Milling is a type of play that has always been something I wanted to do... However it has always been so slow to do in Modern, Legacy, and Standard (when there are even enough mill cards in rotation to make a deck). Then along came Tiny Leaders... a perfect match as all of the most powerful mill cards are CMC 3 or less.
Here is my take on it, still looking to tweak some things to do the fastest most consistent mill, but it seems strong so far.
First off, let's talk about when to use Sygg, River Cutthroat. He pretty much does us nothing for milling, however he is an important body. He is a 1/3 that we have access to at any time and only running 9 creatures it is nice to have one always in our "hand." So thanks for that, Sygg.
"No problem, bro!"
Now, lets look at some of the card choices. I organized the cards into five categories to make things clearer. I will talk specifically about a few cards in each section, not every card.
These cards are all either here to create the game winning combo or tutor for it if you are missing pieces. If you haven't seen the Duskmantle Guildmage + Mindcrank
combo before, all you need is to put this guy
Out on the field with this lovely piece of work
and you win.
There are two kinds of cards in the mill section, cards that have direct action milling and cards that have utility milling.
Direct Action Mill:
Glimpse the Unthinkable is about as powerful as it gets. Turn two and you have already eliminated 9/25 of their library (counting their draws)
In a format that can often take a while and that doesn't often run a ton of lands (I think 17 is the average amount of lands in a deck) Mind Grind can be very powerful.
Another powerhouse, Mind Funeral comes in a cheap alternate for some early game deck domination.
Utility Mill:
Our good sexually ambiguous friend ashiok, the nightmare weaver is a perfect example of what I would classify as utility mill. Three mana for a constant flush of cards every turn. He/She/It gets the job done.
Memory Erosion
is a nice sideline enchantment. At first when it comes out your opponent may scoff, but once they get down towards the last ten cards of their deck they will seriously be considering if they should cast spells.
Sphinx's Tutelage is another great one that you forget about. And the late game draw on it can be quite helpful once we are out of a hand.
Stay Alive:
One of the thing about mill decks is that in order to do it fast enough you won't be doing much of anything else. These cards were all selected because I think they provide a lot of survivability for their cost and come with some other nice features.
Cyclonic Rift is the classic reset button for blue. It can absolutely change games, and if you play it at the right time you can refill someones hand so they have to discard some things. Yay! Fill that graveyard!
In a format where I tend to cast everything on my turn Ensnaring Bridge is an absolute life saver. Nothing is better than when your opponent simply can't attack.
Fog Bank
and Guard Gomazoa do the same thing and do it nicely. They have earned their keep in this deck.
True-Name Nemesis is normally a very aggressive creature. In this deck, however, he tends to best serve as a defender. I have only ever attacked with him if he is paired with either Trepanation Blade or
Paranoid Delusions
Creepy art and a great utility, Propaganda certainly slows down folks.
Most of this is pretty self explanatory, but there are three lands that have some great utility beyond that of simply producing mana.
Nephalia Drownyard is a nice mana sink late game to keep things rolling as well as
Duskmantle, House of Shadow
Bojuka Bog is a wonderful slow land that helps make sure all the hard work we have done to get things out of the library can't be undone.
Spell Advantage:
These are all cards that help refill your hand and keep you slinging spells when needed.
Jace, Vryn's Prodigy
not only works nicely as a draw engine early on, but once flipped he allows you to recycle things like Glimpse the Unthinkable which is pretty devastating.
Gitaxian Probe is a nice way to peek while drawing a card, and the phyrexian mana is a lovely added plus.
Brainstorm is not only a nice instant speed draw card, but it gives you multiple triggers off either Jace's Erasure or Sphinx's Tutelage and allows you to plan ahead your next turn.
So yes, this is my attempt at making a competitive mill in Tiny Leaders. Feedback would be great.