This is a Blue, Green, White, Artifact, Titans,Steel Hellkite, Myr Superion, Planeswalkers, Control, Wolf Run, Equipment, Inkmoth deck, that I will be trying to build the next 2,3 months.
I only have about 3/5th's of the cards, and the deck is about $300, so it will be some time trading for buying cards, before I can play this deck in standard Tournaments.
Because of how long it will take to build the deck, and how much it cost, I could really use the help.
So please help,comment, +1 if you like the theme,concept, potential, effectiveness of the deck.
Also please build,playtest,use,tweak,change the deck, if you want, and are able to, and if you do, please let us know how deck did, with any changes,tweaks, help,etc.
The deck is supoose to ramp with mana dude, control game, with counterspells, creature, permanent destruction ,exiling, board clearing, until I get out Invisible stalkers, Myr superion, Titans, Helkite + equipment, Planes Walkers, Wolf Run, Inkmoth. Then control board, game, until win. Snapcaster and Sun Titan get cards back from Graveyard, and Grand Abolisher protects me from control cards.
DECK BREAKDOWN: 61 cards, 22 lands, Blue, Green, White, Control, Wolf Run, ramp, Planeswalkers, Equipment.
3 Mana Leaks, 3 dissipates
Creature, peramanet removal: 11
3 beast withins, 3 Oblivion Rings, 2 Divine Reckoning, 2 Steel Hellkites, 1 Venser Sojourn
Misc, control,protection,pump cards
Equipment: 3
Pump,protectiondiscard,mana ramp
1, Sword of Feast,Famine
1 Swiftboots,
1 Inquisition Flail
Planeswalkers: 3
Draw, discard:2
Jace, Memory Adept, Garruk, Primordial Hunter
Creature Generator:
Garruk, Hunter
Unblockability creation, exiling permanents:
Win conditions:
Steel Helkite, Titans, Myr Superion, Snapcaster, Grand Abolisher, Planeswalkers, invisible stalker, Kessig Wolf Run, Inkmoth, Equipment
Thanks for taking the time to view the deck, charts, graphs, info, decklist, deck description, comments, +1's, using the deck, etc
Mike DH