #1
this deck page is lookin sharp!
October 5, 2013 6:45 p.m.