To Drown the World in Death: Araumi EDH [PRIMER]

Commander / EDH Daedalus19876

SCORE: 151 | 147 COMMENTS | 18649 VIEWS | IN 34 FOLDERS

glorystain says... #1

Also excited for this commander

Terri's Veil is another card that let's you keep your risen tokens. Days Undoing can let you keep your tokens while filling both your hands and your yard.

November 3, 2020 11:17 a.m.

Daedalus19876 says... #2

glorystain: Thank you for the suggestion! Unfortunately, Day's Undoing doesn't fill your graveyard (because it shuffles in)... And you'll have to sacrifice the creatures during your opponent's end step :(

But yeah, Teferi's Veil seems great!

November 3, 2020 4:23 p.m.

This list looks reeeaaally mean..... and a lot of fun! XD +1

Just a quick correction: In your non-infinite combo section, you list Archfiend of Depravity + Araumi as a way to deal 6 combat damage then 42 EOT, but of course you meant Archfiend of Despair. :)

November 4, 2020 1:23 a.m. Edited.

Daedalus19876 says... #4

HalbrechtHalbrecht: Ah, thank you -- both for the complement, and the correction! I'll fix that now, thanks ;)

November 4, 2020 1:24 a.m.

Awk0shi says... #5

I'm working on Araumi too and I really like the direction you're going! I was having a hard time figuring out ratios for creatures, artifacts, instants, sorcs, etc.

I'm curious, what are your thoughts on Intruder Alarm. I believe this would lead to always being able to untap Araumi when you encore a creature?

I've also thought about Freed from the Real but I don't know how hard to go for these tap/untap synergies.

November 4, 2020 2:11 a.m.

Daedalus19876 says... #6

Awk0shi: Thank you, this is performing well so far! I'm pleased with how it's shaping up... I'm definitely considering Intruder Alarm, yeah, though to be honest I haven't had huge trouble keeping Araumi untapped between Aphetto Alchemist, Vizier of Tumbling Sands, and Fatestitcher... Intruder alarm is a dangerous card, but I think we could make it work given that we're running a lot of Merfolk Looter type effects...

I'm not a fan of Freed from the Real, though. Pemmin's Aura, MAYBE, because it has a shroud ability. But auras are a bit too fragile in my opinion.

I'll take a look at your version in the morning! But I'm glad you liked my list, you're welcome to leave a +1 if it inspired you... ;)

November 4, 2020 2:18 a.m.

SynergyBuild says... #7

I love it, and given your use of wheels, I like the idea of a backup to the commander in a wheel line, you have Notion Thief in the board, but with Hullbreacher being shown newly, and with your ability to run more wheels like Timetwister alongside the other 4 you can run, I'd really like to see what you can do!

I think some of the effects here are a little more win-more, with Archaeomancer, Scholar of the Ages, etc. I love the combo, but the cards just aren't great without more actual instants/sorceries. I love the discard and Tutor, and some if the damage etbs, but some of the more expensive ones feel a little worse. I think there are tons of options here that I loved seeing you explore! I might try my own variant soon, or will consider running this card in decks that just tun good etbs!

This could be amazing in just random decks like Eternal Witness, Spellseeker, Recruiter of the Guard, Reclamation Sage, Knight of Autumn piles! Muldrotha lists everywhere rejoice!

November 4, 2020 2:29 a.m.

Traumatize cause why not

November 4, 2020 2:55 a.m.

Guyunderwater says... #9

I've been theory crafting a list for this commander as well, but focusing on abusing Rings of Brighthearth and Lithoform Engine to copy the encore trigger instead. Also using carsd like Sundial of the Infinite to keep the tokens that really matter around for more fun! Definitely stealing a couple of cards from your list though ;P

November 4, 2020 9:55 a.m.

Daedalus19876 says... #10

Guyunderwater: I considered that direction! Trophy Mage can grab Rings and two Altars, for some pretty sweet value. Also, Tribute Mage gets the Sundial -- I used to run Sundial here, but I realized that I just... didn't need to keep most things. The majority of the creatures that I reanimate, I'm fine only getting one use out of them. Even my big bombs, most of the time, have a one-time giant effect. Note that Stifle and friends can also do the same trick!

I just found that Rings and Sundial ended up being win-more in my list. But there's a thousand ways to go with Araumi, and yours definitely sounds fun too!

November 4, 2020 10:05 a.m.

TheSilence91 says... #11

I am also in the process of brewing Araumi and found one or two cards that i will definitely include. I agree with SynergyBuild on Scholar of the Ages. The effect is strong but too slow for the investment of 7 Mana. I don't like to run tutors, so i have less instants and sorceries so i also don't run Archaeomancer but i think i would also run it in your version. Since you are not going the path of keeping your tokens creatures with death triggers (Keiga, the Tide Star, Kokusho, the Evening Star) could be an option. Doomwake Giant give all opponents creatures -9/-9. Patron of the Vein destroys tree creatures and leaves you with tree 13/13 flyers. And like Cloud of Faeries and Peregrine Drake, Priest of Gix can give you a manaboost. Deranged Assistant Mills and ramps you.

November 4, 2020 11:43 a.m.

Daedalus19876 says... #12

TheSilence91: I'd like to clarify a small thing -- I never intend to pay 7 mana for Scholar of the Ages (unless I happen to already have Songs of the Damned in hand); she's only there to facilitate reanimation loops which ignore her mana cost. And she does that job very very well :)

Patron of the Vein is definitely a potential swap over Cavalier of Night. I did play around with Priest of Gix, he might go back in... I'll put him on the maybeboard. Thank you for your thoughts!

November 4, 2020 11:53 a.m.

glorystain says... #13

Sorry I derped on Days Undoing

I'm thinking really hard about including panharmonicon in this deck. It offers some redundancy to leverage etbs for times you don't have your commander and it gets nutty you do.

Dreamscape artist fits pretty well, land ramp is better than mana dorks and it can function as a discard outlet.

I think perpetual timepiece is an important piece of protection for the graveyard

Overseer of the Dammed is a pretty good top end, destroy 3 creatures and make 9 zombies you get to keep

November 4, 2020 3:43 p.m. Edited.

Daedalus19876 says... #14

glorystain: Dreamscape Artist is definitely a card I'd love to test here, if I can find a slot! Though I am worried about running out of basics to tutor, if I mill them...

I did test Panharmonicon, and while it certainly wasn't bad, it was sorta... winmore, in most cases? I tended to pitch it every time I could, I can't tutor it, and I don't have many ways to recur it from GY.

Perpetual Timepiece is definitely an interesting card. With that being said, in most cases where I need it, it's too late to help (so to speak). It's also on the "good, but slots are really tight" list, since it's not a creature.

I did end up including Echo of Eons partly because of your suggestion of Day's Undoing, so there's nothing to apologize about ;)

If you have any more suggestions, please feel free to leave them here -- you've been very helpful so far!

November 4, 2020 3:47 p.m. Edited.

Mind Over Matter would be good and if you add it you could also throw in Temple Bell just for a easyy infinite draw combo

November 4, 2020 4:11 p.m.

Daedalus19876 says... #16

casual_competitive: I'm not sure I can support a 6-mana enchantment right now, especially if it's only good with my commander, it has UUUU in its cost, and I can't recur it with anything in my deck...

November 4, 2020 4:19 p.m.

SynergyBuild says... #17

Hey, I'm glad you used my idea w/ the wheel package! I hope it ends up well for you

November 4, 2020 5:36 p.m.

Daedalus19876 says... #18

SynergyBuild: Glad you like the deck, thank you for your suggestions!

Yes, the wheels are a powerful part of the deck, though they didn't originate from your comment -- I initially added them even before making the deck public, on the advice of a friend from Discord ;) But yes, they're critical to the deck's function! I wish there were more to run, honestly...

November 4, 2020 6:43 p.m.

SynergyBuild says... #19

True! Only Twister/Day's Undoing seem left that are reasonable to run that don't cost like 5+ mana xD

November 4, 2020 6:47 p.m.

Daedalus19876 says... #20

SynergyBuild: I wish I could afford Twister... But even if I could, I'm not sure I'd want to lose my graveyard here. The only reason Echo is good is because it's castable from graveyard (as in, it's still card advantage when milled or looted).

November 5, 2020 3:54 p.m.

SynergyBuild says... #21

I do love decks that can entomb for echo!

November 5, 2020 5:25 p.m.

Have you thought about running Ancient Excavation, Thirst for Knowledge, Monastery Siege, Mirrodin Besieged, and similar cards? I personally prefer them over the single card looting creatures.

November 6, 2020 11:34 a.m.

Blushweaver says... #23

Would you ever consider Mirror-Mad Phantasm? It's pretty slow, but it can stock your graveyard a lot by itself and can mill your entire library in one shot if you encore it.

November 6, 2020 1:36 p.m.

GoldenGolgari says... #24

I'm not usually one for self mill, but this deck looks fun as hell. Definitely getting an upvote from me.

November 7, 2020 1:17 a.m.

Daedalus19876 says... #25

Squirrel_of_War: I DO love those effects. Ancient Excavation in particular should be in there. The reason I went for more looting effects is because 1) they interact well with my untapping creatures, 2) they let me refill my graveyard after a Bojuka Bog, and 3) they come down early when I'm setting up! But yes, I might cut one or two to swap for more one-shot effects.

November 7, 2020 2:14 p.m.

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