Tier One Selesnya Aggro

Modern flashter

SCORE: 118 | 259 COMMENTS | 53997 VIEWS | IN 58 FOLDERS

Apoptosis says... #1

Ok, I think I know what you want for the control matchup: 4x Mistcutter Hydra in the sideboard. Include at least one forest there as well so that they come out a little more beefy. That card is a real bitch for my esper control deck to deal with.

October 14, 2013 12:56 p.m.

unzensierte says... #2

While Mistcutter Hydra is tough, my mono blue deck has ways to deal with it. One way is non targeted spells.

October 14, 2013 1:59 p.m.

flashter says... #3

@loonzar I think that is awesome and speaking of Elspeth, Sun's Champion I bought 1 pack of theros the other night and pulled her I felt like I hit the lottery truly witch was just awesome she definitely does work against a deck like this for sure but I don't really know how she would run in this type of build I think she may be better for control decks because she costs a bit to get out but hey you never know what a all around great card really happy to have her oh and by the way was the 1st planes walker I ever pulled from a pack ever.

October 14, 2013 2:29 p.m.

flashter says... #4

@Apoptosis as nice as Mistcutter Hydra is I am not to sure how he would fit in here but definitely a good option but I think he will be better in my gruul build I am brewing up with the new legendary land from theros and I was thinking about the combo before watching the pro tour in Dublin did you have a chance to watch that was pretty sweet mono blue devotion took the whole thing but G/W did not even place in top 8 sad face although they probably expected it because it took 1st in Cleveland still very fun for me to play with and actually I think I will actually have a chance to make it to a FNM this Friday pretty happy for that. Hey still waiting on that write up whenever you feel up to the task they actually serve as a guide because I don't have anybody to play test with much my friend is always working and is to tired to play when he gets off but it is all good your write ups are awesome and fun to read. Thanks for everything

October 14, 2013 2:44 p.m.

flashter says... #5

loonzar forgot to say thanks for giving my deck a whirl hope you were satisfied with the results I know I am this deck is a beast.

October 14, 2013 2:47 p.m.

flashter says... #6

unzensierte you must be talking about Cyclonic Rift overloaded if not then explain which card or cards you are talking about I am interested since mono blue is a big thing as it took 1st in the pro tour theros as well as 2nd seems to be pretty awesome with the synergy with devotion.

October 14, 2013 2:52 p.m.

unzensierte says... #7

AEtherize , Cyclonic Rift , and Blustersquall . Take a look at my deck to see what won 1st at the last FNM Friday.

Mono Blue Party Crasher (1st @ FNM)

October 14, 2013 3 p.m.

flashter says... #8

Ah I see pretty sweet cards will check out your brew right now blue seems to be very powerful in the meta.

October 14, 2013 3:07 p.m.

Behgz says... #9

Considering you don't run any other planeswalkers, Gideon, Champion of Justice being a terrible example, and Elspeth, Sun's Champion while amazing, might not have the best synergy with what your deck is doing, Ajani, Caller of the Pride fits right in.

Albeit hard to cast, so is any double cost card which is just how the game works and shouldn't be a deterring factor when evaluating its effectiveness once resolved, as opposed to 'if' resloved.

Ajani closes out games with his middle ability, one has to assume getting his ultimate is just as impractical as any other PW, just last week I popped Jace, Architect of Thought , fished out my opponents elspeth, fished out my own d-sphere, then cast a supreme verdict before activating the stolen elspeth's +1, it was insanely awesome and nutty, It'll probly never happen again haha.

my point is the reason why you have the Ajani, Caller of the Pride is for that explosive out of nowhere win from his middle ability targeting a 5/5 wurm token enchanted with Unflinching Courage . Obviously that's best case scenario, but likewise, using ajani's +1 to give Experiment One an extra counter early on before the first wipe will make a difference in the long run, as well as giving already monstrous Fleecemane Lion extra counters considering he's not going anywhere in monstrous form.

I support ajani in the deck list and if anything try to keep at least one copy of him in the deck for flavor.

October 14, 2013 11:23 p.m.

flashter says... #10

Oh yeah I definitely agree with you Ajani, Caller of the Pride has won me numerous amounts of games for me also serving as positive synergy to the deck with things like you have mentioned and if I ever get to ultimate witch for the record I never have but if the game goes long I have Unflinching Courage gaining me life if the ultimate is ever relevant to the way the game is going. For some time I ran 4 copies of Ajani, Caller of the Pride but I came to a realization that may be at least 1 to many being a bit greedy although 1 game at a FNM playing for finals I had an ajani in play and I +1 putting a counter on one of my creatures and swung in setting up for the next turn witch would not of been lethal and the game was very close then I drew into a second ajani so I could then -3 the first one then play the next to then +1 for a counter on the same creature swinging in for the win witch was like one of the best top decks to say the least but all that can still be accomplished with just 2 copies although running more is quite alright due to the new PW rule but overall I think 2 is just right. You make lots of good points Thanks for commenting with such knowledge I hope to get you more views and +1's overtime also I am sure lots of people are enjoying the sight of the sweet formatting:]

October 15, 2013 4:02 a.m.

Volsungz says... #11

Actually I really like Spear of Heliod more for the removal than anything else. Hows it play for you? Cause More removal is just always welcome in my book. Could be a really strong addition. I'm also considering Soldier of the Pantheon over Dryad Militant depending on if the format goes towards multicolored creatures, which I haven't seen as much of.

October 17, 2013 6:19 a.m.

andiamo23 says... #12

Nice deck you get a +1 from me, I do have some suggestions though.

  1. I would get rid of the guild gates and just put two forest two plains. Guild gates are just plain slow, the only exception would be scrylands but u didn't get any this expac. All that turn 4 talk about closing out a game will be more a little more closer to get to without guild gates.

2.I would find a way to add 1 more Spear of Heliod as in my experience you want to have at least two of a card to make it worthwhile 1 is just a waste if space in my opinion.

  1. I would add something to protect you against aggro in the sideboard like maybe Imposing Sovereign or Blind Obedience because decks like my thunes goonz deck will start putting pressure on the battlefield really early.

  2. I would replace Brave the Elements with Gods Willing since only half your deck would be covered by Brave the Elements

October 17, 2013 7:04 a.m.

flashter says... #13

andiamo23 I am liking the suggestions so for the side board I may take out the Scavenging Ooze since their are not that many graveyard interactions besides Whip of Erebos and maybe a few other things so I am thinking of taking those out for 2Imposing Sovereign and as far as the Brave the Elements swap for Gods Willing I actually did that swap before but somebody suggested that I change back giving all or I should say most of my creatures instead of just one but the problem with that is that I have Unflinching Courage so if for some reason I need protection from white or green the enchantment would fall off I believe so I think I may just go ahead and do the swap for that matter and the Spear of Heliod is a legend so I would only be able to have one in play at a time so I think 1 is good but was wondering your thoughts on that issue as well. Thanks for the up vote and suggestions which I will be making some changes after hearing them let me know about the changes I will be making due to your suggestions.

October 17, 2013 4:47 p.m.

andiamo23 says... #14

That that is true about the enchantment dropping off if you protect from either white or green which is obviously not good. With that said I would drop all Brave the Elements and maybe sideboard 2 or 3 Gods Willing in case your opponent is just enchantment happy.as far as the Spear of Heliod is concerned if your planning on running it I would suggest running 2, I know its a legendary but the chance of the you pulling 1 when there is only 1 in your deck is pretty tuff. So if you can't put 2 in there I would just eliminate it and add 1 more of any other card that you already have

October 17, 2013 5:47 p.m.

flashter says... #15

I do like the glorious anthem affect as well as the removal 1 more Ajani, Caller of the Pride or another land may be a bit better also with the Selesnya Guildgate wich are a bit slow serve as proper manna fixing in the build also kinda getting a feel for how it's gonna be when the scry lands hit in the next set coming up which may be a while at least I will know the feeling of my lands coming into play tapped also if I have an opening hand of 2 lands one being a guildgate the Dryad Militant goes pretty good in that situation usually a Forest and Experiment One is the ideal first turn drop along with turn 2 Dryad Militant then Selesnya Guildgate coming into play tapped is suddenly not so bad but other than that lands coming into play tapped is not fun for aggro.

October 17, 2013 6:12 p.m.

redben346 says... #16

I think u should add Emmara and Guardian of the Gateless

October 18, 2013 5:43 p.m.

TheLitchKing says... #17

This looks a lot like my Selesny Aggro deck. I would say drop at least 2 of the guildgates. They're really slow and in most situations you'll be much better off with more basic lands. Also Soldier of the Pantheon has a nice bonus, which makes him better than Dryad Militant in my opinion. Against decks that run lots of multicolored spells its great, and in the mirror matchups it's just amazing. It can attack through a Fleecemane Lion or a Loxodon Smiter for that extra damage that just might mean the game. In my experience with this deck, Rootborn Defenses works better than Unflinching Courage . I had the courages in mainboard until recently. I found myself in bad board states sometimes with one creature and a courage or two on it. The lifegain is nice, but I prefer the combat trick and the extra token. Once you do cast a rootborn against an opponent and they end up losing most of their good creatures while you get another one they will be hesitant to block or attack you in every game after that. If you leave 3 mana open and attack they won't be so eager to block your smiter or wurm token. You gain a huge advantage by playing little mind games like this with your opponent, as Darkness1835 stated in his article on playing face to face. Also, you risk getting 2 for 1d by enchanting a creature with Unflinching Courage . Against control you won't want it and against aggro, while the courage gets you some life, the rootborn will end up helping you more. After all, it's an aggro deck so you aren't really planning on needing a massive life total to ensure your victory. If that's what you wanted Trostani, Selesnya's Voice would be in the deck. Sorry for the rant but I highly suggest moving Rootborn Defenses to the mainboard. +1 by the way

October 21, 2013 8:52 p.m.

flashter says... #18

Awesome suggestions king after reading your comment I very well may change the face of this deck because the reason why I never used the Soldier of the Pantheon was because I could not target him with Unflinching Courage also I ran the Dryad Militant because of the Selesnya Guildgate that way if the lands came into play tapped then it would not be so much of a issue but by dropping down on the guild gates then that would not matter as much. I always wanted to run the soldiers and now after hearing what you had to say that may be an option also I may move the Unflinching Courage to the side board for RDW match ups I will check out your build to see what your working with I will be making adjustments to my brew later thanks again for all the suggestions.

October 21, 2013 9:56 p.m.

flashter says... #19

TheLitchKing thanks for the +1 as well

October 21, 2013 9:57 p.m.

princessswigg says... #20

flashter this is very similar to my own selesnya deck Voice of Selesnya. I chose not include Dryad Militant in favor of a Trostani, Selesnya's Voice and Call of the Conclave . I would also consider some protection. I'm currently using Gods Willing but I'm thinking of switching those out for Brave the Elements . I see people have suggested those as well. I like the protection from color because it can help block/attack and save creatures from spells. I took my deck (minus 2 Voice of Resurgence that we didn't trade for until after the tournament) to FNM and it went 2-2 on its very first time out of the gate. Not bad. It beat a gruul deck and a very similar selesnya deck. Still trying to figure out how to beat mono-red and mono-black. I think the 2 extra voice will help. I love this deck :) +1.

October 29, 2013 8:33 p.m.

Helliot says... #21

You should think about Bramblecrush and Pithing Needle for sideboard to answer problems. They stop Underworld Connections , AEtherling , any planeswalker and also side Ratchet Bomb for pesky cards like Master of Waves .

November 3, 2013 1:22 a.m.

Helliot says... #22

Nvm the Pithing needle, seems you have it and I missed it.

November 3, 2013 1:23 a.m.

flashter says... #23

That's funny that you say that because I have been thinking about those cards in particular for the side board things are going wild in the meta these days but that is what I love about standard I will take you recommendations into consideration thanks for the input.

November 3, 2013 1:28 a.m.

flashter says... #24

right right it's cool

November 3, 2013 1:29 a.m.

flashter says... #25

What do you think about Gods Willing I think I may not need Scavenging Ooze in the side due to lack of graveyard interactions.

November 3, 2013 1:30 a.m.

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