This is a goofy Esper Political Control deck designed to create a lot of player interaction and table talk to use and abuse Will of the Council and Council's Dilemma effects while swinging votes to your favor to squeeze out a win.

First you're going to want to do what it takes to set up the dominos for your Commander to knock down. Cards like Ballot Broker + Brago's Representative will allow you to double dip on Tivit's ETB even more than you would already, as well clone spells like Evil Twin + Phantasmal Image can give you even more votes if you copy one of the above creatures or even your commander. Even worse, your commander clones can stick around with artifacts like Mirror Box + Mirror Gallery .

As for cards you will want to vote with, there are of course powerful spells like Expropriate however many of the voting spells will be focused on using your opponents against themselves. One example would be using Council's Judgment to convince the overall table to remove a single or number of problem permanents on the board. Custodi Squire can help you bring back stuff in your graveyard while Capital Punishment can partially clear the board, and Magister of Worth can do either. Coercive Portal is a board wipe in a bottle, and Split Decision can either help the table prevent an opponent from winning, or seal your big winning game by forcing a duplication vote through.

Tizit's ETB ability is extremely powerful, and you'll want to use it more often than you could afford to cast it from the command zone. Flicker of Fate + Momentary Blink will do a lot of work for bouncing Tizit, even being free if you cast them in the same turn Tizit entered and chose Treasures. Aminatou, the Fateshifter Is a fantastic distraction and control piece while still being able to bounce Tizit and double dip on it's ETB ability. The most powerful flicker effect though is Deadeye Navigator (Because of course) where choosing treasures every time you bounce Tizit goes infinite with Deadeye.

There are a lot of artifact tokens generated by your commander, and this leaves a lot of synergies open to abuse. Starting with Academy Manufactor will cause Tivit to generate 5 Treasures, 5 Clues, and 5 Food tokens each time it enters the battlefield. Combine this with Tamiyo's Journal and you'll be able to easily sacrifice enough Clues to search for your win conditions from your deck. You can also use Monologue Tax + Tempting Contract to generate additional passive treasures based off of your opponent's choices. Finally Arcbound Ravager + Time Sieve are two powerful win conditions that can consume a lot of tokens to generate either a very powerful creature or produce infinite turns.

Finally, there is a sub theme of forcing your opponents to mill to death using your extra or even infinite turns to win. You will be primarily using Court of Cunning + Persistent Petitioners to force your opponents to mill, and following up with Bruvac the Grandiloquent to double down on the pain.

This deck isn't expected to be very good, nor will it dominate a table up until it's surprise win at the end of a slow game. Otherwise, expect to have fun and play up the silliness with the table.


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99% Casual


Date added 2 years
Last updated 2 years
Key combos

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

6 - 0 Mythic Rares

34 - 0 Rares

11 - 0 Uncommons

30 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.28
Tokens Clue, Food, Monarch Emblem, Treasure
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