Temur midrange aggro deck I'v e been working on in various forms for a good while now. Main focus is on dealing damage with big creatures with Crater's Claws as removal and burn. Sarkhan Unbroken was originally meant as the centerpiece of the deck, but now acts as an afterthought and often gets rotated out for sideboarding (when he does hit the board, he typically lasts long enough to provide a 5-for-a-4/4 then ramps once). Not a lot to say otherwise; the creatures typically are just used for bashing, Surrak, the Hunt Caller, Savage Knuckleblade and Thunderbreak Regent especially. The two Surraks power up creatures, granting haste and trample, while Boon Satyr helps to stay one step ahead of control decks with flash, or deal extra damage through bestow. Kuckleblade has an odd function in the deck; while it CAN be a turn 3 4/4, it works best dropping on turn 4, when it can grant itself haste or receive it from and extant Surrak, the Hunt-Caller. Its Bounce ability enables it to dodge boardwipes and destruction with ease, making it a very hard-to kill creature against control builds. All of this is supported via Stubborn Denial, which acts as either covering fire (during a big creature casting or combat step) or as standard counterspell on the opponent's turn. Finally, Xenagos, the Reveler works double duty as a source of hasty 2/2 satyr tokens and as green/red mana fixing/ramp.
The sideboard is much more varied and features select counters to specific threats:
2x Ashcloud Phoenix to answer U/B control builds with a tough-to-kill creature.
2x Destructive Revelry to answer Perilous Vault and Jeskai Ascendancy combo decks, and the occasional Encase in Ice.
3x Disdainful Stroke: Again, to deal with control builds; answers EVERY delve option in standard, also helps against high-end Abzan builds.
2x Encase in Ice- stalls out R/G aggro decks (especially Stormbreath Dragon).
1x Hornet Nest: Nice all-around combat response; answers token decks and creature-heavy green builds with lots of reliable defenders.
2x Rending Volley- Kills Dragonlord Ojutai. 'nough said.
2x Roast- Best against Abzan aggro builds to quickly kill Siege Rhino, provide extra ammunition against Rakshasa Deathdealer and Fleecemane Lion.
1x Surrak Dragonclaw- One extra copy to use on control builds; helps deal with counterspells in general or push damage on token decks.
Overall, the deck is very well-rounded and performed well in tournaments. Tough things to deal with include tokens, for which the deck has no direct response, and Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver, which it can regularly just punch through.