I am excited about Thing in the Ice
. The goal is to (1) protect him, (2) transform him, (3) smash in FTW. He looks GREAT with
Assault Formation
Shape the Sands
I wanted to only include creatures that are beneficial back in my hand: mainly Bounding Krasis and
Void Grafter
. Essence Flux is a great way to use both ETB effects at instant speed if they are already on the board. Mostly, I wanted a majority of my library to be instant speed to keep my opponent guessing, but some sorceries seemed required:
I like
Bring to Light
Gather the Pack
to tudor for TITI, or any other creature for that matter. Also, Cryptolith Rite is insane. It works great with the first ability of Kiora, Master of the Depths, whose second ability is for all intents and purposes another
Gather the Pack
. Since most of my spells are instant speed, I can use my creatures via Cryptolith Rite to mana fix if blockers are unnecessary. It also makes converge bananas.
What do you think? I know the title is a little too cute, but I think the strategy is sound. However, it depends what the meta shapes up to be post-rotation standard. I'm willing to take the gamble though because the deck looks damn fun.
I would appreciate any and all suggestions, but as a disclaimer, I do not want to buy Jace, Vryn's Prodigy
I am fairly new to competitive Magic, and so my card knowledge is not terrible, but far from exhaustive. Do you know of any cards that might synergize well? Do you know any strategies (and weaknesses of those strategies) that might ruin my own strategy? Also, any ideas for a better mana base? If so, what should be replaced to make room? Please help!
Update: I decided to change the list up to splash in Black and play with the graveyard a little. Spell Mastery and Delirium are great. As a result the deck is not as focused on instant speed anymore. It is more focused on value, but it may be too slow now?.. Please help!