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Time For Izzet (Some Help welcome)

Modern* Aggro Burn UR (Izzet)



Ok, so my modern deck didn't do to well. So I have decided to run something completely different: Burn with some insane speed.

So lets have a look at some basic concepts:1: MechanicsSuspend - Really nice because you can cast it for less, just with the minor (if any) issue of waiting.Scry - This is a good way of setting up your next draw. We will go deeper into this when I go through the Playsets.Counters - This will bring my creatures out of burn range.

2: CreaturesGoblin Electromancer - This little guy reduces the cost of instants AND scorceries. Who wouldn't want him in this style of deck?Spellheart Chimera - This will work well in one of the Playsets.

3:Instants and SorceriesLightning Bolt - Cheap burn.Magma Jet - Burn with some Scry.Lava Spike - Cheap burnRift Bolt - Use the suspend ability. yes you wait a turn, but it is 3 damage.Searing Blaze - play for its landfall mechanicSkullcrack - No life for you... oh yes also 3 damage.

4:EnchantmentsPyromancer Ascension - With the number of Instants/Sorceries in my graveyard by now, this is really nice.

(I must mention the following decks for their contribution to the cards that i am using; namely; My Red D Wins by icehippo and use pyro to storm by dantekratos. thanks for the card idea guys)

4:PlaysetsFirst Playset: This playset is burn, burn and more burnT1 - Rift Bolt Suspended.T2 - Lightning Bolt 6 burn total.T3 - Pyromancer Ascension + Rift Bolt Suspended = 1 Quest counter.T4 - Rift Bolt now Pyromancer Ascension has 2x Quest counters which means I make copies. MP2 Lightning Bolt with a copy, total of 12 Damage to player. T5 - any burn will finish opponent off.

Second Playset: This is when my creatures come out to playT1 - Rift Bolt Suspened.T2 - Goblin Electromancer , Rift Bolt Does 3 damageT3 - Spellheart Chimera or a burn spell. T4 - Definite Spellheart Chimera with a burn. The Chimera is now at 2 or 3 power.T5 - Play as many burn as possible, bring the Chimera up, then swing

As you can all see T5 is my kill turn.

If you like this deck please give it +1 and if you have any ideas for it, feel free to comment and make suggestions.


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Date added 10 years
Last updated 9 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

8 - 0 Rares

12 - 0 Uncommons

20 - 12 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.00
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